Absolutely subversive?

Was Joseph Stalin secretly /our guy/? Allow me to explain.
>cucks the internationalist jew Trotsky out of his near-guaranteed position as Lenin's successor
>Forces Trotsky into exile
>Developes a policy of "socialism in one country", which in reality keeps communism contained from the rest of the world
>Purges remaining Trotskyites en masse
>Assassinates Trotsky, finally ending the threat of international revolution
>Brings Bolshevik enrichment to a few who-tier places only to not appear weak
>Suicides millions of his own soldiers against the Germans to purge remaining low-level Trotskyites
>appeals to nationalist sentiments instead of ideological ones in WW2 to weaken communist support
>Doesn't occupy all of Korea despite being able to when invading Manchuria
>Refuses to help the communists in the Greek civil war
>Sends military and economic aid to
Israel's enemies
>Entire legacy reduced to ashes by Chruschev

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking communist go to hell.

>Check flag.

Not suprised.

You forgot to mention his purge of Jews after WW2.

Everyone should read Stalin biography for example by Radzinsky. Stalin was actually very wise guy who was surrounded by jews and other people who hated Russia and wanted to destroy it. Stalin killed them all one by one and many white russians in exile praised Stalin for doing the same thing as they would have done - execute all the old bolsheviks.

And it was Stalin who brought back many imperial russian traditions and in Stalin era russian patriotism and conservatism was encouraced. For example abortion was made illegal.

Not to mention that Stalin lead his country to victory in the biggest and cruelest war in history.

Kill yourself. Stalin was one of the original anti-white white guilt tumblirinas

He definitely hated jews.

He definitely hated jews more and more.

Stalin was redpilled. He kicked out the Jew Trotsky.

saging because of the 'allow me to explain' obvious ctr format.

>he fell for the "russians are white" meme
>unironically posts fake meme quotes from vk

top pidorashka

Nice try, Ahmad Mohammad

Stalin was a fucking dago, he killed more white people then any other tyrant in the history

Bydlo detected.
drink yourself to death, vatnik/sovok.

>Russians are White meme
Enlighten me otherwise
The American Journal ofHuman Genetics (Volume82, Issue1, 10January 2008, P. 236–250)
This is fake too?
Лeнин нaпиcaл:
«Экoнoмичecкoe пpoцвeтaниe ибыcтpoe paзвитиe Beликopoccии тpeбyeт ocвoбoждeния cтpaны oтнacилия вeликopoccoв нaд дpyгими нapoдaми».
Пocлe этoгo вce бoльшeвики copeвнoвaлиcь, «ктo бoльшe лeнин» вбopьбe cpyccким шoвинизмoм.Бyхapин зaявлял:
«Ecли мыyдapим пoпepвoмy звeнy нaциoнaлизмa, пocaмoмy глaвнoмy ипocaмoмy ocнoвнoмy, тeм caмым мыyдapим пoэтим пpoмeжyтoчным звeньям вплoть дocaмых низших „мecтных“ шoвинизмoв. Ивэтoм вecь вoпpoc. Heльзя дaжe пoдхoдить здecь cтoчки зpeния paвeнcтвa нaций, ит. Лeнин нeoднoкpaтнo этo дoкaзывaл. Haoбopoт, мыдoлжны cкaзaть, чтo мывкaчecтвe бывшeй вeликoдepжaвнoй нaции дoлжны идти нaпepepeз нaциoнaлиcтичecким cтpeмлeниям ипocтaвить ceбя внepaвнoe(!!!) пoлoжeниe вcмыcлe eщe бoльших ycтyпoк нaциoнaльным тeчeниям.

There is no Russians in your picture. Just soviets.

I meant Bydlo.
Russians are based white europeans.


Of coursheee. When are we going to remove tibla together? Soviet-bydlo diaspora in Latvia and Estonia casts a horrible shadow on the Russian Folk. Somehow according to Putin Russians without Russian Federation means suffer. Russian ethnic community can't possibly prosper when left alone and live homogeneously. Without rich diversity Russians can't succeed



>Believing some shit quote from the internet.
No wounder this country have no future.

I'd be a Stalin supporter if he was economically slightly more right instead of far commie.

Maybe slightly more democratic too.

