ITT: change one letter in a movie title that changes the entire plot
ITT: change one letter in a movie title that changes the entire plot
That's pretty much the same, though.
>Flight Club
it's about a schizophrenic man crashing into towers to cause mayhem
Turkana IV?
Almost thought that said planet of the braps for a second. haha could you imagine...
>"change one letter"
>adds a letter
my desire to start a rape gang intensifies
Not a big change but oh well
Why cant i be as funny as 4channers?
>Planet or the Apes?
The most redpilled political movie ever made
Which letter did you change OP?
citizen bane
Stop, don't do this.
The Da Vinci Cod
Ha it’s still about Africa
Into stella
planet of the babes
Planet of the Apps
It's an episode of Black Mirror
Who Framed Roger Rabbi
A heartwrenching story about a jewish rabbi who is wrongly accused of jacking it to cartoon rabbits and blackmailed for it
Working title was "Chicago" but there were copyright issues with Miramax.
King Leonidas leads 200 spartans into battle against the mighty Persian King Xerxes and his army of 300,000. The spartans are betrayed by Ephialtes, and they die relatively quickly.
ching chong ching chong ching chong
>a cockwork orange
The Men Who Stare at Goatse
Tar Wars
A fantasy epic where the evil Empire builds a huge fortress and hogs all tar production, thus not allowing others to upgrade from dirt roads.
fart wars
Which letters do you change?
>I can't count
fart trek
No change at all.
harry potter and the philospher's boner
Are we twitter now?
good wilt hunting
A Tight Mare on Elm Street
In the distant future, the crew of the commercial spaceship Nostromo are on their way home when they pick up a distress call from a distant moon. The crew are under obligation to investigate and the spaceship descends on the moon afterwards. After a rough landing, three crew members leave the spaceship to explore the area on the moon. At the same time as they discover a hive colony of some unknown creatures, the ship's computer deciphers the message to be a warning, not a distress call. When two of the eggs is disturbed, the crew realizes that they are not alone on the spaceship and they must deal with the consequences.
The Mommy?
I thought Sup Forums was supposed to have the highest IQ among all the boards. Why can't any of you count?
>When two of the eggs is
the Mommy or the Cummy, both fine
Fuck off already, it's more fun if you add/remove/change one or two letters than if you only change a single one, leads to way more options
Schindler's Fist
lord of the sneed
Rape Fear
Upstream Colon
Die Lard
Monsters Ink
>Howard the Cuck
the leg movie
Y Su Mama Tambien (a more formal reboot)
The Ark Knight Rises
Jurassic Bark
The Filth Element
Inglorious Bastards
Jurassic Pork
Hors D'oeuvres of the Phoenix
for Tar Wars?
just took the "S" off instead of switching any.
the other guy took off the "E" from Code and made it Cod (the fish).
>Forrest Gimp
Young Forrest never outgrows his need for leg braces and never learns to run. He never leaves his hometown of Greenbow, Alabama and lives the rest of his life as a cripple.
>Tight Club
A group of men meet once a week to practice kegels.
>Forrest Gimp
Silence Of The Lamps
No, our posts are shorter
10 Cloverfield Bane
MEW wakes up in Bane's house. Writes itself.
The good, the bad and the fugly.
A 4channer tries to make a biography about himself through the westerns genre.
The Deed Hunter
The Dear Hunter
> Saving Primate Ryan
A pet monkey is falsely accused of raping a schoolteacher and is put on death row. His owner must collect semen samples to prove his innocence.
>It's A Wonderful Lime
Andy Warhol eats a lime for five hours
would watch
There Will Be Flood
>Groundhog Gay
Bill Murray is a homophobic news reporter who finds himself reliving the same day over and over as a raging faggot
Camp Cock
The Cocky Horror Picture Show
James and the Giant Beach
Spa Kids
Corpse Bide
Planet Error
Watch Me
Inside OU
Ghost in the Shelf
The Good Father
White Men Can't Hump
a documentary on the declining white population in the USA
Directed by A. Mutt
The Think
A group of people in Antarctica are trapped with a cognitohazard. Anyone who thinks a certain thought will have their mind altered, and they will be consumed with the desire to spread this idea. They will do so with seemingly normal words or pictures. Nobody know what the "trigger idea" is, and any seemingly innocent conversation could lead to infection. Paranoia rises as the crew try to determine who is and isn't infected with The Think.
Fulp Fiction
Reservoir Doge
Django Upchained
Jackie Brawn
>the added letter was not there
>now it is
"change one letter"
>a movie where women get what they deserve
I love this idea
>Full Fetal Jacket
An abortionist makes some questionable fashion choices
Who says it's the men doing the raping? I wouldn't mind a two week holiday to a planet where I'm endlessly being raped by women
>Star Trek III: The Search for Spack
After firing Spock's coffin into space, the crew of the Enterprise learn that he wasn't actually dead, but had sustained significant brain damage.
A father catches his son watching chinese cartoons. He beats him with his belt until he stops.
>Raging Gull
A seagull becomes combative when it must fight other birds for a french fry on a parking lot.
>Mad Fax
An office worker sends passive-aggressive anonymous faxes to his boss.
the only good ones, rest is shit
>Enemy of the Stale
In 1812, a baker discovers chemical preservatives for food and begin selling long-life bread. However both the British and Americans need this discovery to help them win the war through better-fed sailors, and agents on both sides are trying to kidnap him to learn his secrets.
>Upstream Colon
>Far From the Madding Crow
Like Cujo, but with a Crow
Master Band Commander
Unironically lmao
>a woman can rape a man
how retarded are you?
Only Goy Forgives
>Jurassic Perk
A group of teenagers and burnouts work at a dinosaur-themed coffee shop
>Shitter Island
India finally solves its sewage disposal problem by creating a designated toilet island in the Indian Ocean.
>The Sixth Tense
A linguist invents a new grammatical tense and becomes famous
>Twelve Honkeys
A dozen white men form a lifelong bond after one unforgettable summer
My nigga
>what is a strap on
stopped reading right there. i don't have time for your blogposts.
The MiG Chill
The Good Sun
Goy Story 2
The Hand Before Time
Karate Yid
High Coon
Lard Boiled
Blood Pimple
My Left Loot
Groundhog Dab
they have to be pretty though
>Not Fuzz
A teenage boy is disappointed to discover what he thought were his pubes finally growing is actually the nest of a small bird that has taken up residence in his pants
No it's not. Follow the one rule or GTFO.