Daily reminder that the planet known as Earth wants Trump as its new leader.

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I love Australia

>Israel 69% Trump
oy vey


What the fuck is wrong with those cucks?

>77% Hillary

Is Hillary a Chinese plant?


>93% Trump in the Russian Fed


What a fucking surprise

kek literally the only countries in the south that want clinton are the butthurts ones that coincidently also are the majority that go as illegals and the only countries in europe that want clintoa re the cucked ones and the ones that would be fucked economically like China and India(no more cheap labor)

What the fuck Japan, just cause Trumps not going to allow you to shit on his chest with the TPP doesn't mean you should want Hillary Clinton to get in office, who already gave weapon deals with Bill to some of your greatest threats

68% for Trump in Germany. I'm ok with this.

>canada wants to maga more than the US

really makes u think

oh for fucks sake sweden


I'm so sorry you had to see this

it's because of big business, mah. Singapore people dont like loudmouth Trump against free trade. Do like Clitton for same reason lor.


Sweden is literally falling for the Muhfirstwomanpresident meme.

Time to move out of this shit country I guess

Hah! Swedish cucks shine like never before!

The very fact that 35% of Swedes have voted for Trump is a miracle in my eyes, considering every single last news outlet in Sweden have been 100% against Trump from the very start of his non-PC comments. There's not even a somewhat supporting outlet like Fox News or whatever.

Talking about the american election with fellow Swedes is completely worthless because all they do is regurgitate all the talking points about Trump and how he is literally hitler.

does it really surprise you? they let mudskins fuck all their hot swedish women while they sit around like cucked faggots, shits disgraceful.

Decades of beta encouragement followed by swarms of migrants. True cuck incarnate



I'm not surprised considering that MSM is non-stop shilling for Hillary.

>Clinton winning Japan

I thought Trump was their guy?


[x] YES

Stop this. Singlish is an abomination. I'm a businessman myself and most of my clients like Trump as a leader except his plan to make America self sufficient. America in ruins means better businesses for us since their corporations shift their operations to Singapore.

The retards who vote for Clinton are all SJW millenial cucks on facebook/insta gram with coloured hair and piercings like the degenerate cucks they are

>past 24 hrs
>90% Trump

We did it lads.

>tfw living in the cucked north
Just a matter of time before the rest of us start paying rapists for being a little more passive during the act. Fuck you, Sweden.

>Gives a fuck what the world thinks
GTFO infiltrator

> Sweden

Can't make this shit up.

Your nightbors are based tho, why such difference?

I have no idea. I thought we were basically on the same political common ground. I guess not.

>can vote once every day
so Trump has the NEET vote?

>Argentina voted for Hillary
>all they ever cover in the news is some new Trump "scandal"
>go to a random news site, check the comments of a piece of news about the elections
>"Trump is mysogynistic, Hillary should win"

Where did we go so wrong.

Every litho and eastern european I've know has been racist as fuck, wouldn't see them voting for clinton any day of the week desu.
What's happening over there lad, is it just some dirty libs skewing your country to clinton tier?



I blame the fucking media

the real surprise is that canada is somehow in favour of trump

Number hasn't moved much since I checked two weeks ago. Expected it to be at like 500,000 at least.

Anglosphere stronk

Sounds like Earth needs to remove some humans.

I think it only changes your vote, not counts it as an additional vote.

Waterloo, Belgium 1815

Fucking disgraceful. A bunch of gypsies, the lot of them.


I'll take that.

Honestly I think a President Trump-PM Farage partnership would be too much for my body to handle.

>tfw based Trump pushes for a Farage PM and when Britain sees how great America is again they vote overwhelmingly for him

Fuck my country. Fuck it forever. We are as cucked as sweden. FUCKING SWEDEN.
I hope it gets what it's coming to it when the day of the rope comes.

Not really, it's expected after a year of Trudeau.

>anglosphere all Trump
This pleases me


How? I thought they hated Serbs.

Trump will restore the Empire, remember what I said

I think you might be right, he has fucked up in the same way Hitler did. They both tried to do too much too quickly, if they had just held on slowly rolled the changes in it would have been too late to be stopped. Trudeau must be shitting himself at the thought of a Trump Presidency because he knows he's going to end up like Ceausescu.

Kek has willed it my midnight friend.

I for one welcome this

>82% hillary


>saudi arabia

looks like trump is the best candidate by a long shot to any normy viewing this map

wtf I love Russia now

Swedes are a disgrace to european people everywhere

>You realize that the atheistic, evolution based mindset philosophy values life, DNA above all
>and this scientific mindset thinks that we are also most likely alone for a long stretch around us
>life is precious as we cannot find it anywhere else
>some of us who are whackier think that perhaps all life on earth may be in unison, like a gigantic mathematical puzzle, a hivemind of a planet, that doesnt want to get removed by near random events like asteroids, or vulcano's
>you realize that all life on earth probably wants to elect trump as he is the only candidate offered that has the least chance to incite a nuclear war.
>and probably the highest chance to allow life to continue on with colonization of outer worlds

Life as we know it depends on trump, no pressure on you there pressure...

>Life as we know it depends on trump

Actually it's the complete opposite. Life as we know it would depend on a Killary vote and her going ahead on globalisation. Trump changes that and by definition changes life as we know it.

Get the fuck off my continent.

>cuck sweden going down on clinton

heja heja! who would've guessed? "not me"

Why do kebabs support Trump?


The fire rises, brothers.

there is still hope

I was an exchange student for a year in Sweden a few years back; they are probably the biggest proponent of "Americans are idiots!!11!". They think they're enlightened basically


i lived in umea; all my friends there are very anti-trump because that's literally the only perspective they're provided


it truly is lost

Literally all news in MSM covering the election is strictly fed from CNN in Sweden, they don't cover almost any negative sides of Clinton, and when they do they burry it between 4-5 negative pieces on Trump, mostly just opinion pieces. Plus they add spins to negative Clinton news and make it look like it's actually positive.

As soon as the news hit that they reopened the investigation, they immediately covered it with "How the new investigation will actually boost support for Hillary", "New investigation on Hillary is Trumps new Headache" or "Comey just ruined FBI's reputation by making it political, support for Hillary will rise!", it's absolutely insane, guess (((who))) owns the entire established media in Sweden? I'm surprised there's that many votes for Trump based on the reality of information over here, it could potentially mean that among those in US who purely watch CNN, there's still a fair amount of Trump supporters.

> Sweden
Come on mate.

lol, nuclear hellfire is not good for life as we know it. Its quite clear that trump is an isolationist. So at the very least there will be less chance on a nuclear war in the future with him at the helm.

Shillary is just going to go full reeee, kill all lol.

Why dont you get off my planet, you anti lifer.

Oh god, swedes, you're priceless

>Clinton supporters


they truly honestly believe that people are retarded