I still don't get it. Explain it to me.
I still don't get it. Explain it to me
Nigger created a kaiju or something
I really liked cloverfield lane so Iput this on and oh my fuck I am NOT going to watch 45 minutes of nigger love are you kidding
I've no fucking clue
It's just shit with or without her
They fucked with time and space or something, got ayys from an alternate dimension into ours
This was what I got from it. Unnecessary flick to make unnecessary cinematic universe.
They merged dimensions when doing the experiment. They jumped to another dimension, very similar to their, but the space-time continuity was unstable and there were several "bugs".
Basically they were guilty of sending monsters to first Cloverfield movie, Aliens to second movie and another monster(s) to their own reality.
Some nigger directed a shitty Sci-fi for Paramount, they realized it was going to be shit so they nigger-rigged on some extra scenes and slapped the Cloverfield label on it since it worked before then dumped it on Netflix like a fat shit and hoped they could springboard off the Superbowl to turn it into a quick cash and run
It didn't work
If the movie wasn't a Cloverfield movie, it would be a regular film, the concept and the execution is alright, the pacing is a bit slow, and the twist is seen from miles ahead.
But just because they slapped a Cloverfield sticker to it, it made it worse, because it feels like a cheap asspull to explain all shit they couldn't in all movies, it's the old "It's magic, ain't gonna explain shit", but it's like we people don't learn, they did the same shit with Lost, and everyone got mad for the same reason.
What I got from the movie was they were working on a satellite for alternative energy. Something went wrong and caused them to open a wormhole to a different dimension which is where the monster came from in Cloverfield.
Other shit happened, Debicki was hot, the end.
Why does JJ just make movies that need a further movie to explain them or just never explain them? He's a lazy cunt
Do you think she made fat ogre shits in that space suit?
Women don't poop.
Nah it was stupid as fuck either way, it felt like a Scary Movie spoof that forgot to be funny. Some nice special effects but writing wise it was just every space movie we've seen before stappled together
I really like Debicki, but she looks not so hot like in other movies.
He probably likes to go balls deep into "lore" and "worldbuilding" but in the end he sucks, I'm sure he will make episode 9 even worse, because he won't explain shit from Ep 7 or 8.
You realize Abrams had literally nothing to do with this shit until the last month before release
He doesn't care about your precious movies he just seen an easy check by signing his fat Jew name off on it
This. Debicki was the best part of the movie
Cloverfield is fucking ruined now. It stated off as a monster from nowhere. Then it jumped the shark in Cloverfield Lane, suddenly it is an alien invasion without any explanation to what happened to the monster or where the aliens came from.
Now we have Paradox where everything is explained by 'dude, other dimensions LMAO.'
It all started of well then went to shit.
Why did the arm move and how did it know about the machine in the Russian guy's body and why was the machine in the Russian guy's body?
because the movie was a shit riff on a conspiracy theory that in ww2 America got timetravel and used it on a sea ship (aircraft carrier) and when it jumped back in time afue mins some of the crew got stuck inside the ships hull... this movie sucks.
Just think of it as a catalyst for neato little horror movies to get made.
>"It's magic, ain't gonna explain shit",
Oh fuck off, they're not even heady concepts in the movie. They broke space and time to solve an energy crisis. You know, the entire movie is fucking about it.
The experiment they did in this movie basically fucked up space and time, resulting in monsters and ayyyyyys fucking up earth in different dimensions at different times
TLDR they bullshitted an excuse to keep cloverfield going forever
So Debicki's dimension was the one that got the ayylium invasion, right?
My guess is that the station got mixed. Some objects from one station went to one station while other objects went to the other. So i assume that that the russian guy and the machine were in an equivalent spot and this caused them to sort of merge. I believe that's the same reason Debicki got stuck inside the walls. That's just my headcanon, tho
Debicki is an ayy lmao