I saw a serbian film 4 years ago and i never seen a movie that was was more extreme than that movie (yes i saw salo and...

i saw a serbian film 4 years ago and i never seen a movie that was was more extreme than that movie (yes i saw salo and many more)
so my question is is a serbian film the most extreme movie ever made?

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or is this the max

then what's the name of the film fuckface?

Give it a couple years and somebody will make an even more extreme film, where the protagonist is a white male christian espousing traditional values.

A serbian film that is the title go watch it fun times i promise

yeah ok but the movie is already out 4 a longer time

I want a sequel that continues the last scene where he starts with the little one.

the maker is making a second movie i saw on imdb
and it is a (drama)

this is the only movie that comes close imo

try this


How would a hollywood remake be like?

this movie is fucking awful. the edginess isn't even funny, it was just vile. im usually a fan of shock value (irreversible for instance) but this was just classless.

Like the Hollywood adaptation of Kite.

August Underground I guess

Forgotten before release?

Pretty much

So you haven't watched Men behind the sun, philosophy of a knife the guinea pig series? Step it up user

a Serbian film is just an average comedy, I don't understand how people think that it is horror or that there is some sort of message, it's just zany hijinks like young frankenstein.

yes cunt

Good lord
This is why we need to educate white people on modern issues

rude whore

kek, what a fucking retard you are

irreversible men behind the sun and guinea pig series i have seen them but no serbian film keeps the no 1 spot dard divorce is as far as i know the only one that comes close 2 the fucked up shit in serbian film. pic is from dard divorce

lol me can not read


martrys was pretty fucked up imo, the second part is awful to watch

martyrs, sorry Sup Forums

yes that one was pretty brutal

shit is about 2 get real

>tfw too pussy to watch it

The joke went way over your heads it seems.

Cat Sick Blues is on par.

weak bait

I don't know the name, but we had a "watch the grossest movie" shit going on with friends few years ago, there was this 1 hour long movie where the plot was basically a guy working at a morgue having sex with a corpse (one coprse for 1 hour straight) making cuts and cutting out parts and everything

I can't even tell what I'm looking at

Have been postponing as well:
>I Stand Alone
>Enter the Void
>also anything by Haneke
>even shit like Gummo, Dogtooth, Eraserhead
Life is hard for the easily triggered.

Got a link for this?