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None of the plebs on here know what movie this is.

nice one

Basket Case

la luz extinguido....

la creatura...

Basket Case what do I win?

Belial looks like a Berserk apostle
>ywn get a gore body horror Berserk kino with practical effects

amy schumer: the leather special

W...Whiter than you M...Muhammad

This scene is epic.

name a scarier movie that isnt exorcist
you can not

t. Ahmad

Part one was amazing. 2 completely shat the bed.

Brain Damage is the real Basket Case 2



Franken hooker is

Frankenhooker is great but Duane actually appears in Brain Damage and it still has that veil of seriousness amidst all the crazy shit.


Frank Henenlotter seems like a really nice guy, really into the whole thing hence his work with Something Weird. Plus, Frankenhooker is kino.

There are a lot of good but forgotten scary movies out there. Despite it being comedic The Frighteners really was scary in places. Plus how can a movie with Jeffrey Combs not be a cult classic?

To be honest it is whiter than you mohammad :/

This movie is normie tier user even I know what it is.

I see that it got a new remaster by Arrow. I might have to check it out again its been a while.

Hi Eric

Fuck you Belial

Lol fuck off back to Sup Forums you fucking faggot, the leather special was actually very good. Sorry it was ahead of its time and you couldn't make sense of it you loser hahaha. Schumer is literally this generations next big comic, so suck a clit yo

i masturbate to amy schumer on a regular basis


>the scene where belial climbs on top of his brother's date and gropes her tits

i miss the 80s scifi horrors, when things truly had no filter, and i genuinely wanted to barf after finishing a movie.

He’s super nice, I talked to him a little bit at a con last year

Are you ready?

We are the Martians, the Butt Ugly Martians
We are the Martians, the Butt Ugly Martians

We don't really want a war
I just want a hoverboard
We don't want to conquer Earth
I just want to fill my GIRTH

We are the Martians, the Butt Ugly Martians
We are the Martians, the Butt Ugly Martians

If you try to go too far
You will see how tough we are
If you try in anyway
Then you're gonna hear me say


We are the Martians, the Butt Ugly Martians
We are the Martians, the Butt Ugly Martians