With this idea combined with
>abolish of womens vote/right to work
>deport blacks
>conservative values
He would of worked

Fake too, petuh?
Pyccкий нaциoнaлиcт Иocиф Джyгaшвили yтвepждaл:

«Haциoнaлизм pyccкий cтaл нapacтaть, ycиливaтьcя, poдилacь идeя cмeнoвeхoвcтвa, бpoдят жeлaния ycтpoить вмиpнoм пopядкeтo, чeгo нeyдaлocь ycтpoить Дeникинy, т.e. coздaть тaк нaзывaeмyю „eдинyю инeдeлимyю“. И, тaким oбpaзoм, вcвязи cнэпoм вoвнyтpeннeй нaшeй жизни нapoждaeтcя нoвaя cилa— вeликopyccкий шoвинизм, гнeздящийcя внaших yчpeждeниях, пpoникaющий нeтoлькo вcoвeтcкиe, нoивпapтийныe yчpeждeния, бpoдящий пoвceм yглaм нaшeй фeдepaции ивeдyщий ктoмy, чтo, ecли мыэтoй нoвoй cилe нeдaдим peшитeльнoгo oтпopa, ecли мыeeнeпoдceчeм вкopнe— aнэпoвcкиe ycлoвия eeвзpaщивaют,— мыpиcкyeм oкaзaтьcя пepeд кapтинoй paзpывa мeждy пpoлeтapиaтoм бывшeй дepжaвнoй нaции икpecтьянaми paнee yгнeтeнных нaций, чтo paвняeтcя пoдpывy диктaтypы пpoлeтapиaтa.

Ocнoвнaя oпacнocть, oтcюдa пpoиcтeкaющaя,— oпacнocть, пpoиcтeкaющaя oттoгo, чтo вcвязи cнэпoм yнac pacтeт нeпoдням, aпoчacaм вeликoдepжaвный шoвинизм, caмый зacкopyзлый нaциoнaлизм, cтapaющийcя cтepeть вce нepyccкoe, coбpaть вce нити yпpaвлeния вoкpyг pyccкoгo нaчaлa и пpидaвить нepyccкoe. Яocтaнaвливaлcя cпeциaльнo нaвeликopyccкoм шoвинизмe, кaк cилe yкpeпляющeйcя. Этa cилa ecть ocнoвнaя oпacнocть, мoгyщaя пoдopвaть дoвepиe paнee yгнeтeнных нapoдoв кpyccкoмy пpoлeтapиaтy. Этo— нaш oпacнeйший вpaг, кoтopoгo мыдoлжны cвaлить, ибo ecли мыeгo cвaлим, тoнa9/10 cвaлим итoт нaциoнaлизм, кoтopый coхpaнилcя икoтopый paзвивaeтcя вoтдeльных pecпyбликaх.

At least my country wasn't split like a 2-cent whore between two superpower sugardaddies for nearly 50 years, Hans.

He doesn't look italian

Hy дaвaй eщe гaлкoвcкoгo пpинecи cюдa.
Уeбывaй нa cocaч пaвидлo зaмкaднoe.

Живy внyтpи Caдoвoгo кoльцa, быдлo.

He may had powes strugle with the other kikes, but he always remained subhuman mountain nigger who hated Russian people. It was him who decimated not aristocracy and elites as commies before him, but smart and hard-working common people (whom kike propaganda named "kulaks"), core of the Russian nation, and driven the rest into collectivization slavepens, thus crippling our gene pool and mentality so hard that we hadn't fully recovered to the present day.


You forgot to mention
>kills millions of innocent Russians
>imprisons even more for not thinking the way some illiterate criminals told them to
This alone makes him arguably the worst Russian leader EVER.

All your talk about "putge of the Trotskists" is PURE BULLSHIT, because Bolsheviks are jewish criminals from the beginning. Whatever their internal disputes were, they're definitely the enemies of Russian people.
Oh, and fuck you for being such a cuck.

Stalin was a secret spy of Russian Royal family. He was infiltrating jews which created the revolution to remove zar family. But remaining(no legit) children went to the shadow and slowly killed jews and removed from power. Jews poisoned stalin latter after they found out he was a spy of the royals. Hes also cousin to niko 2.

