Even now I could cut through the five of you like carving a cake!

>Even now I could cut through the five of you like carving a cake!

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bumb for based GOT poster

I remember this show. It was called Game of Thrones. Had a couple of good seasons.

Not in the show you couldn't.


>dies to bunch of sandniggers with knives

He was an old man you fucking dumb cunt. They were professional assassins.

>professional assassins
>never even stated
>literally told that they're just rich pissed off sandniggers

the death was a copout dabid, stop trying to defend yourself

They were has-been nobles with daggers.

Vikings is better. That lasted 4 seasons before turning into a dildo waving about on celluloid.

Have sex.

>literally either low-level slaves or a bunch of pampered slavers
>able to take down the guy who could kill twenty professional royal guards in a room and talked about by one of the best living swordsmen alive as THE best living swordsman alive
No he was killed because they wanted to give the cockless brown dude more screentime

the first 4-4.5 seasons of GoT is the best shit ever and it picks up again in season 7. the fuck are you talking about idiot child?

>and it picks up again in season 7

trying too hard with the bait

If Barristan was a female, she literally would have killed the entire gang of the sons of the harpy single handedly

>but doesn't
was he a coward?

how does he know what a cake is

Who would win, the best swordsman on the planet wielding a real blade or 20 starved slaves with slightly sharpened butter knifes?

the show died with Tywin

Come to think of it, have they ever depicted a cake on the show? All you ever see at gatherings are generic grapes and fruit.

Cakes weren't invented 50 years ago, retard.

>the first 4-4.5

didnt Barristan hill a whole horde of the mask dudes single handedly before he died?

No, he's not a king slayer. Barristan could've slew joffrey and gotten away with it, but he actually takes his vows seriously.

I'm certain sansa eats lemon cakes in season 1, and they're mentioned around sansa a lot.

He should have killed them all. He was the best swordman in the world and they were 20 noble faggots with shitty knives.


The show died because of the Tywin change.

>takes his vows seriously
>goes and joins a pretender's cause

>it picks up again in season 7

Nice bait

could he though? no evidence of him being hard, just rumors

Why didn't he protect prince Ragger?

>a man in his 60s kills like a dozen people before being overwhelmed

I mean how else would it have gone down.

He swapped sides and joined Robert before Aerys was even dead. Barristan broke his vows once, him joining Dany was an effort to make amends for giving up on Viserys and not following him, instead serving robert.

>Ned Stark, the guy who fought against the entire Kingsguard, praises Barristan
>Jaime Lannister, one of the best swordmen in the entire kingdom and a dude with a huge ego admits Barristan is better than he is
Rumors my ass.

You're fucking retarded.


Gets good in the sense that it becomes entertaining again but its still dumb as ever

Reminder that this occurred because david and DB are a couple of over sensitive twats.

He and Jaime openly discuss how they fought the Kingswood Brotherhood and how Barristan was cutting down legends like it was nothing.

>no evidence of him being hard
Barristan is literally renown as one of the greatest swordsmen in the kingdoms, he's gotten old but it's specifically said that most of the kingsguard aren't very good.

He'd easily slay men like Boros Blount and Meryn Trant and though men like Arys Oakheart are good knights, they're no match.

That shit is in the past and just exposition. Zero demonstration of him being any good in the show. His claim was specifically 'even now'.
Punk ass bitch. It's not an honorary position, he's making a real claim that he's a useful fighter, and there is zero evidence for that.

Where in the show did that happen, book reading nigger


Barristan is literally the only kingsguard other than Jaime that people know from robert's kingsguard.

Him getting enough screentime shows he's important, most of his screentime is people saying how skilled he is.

He exists to be a great fighter, thats his role in season 1.

>I need to see Barristan kill 50 people onscreen to believe everyone's claims that he is super skilled
Are you stupid?

Whom is this qt3.14

>and your other cake

I watched the first few seasons of thia drek like 4 years ago, so I forget, but I can't remember this chump fighting anyone on screen. Did they really keep calling him the best swordsman? Because that's shit tier writing if so.

I can't wait to tell my friends i'm not going to watch the next season. And then watch it in secret just so i can come here and shit on it.

This guy really knows how to waffle and spend a long time saying nothing

Meryn Fookin Trant!

why would you think that? colin cowherd's not an actor. plus he looks nothing like him. not to mention you misspelled his name. i've never seen someone be so wrong about so many things at once. embarrassing.

We stand behind you lord Stark

... in the past.

Your Mother

The specific claim of based Joffrey is that that he's old and shit now. We see no counter evidence at any point.
>It is you that is stupid

My gf, back off!

