JSA Storytime: Howard the Duck

Good evening owls,


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The beaver looks like its whacking more than biting

it was a more innocent political age

Finally finished the Omega storytimes. The reboot wasn't bad but didn't exactly satisfy my hunger on the original either. Different kind of weirdness to it.

Prepare for double-entendre


That's a mighty fine duck



Ah, it's a Vagina Detenta issue.

Sup Forums was kind of stupid today


That's Saturday for you.

Is your cyborg arm the best place for an oxygen tank?

I mean, I assume that's straight out of an episode of the show, I'm just questioning how much O2 you can fit in an arm that also works as an arm.

Hello, Storyteller.

So I finished Samus Returns today, and I have to gush, or I'll go insane. Granted, it's not the second coming or anything, but goddamn does it feel good to have a real, solid Metroid game again. My girl is back!

Isn't that every day?

yeah but arguing about obnoxious wanna-be youtube personalities who rant about comics is dumb even for Sup Forums

>Patty Hearst- Girl or Automobile

Also, man, how the fuck did professional nerd/cloying shill Chris Hardwick marry into the Hearst family?

Howie looking pretty well greased there.

>50 filtered threads
I assumed so.

6 BILLION dollars, man!

Do you know how much that is in today's money?! I don't because my inflation calculator doesn't go that high

That's good to hear I guess, because as the other Metroidfag here the trailers look incredibly subpar.

the only Metroid I played was original and fuck that game was fucking hard

Is Bev the strongest Marvel character of all time?

Glad I missed it then= how so?

>106 hidden threads

damn, I'm usually around 60

Remember that Marvel Canada is evil. See: Wolverine. Weapon X. Alpha Flight. Omega Flight. Bedlam. Slayback. Department K. Hull House. Epsilon Flight. Etc. etc. etc.

>the original
Oof. The original didn't even have a map. If you ever feel like giving it another go, pick the remake, Zero Mission. It's frankly a much better experience.

In my opinion, SR is a nicely done back to basics affair. Like, it seems designed around the idea of "Okay, no bullshit this time, just plain and simple Metroid.". And it works.


I have a copy of Metroid 2 that I am one boss away from beating, and have been since like 1993, because I don't have enough missiles to actually win.

Isn't it evil in DC as well? Dial H had the whole Canadian Ministry of Supervillainy thing.

DESU the melee combat I saw in vids is a huge turnoff.

If you say it's good I'll give it a shot, though. Tomorrow's my birthday so I owe myself a new game

this is trufax

Dishonored franchise is discounted on Steam this weekend. I know OP was looking at that.

That's a much, much more recent thing.
Marvel Canada has been semi-prominently evil since the 70s because Wolverine.

DC Canada I think basically didn't exist outside of one of the Young Heroes in Love until New52 Booster was made Canadian.

I got the first game with the DLC for 9 bux so if it's less than that I'm gonna be annoyed

I can tell you now with the energy levels I have I'll only play it if, IDK, I run one issue of Howard then go get a beer and fire it up? I'm tired so often. :|

I like to imagine the Tory bad guys in Madbomb are Canadians.


The melee counter is fine. In fairness, the early enemies can be a little damage sponge-y to encourage you to use it, but once you get the first beam upgrade, which is pretty quickly, it becomes a non issue.

Also, I fucking love the Aeion Abilities. Especially Beam Burst, because rapid fire is awesome, and Phase Drift, because it lets Samus slow down time. Chozo tech is fucking broken, and I love it.

Gerber's doing some nice Canadian satire here


Baby cap rag doll,


Alright, I'm downloading, but only because you're the only bigger Metroid fan on this board than me so you know what you're talking about.

You will be held fully responsible if this is the worst game ever!

Those Cap and Spidey tuques are pretty good.

So, the Cap shilling at this point was like 90% bicentennial based, right?

Has to be!

Who else loves drummer boy quarters?


>Pierre Dentifris
>Peter Toothpaste

Hey, this is me of all people giving out a rec. It's all good, my friend.

Also, the infant metroid is really cute.

that's great

die cranky die


Hey guys, I went running last night and actually saw the neighborhood owl

no one cares

oh, it's you

Panel 5 is glorious.

No one cares about no one caring, either.


Wow, OG What If was a premium book?

just post the comic faggot, no one cares about your personal life

D'you know what kind of owl it is?

Are you tempted to buy some mice from a pet store and feed it?

Suck my cantankerous cock.

What kind of owl was it? Did it actually hoot?

fuck off

you really must be new

Probably your standard great horned owl, but she wasn't sticking around for me to get a good look at, landed on a street sign then was all "oh hey you're too close" and went up to a tree

I hear them a lot in January when it's breeding season

I guess it makes sense, big enough "event" stories?

kill yourself


Star Trek wallet photos sound like the saddest fucking thing.

Like, we're years and years passed wallets with photo slots, but man, filling them with pictures of Kirk and Spock punching Klingons instead of family members just sounds depressing.


>shitposting in a storytime

>having a crush on OP: Faggot Extraordinaire

ironic shitposting is just shitposting



This insane future technology

>Many hours

Jesus, that's an understatement. It'd take you like four days to walk from London to the border.


Old ads are so weird.

There's a clipping going around of an old newspaper where trekkies are shitting on TNG before it came out with the same complaints about Discovery

fact is that people have never liked anything

Old ads are the best

I was just watching Shatner's documentary on the creation of TNG the other day. Fucking fascinating stuff. It's such a classic now but when it was announced people were acting like it was the coming of the antichrist.

Same with the MUH ADAM WEST people when Michael Keaton was announced for Batman.

Those who don't know their history are doomed to look like stupid assholes.

They weren't wrong, it took two bland seasons for it to get any good and then it kept happening with each subsequent show.

Same thing happened with nuBSG

some people got really bent out of shape about chick Starbuck

The only diff is
Voyager sucked
Enterprise sucked
odds are Discovery will suck

To be fair to those guys, TNG season 1 fucking sucked. The crew got high and started fucking each other in episode 2, and then they had "Planet Primitive Africa" just a few episodes later.

The more things change...the more fandoms stay the same...

And that was from peak Trek Movie.

The earlier, more TOS style Next Gen seasons were the worst ones. Star Trek Phase II would have had a super rocky start had it not failed its way into being TMP.

I liked Caprica, poor stunted Caprica

I was really excited about TNG, but lost interest fairly early on.

I, for one, welcome the oncoming Canadian Invasion

Enterprise was totally following the Trek model of Eventually Not Suck when it got cancelled, though.

The last season was finally feeling more like Trek. And then they ruined the last episode with Fat Riker.

Season 3 enterprise was pretty good because it actually got a plot by then, but the early stuff was awful. Their ideas for season 5 would have been good (Romulan War)
Mainly Starbuck the Man was salty (and might still be) about Starbuck the Woman.
Old-Apollo got on board fast.

I actually agree with this. I think the shifting pop cultural tides did it in.

Wasn't that when Byrne started writing for Marvel?


>Planet Primitive Africa
Fuck Code of Honor. Seriously. Absolutely everything about that episode is evidence in favor of humanity's extermination.

How the fuck did TNG even last long enough to get good?

I always fucking hated Riker.

it was a more forgiving TV time with a lot less choice

>some people got really bent out of shape about chick Starbuck

Including Dirk Benedict.

But, considering that Starbuck was basically your standard James Bond type, romantically, it was a character that would stand out with a gender flip.

This is why I laughed at feminists complaining about All Girl Lord of the Flies.
Wait to see what changes they make, y'know?

they'd need to think through the whole "british adventure novel/public school" backbone of LotF