How might Harry Potter have been different if all the characters were played by people of colour?
How might Harry Potter have been different if all the characters were played by people of colour?
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Depends if Harry is a racist or not.
Why can't the people that make shit images like this for clicks make an original IP starring people of color instead?
Black people are tucking everywhere on British tv and film, greatly disproportionate to their share of the population at 3%
>make an original IP
That requires effort.
There's nothing in the Harry Potter books that says he isn't black
Take your meds, Rowling.
Liter, sure. But all of the covers and media she approved show him as white. And with long, straight black hair and green eyes, he's mostly likely Caucasian
It wouldn't have been a billion dollar franchise and died in obscurity
What now?
it would have ended by Year 4
Needless to say all the women will still be white in Black Harry Potter.
> coloured people is offensive
> people of colour is acceptable
Can someone explain this one to me?
>harry gets busted with a glock in his backpack
Can't wait for this movie
It would still be dull
His got his mother's eyes. Lilly was white. His dad was black though. James Potter is a black name.
This needs to happen. Jews getting blacked
Instead of butterbeer they drink grape soda/koolaid and all the food is replaced by magical buckets filled with magical kfc
>Defence Against the White Arts
There's an ideological reason and a practical reason.
The ideological reason is that the need to destroy old pop culture and revise history to make it more "correct".
The practical reasons are
> making a new IP is hard and expensive, it is much easier to piggyback on existing franchises
> guilt-tripping Hollywood into incorporating a more "diverse" casts into the next blockbuster, thus allowing "diverse" to more easily get profitable jobs
> creating a narrative where there is a race/sex problem in Hollywood thus allowing professional race/sex-baiters to have successful careers
...etc. dig in and you'll see that it's a profitable industry for people with no morals
Well it would certainly be a darker film series.
White is a colour
your a nigger erry
what colour?
I don't get care of magical creatures
With Black Brits? Gryffindor are a bunch of “I want my GCSE” babbys and Slytherin are roadmen, who shank Harry and his bunch constantly.
vick was accused of illegal dogfighting and cruelty to them
is this real?
Yes. Anne Frank was actually black
but I thought holocaust never happened
It didn't
What's the point when none of them graduate?
De'quan potter, I never watched this shit cause I was too old for it, just like pokemon and dragonballz. You millenials have shit taste in everything.
The presentation wouldn't be the same. It'd have rap music everywhere. The trailer would be obnoxious. It'd fade out and die like the Narnia movies did.
but it should happen again
>It didn't
but if it had she would have been black ofc
>NEVEL: What? You wanna rob the Hogwarts train, are you crazy?
>B.E.M: Yes, yes, motherfucker, motherfuckin right, nigga yes
>NEVEL: What?! We're gonna get expell-
>B.E.M: Nigga it's eighty-seven nigga, is you dead broke?
>NEVEL: Yes, but, but...
>B.E.M.: Motherfucker is you broke motherfucker? We need to get some motherfuckin paper nigga
>NEVEL: Yes but it's the Hogwarts train, nobody's ever robbed-
>B.E.M: Just listen man, your mother giving you money nigga? My moms don't give me shit nigga, it's time to get paid nigga. Is you wit me? *draws wand* Motherfuck is you wit me?
>NEVEL: Yeah I guess...
>B.E.M: Alright then nigga let's make it happen then!
first verse:
>I used to read quibbler magazine
>fred, george and me up in the quidditch team
>moving pictures on my wall
>seems like everyday, snake attack, sleeping in the great hall
>way back, when I had the red and gold robe and a hat
>with a snitch to catch
>remember second year, the flying car
>whoever thought that two kids would take it that far
>now I'm in the wand-light, that lumos tight
>time to be afraid, making potion with some nightshade
>born wizzer, opposite of a squibba
>bertie bott's every flavour beans for dinner
>peace to weasleys, seamus, hermoine
>still wearing specs, still fucking ginny
>still winning cups like you thought I would
>same wand, phoenix feather holly wood
>it's all good
time is like sand, but after it slips through our fingers we just pick up another handful.
Anyone here has that webm of Nogwarts? I mean niggers shooting fireworks at each other.
Black is be one of da most thugged-out borin franchise up in history. For real each episode followin tha pimp wizzle n' his thugged-out lil' hommies from Hogwarts Academy as they fight different shitty muthafuckas has been indistinguishable from tha others fo' realz. Aside from tha fucked up porno, tha series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement n' ineffectizzle use of effects, all ta make magic unmagical, ta make action seem busted
Maybe tha take a dirtnap was busted when Rowlin didn't want no Spielberg directin tha series; she made shizzle tha series would never be trippin fo' a work of art dat meant anythang ta anybody; just cross-promotion ta make loadz of chedda fo' her books. Da Harry Potta series might be anti-christian (or not) yo, but it’s certainly tha anti-Jizzy Bond series cuz it don't accept wonder, beauty n' excitement. No one wants ta accept tha real deal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack.