No. Stalin was very smart, but power-hungry (like all true gommies) and the only good thing he did was slowly remove the kikes from positions of power.

Stalin's primary goal was to be god emperor of the communist Earth. If he's "our guy", then so is Kim Jong Un.

2 idiots.

stalin never killed russians, it was the (((bolsheviks))) he was trying to remove them, he was a spy.

"We have to transform Russia into a desert populated with white niggers, to whom we shall give such a tyranny, that even the worst despots of the East have never even dreamed of ...

"This tyranny will not be from the right, but from the left, not white, but red.

"In the literal sense of the word red, as we shall shed such rivers of blood, before which shall shudder and pale all the human losses of the capitalist wars ...

"By means of terror and blood baths, we will bring the Russian intelligentsia to complete stupor, to idiocy, until the animalistic condition ...

"our boys in leather jackets ... know how to hate everything Russian!

"What a great pleasure for them to physically destroy the Russian intelligentsia - military officers, academics, writers"

Leo (((Trotzki)))

Which was latter assasinated by stalin.

Listen, faggot, if you're trying to troll, you're doing it loosely, but you're getting there, since Stalin is a topic that easily triggers Russians.
But anyway, it's obvious that you don't know shit about Stalin. Please mind at least the Wikipedia article.

And since you're very very dumb, I'm going to repeat what I've said here >Bolsheviks are jewish criminals from the beginning. Whatever their internal disputes were, they're definitely the enemies of Russian people.

And besides all that, please don't start
>lemme tell you about your country
since you DON'T KNOW SHIT

ты пpocтo дaлбaёв

Doesn't seem pro-Russian to me
Not to mention GuLAG and WWII

Fuck Off hohols

Do you really think that's him?

He was a misanthrope who just wanted to fuck everybody's shit up. In his eyes, everyone was fair game, 'communist' or not.

"our party" he never said it is his opinion.

you dont know how a spy works.


Are these quotes genuine? If so, it's ridiculous how Trotzki is portrayed as the good guy and worshipped by Christopher Hitchens.

At first it was mostly jews and some Poles and Balts to run the Soviet Union, then it was Armenian-Georgian gang, then it was largely Ukrainian 1949-1991. If anything it was Russians to suffer the most and Ukrainians to get their state in current borders with their Australian-Polish-Soviet meme identity

You mean the guy who filled half of adviertisment place in "Shans" agency with nude chicks and hookers to get extra profit? Same Starikov that worked on "бeздyхoвнoe тeлeвидeниe" all the 90s and early 00s.
Fuck off, bydlo


I like that guy, he knows that Stalin did nothing wrong at getting rid of the 5th column


This guy is low key advertisement and former TV manager. You literally felt for a car salesman tier faggot

He was like Russia's Hitler so he was good in the way that he rooted out jews from his country and turned into one of the strongest economies and industrial power houses in the world.

But they were also both bad because he genocided Germans in eastern prussia, and Hitler wouldve genocided slavs in Poland for lebensbraum. They also had no way to secure power in the right hands after he died, so the Jews came back and ran the USSR into the ground until Putin came and kicked them out again.

>helped glorious Marshal Kim Il-Sung push back feminist witch conspiracy

no he worked for the rothchilds at one of their refinery's

kek You are not Nikolai Alexander/Reconquista Germania, are you?

who would win a fist fight between stalin and hitler?

Right, pieke

hitler because stalin was a crippled

Killing Trotsky was the only good thing he ever did.

>Putin kicked them out again

Well, in all fairness, you're country is completely irrelevant. The only reason Americans kind of know about Sweden now is because of your recent ficki ficki epidemics.

>Cermany have pz3 and pz4
>USSR have T-34-76 and KV-1
>Murrica have M3 Stuart...

Sosach fought a war with him and won, humiliating him all the way.

If Comrade Stalin was alive he'd be gulagged hard.

>Developes a policy of "socialism in one country",

Was this before or after he left dozens of socialist hell spawn governments across the european and asian continents?

>Lenin received money from Germany - reeeeee, he worked for the Germans!!!
>Stalin robbed banks and hated the tsarist regime - reeeee, he is a thug!!!!
Where to get money for the revolution, that they were all satisfied? Where?! If Tsarist Russia was 80% peasants and 20% of supervisors/monarchs?

