ITT: cool movie monsters


Other urls found in this thread:

why he wanted ppl on trees and not just ate them>



He only wanted people he could feed off their mental misery.


What movie

The Ritual

He resents the idea of wood.
I.e. erections. Lust. He was once part of the primordial soup. Flushed into this desolate filthy world because loki lusted the cunny bambi.
Little did he know, or care, that he released bamboozeled into the earth. Terra



La Carcagne

Very Lovecraftian.

Imagine being Arnold...


he wasn’t hungry


I'm actually in the mood for a monster movie, do I watch The Ritual or ?

This but unironically

nigga u gay

Anything done by Wayne Barlowe is badass

Shin Godzilla. 100%.

I was being serious too.


The Ritual

godzilla vs mechagodzilla

FUCK came here to post this

Honestly I've seen ever Godzilla movie so many times that Shin is the only one I could still go out of my way to watch anymore
Only seen it 2.5 times


He likes to leave people hanging

Can I get a sauce on the image? Not the movie, the actual sauce-sauce. I love Jotunn's design, but I can't find many decent pictures of it.

It looks like a flying battleship.


Hell yeah, thank you! I knew it probably came from some fx page. Love looking through this stuff.


pic reminds me of this pasta

Patrician taste, brother.

It depends.
If you want to be scared, watch the ritual
If you want to be intrigued, watch shin godzilla

Overall I thought godzilla was the better film

I've always been fond of this giant supreme deadite monster head tree thing at the end of Evil Dead 2.

What film?

how the fuck did I never notice the human faces on there before

it's literally been posted 4 times in this thread already

The Ritual, check the thread

He speaks like a man, but he's technically a monster. Whoever designed the Krull villains seemed to have really given a shit.

The demon design in Night (or Curse) of the Demon was pretty ahead of its time.

What's the movie???


Justice League

Imagine thinking that this chick was gorgeous.



umm... she is



Jesus Christ dude get laid and stop jacking it to traps hahah


Neither of those are pic related

check the filename ya goofus


If it weren't for its glowing eyes, it would have been better. To me at least


Love Shin Gojira. He is the only Godzilla that was a true monstrosity

Based La creatura poster

>stupid tuna eater

Based movie. It's probably the closest to a Resident Evil feel in a movie that you'll get, even though it came out before it.

Love Clover. Hate that we don't get to see much of him....fucking shaky cam

>tfw the flowers you ate at some ritual turn you into a tyranosaurus/gorilla/lion and you lust for human brain meat

Those screaming crab things off the clone wars arena scene.

Meines schwartes.

The money shot from Splinter (2008) isn't here, but it's so good, you should see it in context for the first time.

The ghoulies from The Void were pretty neat


Gwoemul (The Host) (2006)

criminally underrated kino

2014 is the best godzilla design

my nigger

Gwoemul (The Host) (2006)

This looks alot like a bloodborne boss

love that movie
>ask me wut kinda day im having
>>what kind of day are u having
>terrible, I'm glad u asked

>These guys rising out of the water

Altered States (1980)

Wait does it have a dick?

It's there a version out there when they steady it in post and the frame just moves around?

Can someone explain this meme to me?

obviously that red rocket hanging low

now that's what I call autism

>Be a researcher sent by a museum to observe some savages in their natural habitat
>Do nothing wrong
>The natives get triggered by the fact that you wear pants or something
>Eat some herbs they offer you
>Get turned into a wild boar/lion/alligator abomination
>Have to eat human brains to survive
>Be blown up

plant wolf



This one is really shitty looking, but also kind of terrifying in how ugly and fucked up looking it is. The same kind of scary that deep sea creatures give off.






The Monster Squad updated version was cool.


American Werewolf in London