What kind of heresy is this? Why are we celebrating pagan bullshit I thought this was a Christian board?

What kind of heresy is this? Why are we celebrating pagan bullshit I thought this was a Christian board?

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All Souls day is a Cathlicuck holiday. But let's be hones, when christcucks aren't celebrating Jooish Kike inspired festivals, they are celebrating pagan inspired christfag remixes.

>christian board

Sun worship is more likely to be the religion on this board.

Sun worship is better. PRAISE THE SUN!

t. neckbeards

Fuck your sun, Luna will bring harsh judgement on the non moon believers

The sun and moon are brother and sister. They get along. Daddy Kek makes sure of it.

Get off my board heretic.

Atheist Maximus can't into theology so he attempt to mock it

Welcome to the "New Atheism" movement that is cancer.

Atheist movement has always been cancer

Don't worry, Halloween is going to be dead soon in America. Barely anyone in my "diverse" neighborhood celebrates it.

Liberals have completely forgotten that it's supposed to be a holiday for the kids. Instead, they use it as just another excuse to dress up like whores and behave like degenerates. They're too busy having parties to decorate their houses and pass out candy to the kids.

Plus, SJW are trying to pretend costumes are racist now.

And shitskins don't celebrate it because it requires them to give candy away for free. But they don't have any problem sending their kids out to collect those gibmedats.

Halloween was a christian holiday. It was called all hallows' eve. It was supposed to be for prayer for souls that hadn't reached heaven. It was also filled with prayers to saints.

Some think it is derived from the pagan festivals such as Samhain.

Our modernized version of these holidays, halloween, christmas, easter, etc. are going to die off for everyone who's not Christian because they are just materialistic ripoffs and thus lack long term significance other than excuses to go shopping. (protestants will probably abandon Halloween though).


Shilling for the sandniggers eh?

maybe, but the 31st is reformation day for basically all Lutherans

moon man believers

Montenigger, this is a board for political discussions and world event discussions. It isn't a christian safe space


This is an anti-semitic board, we hate all things semitic. That includes kikestianity

I don't know. I need MOAR to ascertain what kind of heresy it is.

Montenegro flag looks pretty dope with this black-orange Halloween setting in 4chin senpais

>muh vagina

Tell you what, my dear montenigger.
Every Christian holiday is a copy of a Jewish holiday or a pagan one. Every Jewish holiday is just a remake of a pagan holiday. So basically every holiday we call "Christian" is pagan. Is it Easter or Halloween, there is no difference. Grow up, Jew worshiper.


Pagan here, and Samhain is just a fire festival to honor another season change from nature. It used to be believed that the spirits of the dead had more presense in Europe during Samhain, but the festival doesn't coincide with the moon anymore so that's a pretty moot point.

It was celebrated with a feast, sacrifice, and divination.

At least get the stereotypes right you stupid auschwitz survivor

Christianity's greatest draw is its greco-roman philosophies.

Not it's jewish god.


>Halloween was a Christian holiday


Yes Yes mr.reddit

Thats why we raid christian countries.

Halloween is a Catholic holiday that was used to convert pagans.

It's based very loosely on Samhain.