ITT: We make Jehovah sad

ITT: We make Jehovah sad

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This cat just grew breasts. This is satan trying to tempt our children so they become degenerate and have premarital sex.

Sephiroth is a faggot pussy!

Are we gonna do one for everything Jehova's Witnesses can't do?

This dog is talking, the only animals who talk are the serpent in the garden of eden and a witch's familiar. By watching media with such imagery, the children will begin to accept concepts such as witchcraft and satanism as being normal.

This Superhero is encouraging voting Which JWs unironically consider sinful

This robot is celebrating Christmas, which, again, they think angers jehova

Look, cheerleaders! they also apparently make Jehova mad for some reason

Former Jehovah's witnesses here. I disappoint him every day I'm sure.

Bragging about making charitable donations apparently makes Jehovah sad too.

I don't quite get it, but it's probably the least crazy thing I've heard that sets JW's off.

It's because they tempt men, most likely. They are also celebrating a sports event.

You said it yourself it's the bragging part that does it.

Charity is about giving, you should be humble when doing so.

Is any kind of celebration just not allowed?

Only Jehova can give life, a robot is humans trying to play god. Doesn't even need to be celebrating christmas.

They only celebrate what the bible tells them to celebrate.

Sephirot is in a game full of demons and violence. Jehova really hates final fantasy.

There's only one day in the year they really have that could be considered a holiday and they don't even like calling it that because that would mean being associated with actual holidays which they're against. That day by the way is Passover, where everyone gets together and sits down in a large gathering stadium like building while many of the experienced members get up on stage and make religious speeches/ presentations. We get like a 30 minute break during this 4 or 5 hour break and the high light of that is that's when people get baptized. Sitting through that as an elementary school kid without going insane from boredom is a test of mettle and stamina.

Are you the user that escaped, from a few replies up?

I think she would agree with that, though.

>Some reason
Cheerleaders are sexual. No arguing around that

I am indeed. I wasn't really a Jehovah's witness by choice my mom indoctrinated me when I was really little. I grew out of it when I got older as most kids raised in that religion do, shits very strict and no-fun allowed. My mom's even grown out of it now, though she still half-assedly clings to it when she wants to high road me sometimes.

I love my mom for the record but if you can't tell there's some bitter feelings involved in the subject