These mental gymnastics

>these mental gymnastics
How fucking delusional is this guy?

he is a fuckwit and its all megaupload 2 shilling
nothing that has happened can be attributed to him.

He sounds very accurate to me.

sounds reasonable to me. perma-deleting anything that was once transferred over internet is super fucking unlikely


How is it delusional? It makes perfect fucking sense.

The NSA has been grabbing everyones emails and other communications since AT LEAST 2009. They just couldnt openly forward the FBI those emails without, ya know, outright admitting to that data collection.

The FBI knew about the emails, its just the bombshells to come forced Comeys hand to protect himself and the FBI, as well as other shady figures. The Weiner thing was a convenient cover.

That's exactly what I figured they were doing -- sounds right.

This. Ops a massive faggot

>hacker wasn't wearing a tracksuit
>infact no hacker at all

no wonder op is a whiny faggot

>Kim Dotcom

Why would anyone listen to this faggot? He literally said that he had the 33k emails and that he sent them to wikileaks, which turned out to be complete bullshit.

Yea, I saw right through them as well from the beginning. Made perfect sense.

he was hyping for 2 years that he had the entire 33k emails, turned out all he had was the "NSA m-must have the emails" theory. Even now, when it's been revealed new emails came from Weiner's computer, fat cunt still tries to take credit for it.

It's called parallel construction

what was that "you've got mail" video about?

Please be true.

Dick pic from Weiner

He's based so leave him alone.

And he weights 400 pounds and he is a hacker.
Remember that Trump (who has a time machine) knew it was going to be that way.

Hardly. I was thinking the same thing when Comey came out literally two days after his post.



agreed, at least anything text-based

It's called desperate to be relevant.

This fat fuck has been "hey, look at me!"ing for weeks.

He clarified that the nsa thing he mentioned was to say that they were collected legally so she could be tried for their content or something. He sent something to wikileaks the same day.

>How fucking delusional is this guy?

100% ironic post.

You can tell by the emoticon, and also because it's Kim Fucking Dotcom.

You know he's basically a human troll, right?
