What the fuck was his problem?

For real though, I've seen this movie 3 times now and can't think of a solid answer for why things transpired as they did.

Other urls found in this thread:


he got married

Demon possession

Jack Black was an abusive alcoholic who was married to a well-meaning but cowardly wife. Ghosts and demons tempted him with alcohol and made him want to kill his family. What's with the picture in the end I don't know. Convoluted theories never convinced me, I think it's just a vague "spooky" ending.


bad idea to take that job
Jack is reading Playgirl when Ullman meets him in the lobby
hotel built on Indian burial ground
hotel is haunted


fuck off retard

Don't forget he was secretly a homosexual and was reading playgirl in multiple scenes in the movie

the final shot spelled it out for you. he was a ghost all along.

never realized:
final shot isn’t from a character’s perspective—no doubt there was supernatural

he was a wacko who got memed into trying to murder his own family by a supernatural hotel in the middle of fucking nowhere

no, he was simply claimed by the hotel, absorbed. the racist tender was simply memeing him into killing, the "you were always a caretaker" line is a lie

O I am laffin

There was two Gradys, Charles and Delbert if you listen carefully. Jack gets struck in a time loop where the same murder perpetuates itself. The hotel beckons him to murder his wife and kid.

Wrong. He failed at his duties so he's actually in more of a hotel purgatory than eternal life at the Overlook. You really think they would reward him for letting Wendy and Danny get away??

his son’s extraordinary gift had something to do with it

I like the cut of your jib.

very interdasting
I thought happy Jack was a contrast with the shot of frozen Jack

I think the correct interpretation is that he was a good guy. The movie tries to mislead you with information to make you think he’s an abusive alcoholic but the scene where he expresses his love for his son was clearly genuine.



Jack actually represented the United States during the Cold War. It's about how we faked the moon landing

what about Grady—was he a good guy too

a nigger cook

Really made me think

Abusive people can love the people they are abusing. Emotionally imbalanced people are fucked like that.

I love that documentary. Think you're going to get some lame cracked.com tier theories and then it hits you that you're watching a documentary on crazy losers.

Go back to watching capeshit. The general gist of the movie isn't rocket science.

All work and no play make Rob a dull boy

The supernatural element in the movie is left vauge (could they be hallunicinations?), until one point in the movie that confirms it all as real and thats when gradys ghost lets jack out of the pantry. Obviously we know the sons special but up until this point all the ghost sightings could be written off as cabin fever and a crazy jack, but neither the mother or the son let jack out of the pantry after they locked him in and we clearly hear the door unlock after jack talks to gradys ghost. Its after that the spooky in the hotel cranks up to 11 as well. Thats the moment in the movie that shows us that all the ghosts and shit are legit real and not just in jacks head.

>White man's burden, Lloyd my man, white man's burden.

What *did* he mean by this?

Actually having a family and being there for the good and bad times.

guy in Room 237 said Danny unlocked it, but I’d go with your argument

It was a different time.

>Wendy, I don't wanna hurt ya--I just wanna bash your brains in
>Just bash them right the fuck in

Always thought the Simpsons did the reveal better.

If legit interested, google Rob Ager/Collative Learning The Shining. The guy is practically autistic about Stanley Kubrick movies, and he does really good analysis of The Shining.

On the surface level, the hotel is a living entity like in the book, and it's slowly poisoning Jack's already damaged mind. There's also evidence that Jack sexually abuses Danny when he's drunk and his psychotic breakdown might be his sobriety forced mind realizing it. And then there's a whole deeper level of shit, like references to the elimination of the gold standard and it's replacement with fiat money and NWO/ZOG themes and imagey that Kubrick did in many of his movies.

There's a lot going on in this movie but its great on any level, even just as a normie layer scary haunted house flick. Kubrick was a treasure.

He's a drunk who beat his kid

The evil of the hotel just made it worse

he was a teacher (of English?)
quote from Kipling

You need to watch it again when you're an adult.

Jack was a bitter and violent alcoholic forced to do work he deemed beneath him. I don't think this is mentioned in the film but in the book he has resent lost his English teaching job for assaulting a student. He wishes to become a great writer but is unable to produce any work and is stuck caretaking a hotel. He probably also has the same psychic abilities as his son but is unaware of it which allows the hotel to influence him, or the hotel is just able to influence him anyway.

He's the piece of shit that always blames other people for his own problems and can never take responsibility. When he goes crazy at the end he's fueled by resentment for the family he thinks are holding him back

he and Grady in the bathroom trade “niggers” like they’re in a different time
Jack just said he’d give his soul for a drink

Because you're watching it as if jack is the protagonist. The hotel is the protagonist. Now watch it again

Kubrick replaced the Stanley Hotel where King came up with the story—Kubrick’s exterior is much more foreboding
Kubrick selected the interior from pictures of other hotels
opening shot of the little yellow beetle in the vastness—the screams, and the camera hounds the beetle like a ghost