Get ready

Get ready.

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I've been ready. I've been #WithHer from day one. Drumpf is going down.

for what?
shes losing


Honestly it would be bitter but very entertaining to see her fail for 4 years.

Who makes these memes?

Trolls? /leftypol/? CTR?


What are you going to do next week when they don't feed you pizza anymore, nerd virgin?

Don't spend this (you) all at once, you might need to save it


last minute cash grab before the fbi freezes her assets and shill payments start bouncing


Comey for jail.

The FBI wouldn't have reopened their case unless they were going to prosecute her. They're not going to let her off the hook twice. This is just common sense.

The FBI, and much of the general public, has been in open revolt since Comey and the DoJ failed to bring Clinton to justice earlier this year. You can expect Clinton to be prosecuted and she will serve jail time.

For the indictment !

Have a (you), it might stop you starving to death

If you don't accidentally shoot yourself eight times in the back of the head first

Lol no

Sup Forums trolls
majority of MADAM PRESIDENT posters are Sup Forumsacks looking for (you)'s

They didn't reopen the case. They are now analyzing some other e-mails that have nothing to do with the ones that were on her server that actually contained important information. There's pretty much zero chance it's going to be something bigger than them.

>This is just common sense.
This is just wishful thinking. Of course she can gat away again.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but god bless you for (((correcting the record))), nerd virgin


Hillary Pepe looks retarded, CTR. I know you're trying, but it still looks like shit.

>dont mind female leaders
>watch clinton ad
>vote for her b e c a u s e she's a woman

go trump

Hahaha no she goin down
