how do you feel about this american history KINO Sup Forums?
have you seen it?
National Treasure
Looks like low rent Indy
I loved this movie as a kid'and the second one), would watch it again, cozy af
We also streaming the movie in this cytube room
cytu dot be/r/GhostAdventure
we usually stream some GA but we're spicing things up
Shame they won't make a third
Also this is one of Nic's best role
bumping so more people can join our comfy kino watching thread.
i like these action adventure movies, i know they are hated by critics and aren't big boxoffice hits (except indiana jones) but still got their niche
Why won't they?
Its a fun movie. Not amazing, but it's a good time. Id recommend it to anyone wanting to watch a kinda goofy action movie.
It's actually more entertaining than any Indy movie.
One of the only movies that properly casted Cage
Which era of kidkino was your childhood?
Middle left and middle, but I do not acknowledge that as part of millennial culture. I was born in the mid-80s and I have nothing in common with those whiny millennials who grew up with the internet and smartphones.
Late Gen Y
Avatar was the shit back in the day
Middle-right master race
I was born in 95 and i think we have more in common than you think. I distinctly remember things like Oregon trail, Vhs, dial up, rotary phones, etc. still being around when I was a kid in the early 2000s, yet people in their 30s seem to think this stuff was exclusively theirs.
Lol. Whining about whining. Never change internet
Avatar was my Star Wars
Will we ever get a 3rd movie, I NEED IT
A mix of all Gen Y. Born in 97 though
a mix of all Millennial culture and Late Gen X. Based Middle Left
jope not, hollywood is going through a shit stage atm, everything that comes out is crap now, be best to keep (((their))) claws away from this series
>tfw no national treasure 3
It's the safest movie. Any group can throw it on without offending anyone.
theres no nonwhites, gays, trannies, minorties in it, also its about white american history=LITERALLY HITLER
second one was better
fite me
No way nigga. I loved both though.