Redpill me on the dakota access pipeline, Sup Forums

Redpill me on the dakota access pipeline, Sup Forums

I keep seeing shit about this everywhere but I've never seen it discussed here

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It's an example of corporations flexing their new muscle and the government supporting it.

Look at how the media has almost totally blacked out all coverage of the arrests and the high profile celebrities who tried to get it out into the mainstream.

Latest from that area suggests violations of constitutional rites on a large scale.

I have done zero research on the situation, I don't care about it, but it is the latest bit of slacktivism trending on facebook so I think it's safe to assume the whole story is bullshit.

Probably a bad thing, but chugs are the biggest gibs parasites on the planet so i give zero fucks if a corporation bulldozes their "sacred" grounds. And neither would they if they got enough huffing gasoline money for it.

Idk what's going on but if I can roleplay as a Comanche warrior and kill whitey I'll support it

What are the arguments for the pipeline? Are there substantial benefits?

From what I've read it seems like the gov is giving unfair circumvention of due process to corps giving them money / some shady ass arresting going on + very very high risk of water contamination of an important waterbase in an area that can't take the damage + vandalizing sacred ground

however makes a really valid point because I'm pretty sure social media has never actually backed a worthwhile cause so I think I must be missing something

A big ole pipe ia goin thru the midwest they already rippin up farmland and shit here in Iowa yeah man #shit

If it is using the fraction method, you should be against it.

I'm not an environmentfag, more like the contrary, but i have actually seen the effects of such methods of extraction here and is pretty bad.

Well for starters, we already have a shit ton of tunnels just like it across vital watersheds. There are some risks but they're minimal. It's regularly maintained infrastructure.

I'm pretty sure the quality of this image is shit tier but tl;dr the Keystone pipeline was supposed to run through this area, down to Pakota Illinois. Warren Buffett, who makes huge Dem money contributions, gets to keep all his train oil money if the tunnel doesn't happen.


And here's the court case where they were found compliant to national standards, the water wasn't an issue to Native Americans anyway, etc

And don't forget that the pipeline would be underground, half a mile off of the reservation. It's not on their land. They negotiated and compromised with other tribes with little issue, but Standing Rock refused. They were offered $10 million to build on their reservation, they asked for $20 million, so the ACE said fuck you and moved it off the reservation.

It's white supremecy

Can you show me their sources

>believing what you hear, not what you see

Corp offered natives 10mil to run the pipelines through their land
Natives wanted 20, so the corps built it around their lands instead

This is just injuns chimping out because they wanted money

The escalation is the result of injuns assaulting workers weeks ago. It's like teepee niggers never tire of getting BTFO.

do you have an image that isn't for ants

This was retweeted by some roastie cam whore

>buffalo niggers a pain in the assignment to deal with
>start buying land from farmers to go around reservation
>abos mad they don't get money off it
>warren buffett pissed his train business will be undermined

I love in nd, they are tresspassing pn private property and dindu nuffin when the cops came. They also claim that even of they were on private property it should be the responsibility of the land owners not the police to remove them.

Hihowareya, hihowareya, hihowareya.

A few anons In this thread have made good points. What the corporations are doing Is not good, but neither Is what these Indian activists do, make no mistake, these indians give no fucks about the constitution or US government. In fact many of them see It as their enemy.

So I guess It's a thing of simply not having a dog in this particular fight.

It's SJW's and indians vs the establishment government. Just get some popcorn.

>people who lawfully own land says no
>government fuckers that have had their pockets lined with corporate dough says yes
The injuns should just practice their 2th amendment right and shoot the tresspassers.

Good luck with muh infrastructure plan if bunch of tribesmen can block a project like this after it has already gotten approval from the federal government and already has 3.7 billion dollarydoos of private money invested in it.
Why even bother.

Wtf I love pipelines now.

Just watch the documentary.

Because there's more than 3.7 billion in profit to be made, and as long as the benefit outweighs the cost they will continue to press forward. That's how greed works.

Wow, that's a lot of degenerate, worthless alcoholics in one place. Impressive.

isnt it nothing more than a bunch of butthurt natives over a pipeline being built on their land?

>oh no thats one less area we can build a casino!

I forgot how funny I find It that Liberal cucks back these Indians 100%, yet where calling for the imprisonment and death of the malheur refuge protestors.

Oh the irony.

Prairie niggers are butthurt they didn't get any shiny beads for a pipeline that doesn't go anywhere near their land.

But the injuns were the ones trespassing.

You know instead of waving around peace pipes and dream catchers they should go out and buy a few hundred rifles to assert their land claim.

ND here living in CA. From what I can find out, if the pipe line burst in the area they are building it would fuck up the water supply more then Flint could dream of. Friends I know just want it further away, or construction built to push any spill away from the water. Not sure if it's all that, but this is what I know with people who live there

It's not even being built on their land

Theyre the ones tresspassing you cuck, its not even on the res.

so then its literally nothing

why the asshurt from all the slacktivists on fagbook

They're butthurt it's not on their land, they were in favor of it when it was as they woulda gotten compensation.

From what I understand the natives are causing problems for everyone, including the innocent locals. The media is ignoring it because they can't twist it into something demonizing white people. And SJWs are defending the natives because SJWs hate white people.

Unfortunately not yet. I originally saw it on Sup Forums and didn't think to save it. The only one I've found since is for potatoes

just a normal pipeline and you have the usual shitskins/marxists coming out of the woodwork to protest it

Most of them are just paid activists from other business owners that don't like it.

Member when Indians took over Alcatraz in the 70s lead by a white woman. Everything old is new again.

Because they're slacktivists on fagbook

because muh noble savages circlejerk to virtue signal etc.

all transportation of oil or w/e is the same thing.
It's going to move by SOME manner, pipeline is cheaper & safer than truck/rail.

They are from a protected class of citizen in the usa. Protected classes like blacks, women, Indians, and now anyone who pretends to be gay cannot be prosecuted for their actions.

All you need to know is that you are infallible because you surround yourself with a death cult that is also infallible.

You mean youre a californian and an uninformed lib shit. Those fucking natives ignored the oil company and federal government for 3 years so they had to piece together the pipeline map out of already surveyed and native authorized lands to make the route they used. There are no indian lands, burial grounds, or artifacts in the way of the pipeline.

You dumb gypsy retard it's about building the pipeline to carry oil. It has nothing to do with the "fraction" method. They've already been freaking there for years

That's bullshit bnsf doesn't carry any oil from Canada. They only carry oil that's drilled in North Dakota and that area.

Also he doesn't own all the rail lines that connect to that area. There is Canada Pacific Railroad that has it's own line there that goes from Canada to the US

No, I was born here and moved to ND when I was 8. I lived in ND and count it as my home. I'm in CA helping mom out with a medical emergency. I know natives can be fuckbuckets, hence why I said it's what I heard, but can't verify.

Indians didnt want pipeline on their land.
Gave up lucrative deal to have pipeline there.
Corporations built pipeline beside their land instead in a completely legal move.
Indians got butthurt because for the one millionth time they made a trade error regarding uae of land. Now they dont get any money.
They protested the building saying it was on holy clay or some shit.
Slacktivists joined them.
Corporations paid to protect their assets.

Also, I know it's not on their land, just close to their water. They'd be happy if the pipe was on their land cause then they'd get money out of it