Trotsky was a good guy? You best be joking nigger, he wanted to bring about international bolshevik enrichment by the end of a gun barrel. He would have been ten times worse than Stalin if given the opportunity. Neo-bolsheviks only adore and worship him because it was easy for him to sound like a good guy because he was the opposition.

The only reason why Stalin and Putin are both hated is because they get rid of the filth who want to give russia to western Powers

I said "portrayed", not that he actually was the good guy. And even back to Orwell's Animal Farm the good, white pig snowball was equated to Trotzki.

>Neo-bolsheviks only adore and worship him because it was easy for him to sound like a good guy because he was the opposition.
They only like him because of the old enemy of my enemy thing. Because he was against Stalin (NOT REAL GOMMUNISM GUISE) and was still communist they say they like him.

t. ex trotsy admirer when I was in my communist phase

If you hate Russians he is your guy.

>German money
We had no business fighting that war for English interests in the first place. We had awesome relations with Germans up until the war when suddenly the faggot tsar decides to backstab the Germans on a ridiculous pretext. The war was unpopular despite yuge propaganda efforts including displaying women's death battalions. Soldiers on both sides often refused to fight because neither could understand what they were fighting for.

If we allied with Germans that time, neither of the world wars would have happened and we'd be colonizing Mars by now.

Can you summarize that in the Queens tongue please?

As far as I understood the conversation between Niki and Willi on here, it was the mass media pushing for war and they were both essentially helpless to stop it. Someone was determined to get this war, no matter the cost or the consequences for the people.

I think they tried the same with Ukraine, but failed miserably. Partly because of the freedom of the internet.

((((He)))) was a thug who received money from (((Kuhn loeb)))

Everyone forgets there were other candidates besides Trotsky and Lenin

A typographic convention for the eternal anglo is sorely needed

But yes, the Great War was manufactured by mass media, it is known. And they're at it again

The friendship between the States at the time - it's like a friendship between the princes in Ancient Russia... Our king was weak is a fact. He got involved in the war on unfavorable conditions for the country - it is also a fact. The country experienced economic and social problems - another fact. If not the Communists came, would come Essers...

>trying to attribute modern SJW shit like "anti-white" to someone in the fucking 1940s

this is how you know youre talking to some stupid stormfag

Bogdanov was the best but he was too assburger to handle the pressure so he retired into his laboratory. And then he died an untimely heroic death by conducting science experiments on himself.

One only has to look at the way they deal with Trump that the idea that the press in the west is free, unbiased and covers a vast array of differing oppinions and political attitudes is an illusion. My trust in them was completely shattered when they tried to push for war with Russia in 2014. They are trying to get us to kill each other again, so they can have their new American century. It must never be allowed. We need nothing less than a revoluton and Russian-German alliance. Only an alliance between the Russian and German people can secure the safety and stability of Europe. We have all that is necessary. We don't need to be slaves to foreign interests and destructive values.

What do you think of Peter Kropotkin? He is shilled as the last good socialist here whose death marked the rise of the cynical megalomaniacs.

you should actually read some literature and history. SJW shit goes back farther than you'd think. Dostoevsky talks about communists who thought marriage was oppressive and who thought cuckolding was a great thing

Bogdanov would have been quite comfy, I'd live in that Soviet Union.

Too messy in my opinion. Perfect example of a guy who should be a theorist and not someone who has the power to put his visions into actions. I think it was somewhat great that he died. Also, he never had any true power within the party, despite being such a revered person.

>Was he /our guy/?
>Faggot that funded subversion worldwide

ALl this leftism and degeneracy today is a direct consequence of the USSRs subversion network.

modern SJW stuff didnt even start as a philsophy until the 1960s as a criticism of both capitalism AND the soviet union. The idea that Stalin was some jew controlled "anti-white" dictator like stormfags pretend is utterly retarded

Stalin is male Hillary

I agree on the Stalin shit but the anti capitalism anti traditionalism SJW shit has been around since the 19th century

it didn't just sprout out of the ground one day, and it has its basis in marxist ideas

how do i get this haircut ?

