>there are no capeshit masterpie-
There are no capeshit masterpie-
why was this hated? I loved it when it came out
>When I was a child I liked terrible movies. Why doesn't everyone else share my childish tastes?
Replace your filthy bait with Spiderman 2 and then we'd have a discussion.
Until then, /thread
*cums on your face*
Spider-Man 2 was really well received for its mopey Peter and "complex villain", so going in a different direction probably pissed a lot of people off. I didn't really agree with a lot of the backlash against it myself
spiderman > spiderman 2
It was unfocused and "emo-spidey" was cringy.
I blame the studios for insisting on more than one villain, the Sandman was cool but really detracted from the main story and especially the arc of the series (peter and Harry's relationship)
spiderman 2 is overrated, it goes
spiderman 1>spiderman 3>spiderman2
>"emo-spidey" was cringy
I think the word you're looking for is "hilarious"
Spiderman 2 > Spiderman Homecoming > Amazing Spiderman > Spiderman > Spiderman 3 > Amazing Spiderman 2
It wasn't bad but not as good as the first two.
what you call cringy I call comfy
Wrong image OP here let me ftfy no need to thank me
Spiderman 2 > Spiderman > Spiderman Homecoming > Spiderman 3 > Amazing Spiderman > Amazing Spiderman 2
Nope, S2 has better action, better villain, better KINO scenes like raindrops falling on yer'ead. Spiderman 1 is very good but was still getting the right footing, in the sequel they really nailed it and set a benchmark for a personal superhero story that may not have yet been reached since.
Spiderman 3 just ain't all that great, studio interference and insistence on 3 villains ruined that movie.
Spiderman >Spiderman 2>Batman Begins > Iron Man (2008) > All other capeshit should be burned
Perfect my friend
the right ranking
Homecoming is way worse than TAS 2
May I remind you that the minimum age to post on here is 18
Really? Not him But I loved HC and I hate Marvel and most capeshit.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
This is the TRUE ranking. Witness, and despair!
Spiderman 3 > Spiderman 1 > Homecoming > Spiderman 2 > Amazing Spiderman >>>> Amazing Spiderman 2
Spiderman 3 for memes and most fun, spiderman 1 because its great, Homecoming for a fresh take and good reboot, Spiderman 2 for feels, Amazing Spidermans in last place for weak Sony cashgrabs
It was an average and unfocused movie following the wake of two blockbuster masterstrokes. A key ingredient to the former two being the emotional proximity of the entire cast. Green Goblin wasn't just Green Goblin; he was the admired father of Peter's best friend. Doc Ock wasn't just Doc Ock; he was the kind-hearted mentor who told Peter about failure and love, later so consumed by insanity that he kidnapped the student he admired without blinking an eye--hired by the friend who is now hellbent on revenge.
Sandman's awful inclusion into Uncle Ben's death and a poorly cast co-worker rival were not worth the sacrifice of the final and pivotal villain: Harry himself. Relegating him into a side character was dumb. Venom could have worked as a symbol for the theme of revenge and forgiveness, and narratively been worked in as a creation of Oscorp/Harry made with the intent to kill Spider-Man only for it to accidentally achieve sentience... But the idea that bigger means better simply caused the movie to implode with spectacle, meanwhile losing sight of the emotional cores that made the first two grounded, and therefore exceptional.
It's a fun movie to watch now. There's plenty of charming, goofy scenes. But at the time, it was just such an obvious and heartbreaking fall from quality that didn't do any justice to what the first two movies had set up.
Honestly that whole sequence I probably had a big ass smile and audibly kekd when he did the air hump, but I could certainly feel the collective shame of the audience at that time as well.