Who wins?

They are in an abandoned industrial building, so they are able to use the environment as weapons, but no guns/knifes/etc.


fuck you guys

Dutch probably. He never retired like Matrix so his skills are still razor sharp, plus he went toe to toe with the predator. Running Man wouldn't stand a chance.


but to be fair Ben Richards is arguably the most adept at using the environment as a weapon

As far as versus threads go this is pretty boring.

Matrix had an incredible amount of plot armor, but he was mainly great with guns. Richards was good at using his environment to kill a bunch of armed chumps, but Dutch killed a fucking PREDATOR using nothing but the forest and some grenade juice. Dutch wins, but it's close.

OP here, I suck

Arnold wins.

Running Man was literally just a police helicopter pilot. Kinda doubt he's anywhere near as proficient in combat and survival.

He also spent several years hauling steel and lifting girders by himself.

But isn't his one key attribute the fact that he survived a combat situation that was literally unsurvivival for every other person who ever attempted it


Exactly, unarmed he went up against guys with chainsaws and tesla cannons and razor hockey sticks and won.

He got lucky to be in a group of slower guys to soak up the hits, then he eventually got bailed out by the freedom fighters. Dutch and Matrix made a lot of progress almost entirely by themselves. Plus Richards's final boss was the guy who kissed a bunch of girls in the 70s and read from a card with his pinky extended. The other guys' final bosses were a superpowered alien and a small army, respectively.

>Plus Richards's final boss was the guy who kissed a bunch of girls in the 70s and read from a card with his pinky extended. The other guys' final bosses were a superpowered alien and a small army, respectively.
Ok this is a point I definitely grant you

I'll give you Dutch on that point because he didn't have weapons but not Matrix, he did all of that with guns and this is a no gun fight.

though, to be fair
>abandoned industrial building

That puts him at best on par with Richards who was fighting in an abandoned city block.

That's why I went with Dutch. Best of both worlds. Effective against badass antagonists, great at using his environment.

thats still not a word user

yes I think you've convinced me user

>No Total Recall Arnie
Lame. Predator Arnie is the answer without Recall Arnie

A solid argument. So we all agree without guns Matrix is the clear loser.

The dude didn't get a scratch until going mano a mano with Freddie Mercury's fat brother, at which point he started to get his shit pushed in. Without weapons, I'd say Matrix is out.

and Richard's specialty is using his opponent's weapons against them, but against Dutch he would just be facing someone with no gimmicks but with vastly superior combat training

The real question is whose one-liners would beat out of the others? I think Matrix wins that battle.

Matrix has one great one but Richards has an arsenal of really good ones. I'm saying Richards.

Conan could kill them all.

>Richards has an arsenal of really good ones

Running Man's dialog was Mister Freeze-tier cringe.

Sup faggots, heard you talking shit.

>and a small army, respectively.
Freddie Mercury was Matrix's final boss though.