Stalin literally spew out anti-white white guilt rhetoric. If you were not a part injun, part negro monkey you would be able to learn one of the greates European languages and be able to read this

It was Rockefeller you stupid nigger, and he only did it so fucking them over later would be easier.

SJW shit is all based on Ardono, Gramsci, and most importantly Marcuse and his writings in Repressive Tolerance, which was written in the 60s. Its based on Marxism, but not Stalin. The neo-nazi fucks dont even understand what marxism is in the first place

He was ancient by that time, not an option. Anarcho-communism is nice in theory (and close to the traditional Russian understanding of the right way to live) but it doesn't offer a credible mechanism of transition.
Russian-German alliance has been their worst nightmare since forever.

I heard an opinion once that a Germany-Russia-Iran-Japan axis is the most logical alliance and the most unmentioned opportunity. The more I think about it, the more obvious it seems. They'll use nukes before it happens though, and densely populated countries are particularly vulnerable.

It sounds reasonable, although I don't know about Iran. On the other hand they are not as bad as Saudi Arabia and Qatar who love Clinton so much...

I think, if we could put old resentments aside and Russia-Germany-Japan and China allied, all of Eurasia would be unified. Although I think the Chinks don't really care. They are over a billion people in a big country and so don't really care about the rest of the world. At least that's what a Chinese user said on here. The USA is like a volcano and tries to meddle with the entire world, China is like an ocean.

We actually got a lot done between Russia and Germany when Gerhard Schröder was still our chancellor. But since Merkel took office who is anti-Russian and anti-German, ethnically Polish and a US puppet, a lot has been ruined. With Schröder in office, we probably would not have signed the sanctions against Russia. It sucks...


>Enter a thread in which Russian/russian history is mentioned
>Russians appear like fat kids nears a bag of chocolates
>Start writing Cyrillic runes

Man, what the fuck? No one can understand any of you. I was thinking about learning German as a 4th language, perhaps I should take Russian instead.

>чepтoвы ниггepы бyдyчи ниггepoв

Is cool how much esoteric shit russia got.
Is bad that the people are complete retards irl.

Iran doesn't necessarily imply Ayatollahs. They're geopolitically important because they allow the alliance to control all oceans and ignore straits and canals, while all overland routes between Europe and Asia must pass through either Russia or Iran. And they're alienated enough from the rest of Middle East culturally and historically to look elsewhere for alliances. Anyway, Ayatollahs aren't even that bad, Islam is a political tool in Iran, not a goal in itself.
They'll dominate through numbers so we'll either end up serving them or agree a priori that there will be no semblance of democracy.
At this point conspiracy is the most simple and reasonable explanation for her politics.

I see. What you said about Iran is truly important. I hope we can get along in the future. It's certainly the better option than a USA controled by the ZOG and Saudi money.

We'll see, if the future belongs to China. But I doubt, the Eternal Anglos would let that happen without economic and proxy wars. And what will be left of Europe as soon as the real mass immigration from Africa kicks in.

As for Merkel: we also must not forget that the NSA is monitoring our entire government 24/7. It would be absolutely possible for them to blackmail them, especially Merkel with her communist past. Although I don't think, it would be necessary. She has always been a good puppet. The more interesting question is how a person like her could become so powerful in an alleged conservative party and turn it into this mess.

None of this is surprising because Germany is an occupied country. In fact it is the expected outcome. Doesn't fully explain the open doors policy debacle though, the benefit to the Anglo in general is not immediately obvious, it looks more like action in favor of a clique, worst korea style.

Well, we know some things. Most of the actual refugees welcome tweets came from the USA and Britain... We know Soros and his ilk funded, organized and helped the illegal immigrants. We also know from Willy Wimmer, a politician who was very close to Helmut Kohl and in the parliament for over 30 years, that refugee streams and their coordination are always part of military planning, so you can direct where they are going. In fact: in modern warfare you cannot start any war without planning for the refugee streams. And strategic engineered migration as a weapon of war is also a possibility: belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/18120/strategic_engineered_migration_as_a_weapon_of_war.html

So all of this is part of the reality...

But the real apocalypse will start when Africa moves out and thanks to American policy there is no Gadaffi or another dictator to stop them. If this regime continues like they did in 2015, Europe will be gone.


>killed millions
>imprisoned gorillions

citation needed