>a-at least tha books was phat though
Da freestylin is dreadful; tha book was shitty fo' realz. As I read, I noticed dat every last muthafuckin time a cold-ass lil characta went fo' a strutt, tha lyricist freestyled instead dat tha characta "stretched his fuckin legs."
I fuckin started markin on tha back of a envelope every last muthafuckin time dat phrase was repeated. This type'a shiznit happens all tha time. I stopped only afta I had marked tha envelope nuff muthafuckin dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowlingz mind is so governed by cliches n' dead metaphors dat dat freaky freaky biatch has no other steez of writing. Lata I read a white-ass, gangbangin review of Harry Potta by tha same Stephen Mackdaddy yo. Dude freestyled suttin' ta tha effect of, "If these lil playas is readin Harry Potta at 11 or 12, then when they git olda they will go on ta read Stephen Mackdaddy." And da thug was like right yo. Dude was not bein ironic. When you read "Larry Potsmoker" yo ass is, up in fact, trained ta read Stephen Mackdaddy.
>harry potter dates an indian and a chinese girl
>his future wife ginny gets blacked
>ron dates an indian
>black guy becomes leader of the government after voldemort is defeated
Harry Potter was diverse as fuck
Rowling got to approve nearly everything from cover art, merchandise and the actors, if they were really non white she would have made them so, I've no problem with them being non-white, my problem is the smug cunt wants to virtue signal without doing any of the actual heavy lifting by putting minorities in her books as main characters. It's like Dumbledoor being gay, I don't care if he's gay, but it means nothing if it's not brought up in anyway, she can't have her cake and eat it too
whats the original version of this?
I am in Tears Mate, carry on!
>Sheeeeit, your saying we wuz wizards and shit?!
Awful writing
It's Harry Potter, what did you expect?
All the food/feast in Harry Potter are now fried chicken and watermelon.
>what did you expect?
Awful writing. Thought that was clear in my post.
>the sky is blue, the post
>the N on his forehead
is that the pepe that killed his daughters?
Yo, i'm finna read some Harry Potter freestyle knowmsayin, Sup Forums?
Is this a stage show like that 'sequel' they did? And if so, is that the fucking tagline?
Or maybe it's just a known franchise that didn't have any niggers as the protags
that would imply that somewhere down the lineage of potter's nigger ancestors there managed to be one who was actually good at pottery.
Kek, they're holding twigs.
unironically would take herbology, history, and potions
Well, let's see
>Harry has no parents, so I'm certain that the endless jokes about him not having a dad would never be made
>Ron would come from a poor family with too many kids, and his mom is a rather dumpy woman as well, so I'm sure that nobody would make jokes about that or point that out
>Hermione was depicted as having wild hair and overly large front teeth. Nobody would ever think of her as being a black stereotype at all.
Oh, and there's the fact that the entire wizarding world is at world. Wiz killin' wiz.
Why are there like 5 racebait threads rn? This board really took black panther hard, huh?
All the spells would make gun shots and instead of houses they would be gangs with pretty colors
black people cant afford wands but like to tell people they have the biggest most awesome wands.
Fucking spectacular!!!
I feel like this would be a pretty good comedy desu
>wait hol up senpai
>why don't we snag a pumpt, my mans gots some
>we can just wrap this littl ting up right now and bit the corner store
>we pop the volde and get nandos
it makes voldemorte a much more sympathetic character
Harry Potter: Is the Prisoner of Azkaban
so does this fall into the magical negro trope?
yeah it would have been absolute shit
There would have been a lot more prisoners in Azkaban
Heres what would be different
>students dancing on desks in class and being loud as fuck
>gang rivalries spill over into the school and constant violence becomes an epidemic
>GPA falls, standard testing falls, dropout rates rise
>graduation requirements lower drastically to push people through school so Hogwarts doesn't lose state funding, leading completely unprepared witches and wizards into a world of underemployment
>STD rates and teen pregnancy skyrocket
>Voldemort comes in to wreck shit
>Nogworts students hold their wands sideways and miss every shot
>death eaters roll through ib sweeping victory
>wizarding world saved from extinction by thousand year reign of eugenics to purge all non magical blood from wizardry
Harry Potter and Biggie's Watermelon
Harry Potter and The Hidden Stash
Harry Potter Prisoner in Azkaban
Harry Potter and Bong of Fire
Harry Potter and the Pitbull gang
Harry Potter and the Halfblood Kang
Harry Potter and the Deathly Bling
hi british nigger
Are you serious?
I really appreciate this. Thank you.
the census numbers are bullshit, guaranteed.