But it wasn't cut

Joffrey doesn't know shit.
Jaime claims he is still one of the best swordmen in the world and I'd rather believe the guy who is a fucking god with the sword rather than a faggot prince who lost to a little girl with a stick.

In the books before Tyrion kills twyin they talk about Tysha. It's revealed she wasn't actually a whore, and tywin had her raped by all the men in his household guard.

In the show, this doesn't happen. It's probably the most evil thing twyin has ever done.

Yeah, because it's a pretty stupid thing to do.
God, the books were such trash after A Clash of Kings

I believe it, but could you explain what you mean?

*grabs you by the neck!*
Whoa calm down there kiddo wouldn't want to make a mess

God that's retarded as hell

What the fuck did you say to me you little bitch?

>god with a sword
>Couldn't beat outnumbered and old sean bean
>Captured by pleb tier soldiers in battle
>unable to escape
>Lost to a woman
>Defeated with kitchen cleaver
>Defeated by Bron
>basically useless in battle

Real champion there.

As for your insults towards joffrey, he's not a swordsman and never claimed to be. He's more a crossbow man.

I know you're having a hard time letting go of what you *think* you know, from some dusty old books for fags, but we are talking about the actual TV show, OK. This is Sup Forums not /book/. Nothing personnel kid.

not to mention he fell to save the castrated chimp

His character was killed because the showrunners wanted to flex their power. Not joking. They literally stated as much.

What's that?

Vikings pilot was pretty damn good. Dropped it a few episodes later, the fastest drop in quality I've ever seen in a show.

cake at marg and jeoffs wedding

No, it makes sense. He won't have his son, an adult of house lannister marrying a fucking peasant. He got his men to fuck her and give her a silver each, then forced tyrion to go last and pay her a gold "because he's worth more"

He forces Jaime to lie and say Tysha was actually a paid whore, when in reality she was a regular peasant girl who tyrion helped save and actually loved him.

God this guy is a fucking autist, he spends 30 minutes shit talking David because he has a lisp, he's a fucking piece of shit and boring as hell. As much as I hate those two retards for their shitty writing this is fucking uncalled for and annoying as hell.

When will /got/ return? That’s the only reason why I keep returning to Sup Forums.

>"I could cut through the five of you like carving a cake!"
>lannister guard steps forward "Okay"
>the master swordsman charges forward wailing nonsense, sword brandished high
>guard holds up an arm
>sword hits it, bounces off because swords cant cut through plate armor
>it hurts like a sonofabitch but other than getting a large bruise on his arm the guard is fine
>his four guard buds step up with bored expressions
>"Cock," Barristan grumbles "Greasy cocks fucking whore's asses"
>he swings his sword like a baseball bat at a different guard
>the guard stands impassively and doesn't try to stop it
>the sword hits his armour and bounces off, since swords cant cut through plate armor
>other than a small bruise on his chest the next day the guard is fine
>"COCK!" barristan screams, frothing at the mouth, "STICK A COCK IN MY COCK!!!"
>his wrist hurts really bad from bashing his sword as hard as he can against ugly plate armor, and also because he's a senior citizen who has arthritis from having to endure 2-10 year winters a pop in this shitty fantasy world
>deciding to use skill instead of power, barristan points his sword at a third guard, thrusting forward
>guard bats it away because he's wearing gauntlets and swords cant cut through plate armor
>fourth guard steps around behind barristan and puts him in a full nelson
>"GET YER COCK UP ASSES!" barristan shrieks defiantly "FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!"
>other guards move in and start unclasping barristans armored pants
>barristan gets raped because this is a gritty and realistic fantasy world

Is it true Sandor is some big romantic figure in the books?

The actor spoke up about having a more involved role, so they killed him off

Specifically, Barristan's actor had read the books and was expecting to have a lot to do in the season, because his character becomes really important at that point. Instead he finds out David and Dan are planning on killing him off, so he writes a letter to them arguing for why Barristan shouldn't die yet. They've said they got the letter and "it only made us want to kill that actor off more."

Who "carves" a cake? A joint of meat is carved. A cake is cut.

Fucking plebs


In the books he says "Like a hot knife through butter"

This was changed because american audiences don't know what butter is.

>The actor spoke up about having a more involved role, so they killed him off
Ruh roh didn't Euron's actor do the same thing last season?



>This was changed because american audiences don't know what butter is.

Oh please, Americans love their butter. They deep fry the stuff for Christ's sake.




>Even now Grey Worm could AHHHHHHH save me like carving a ballsack off a slave

Jesus Raimi

>This was changed because american audiences don't know what butter is.
I understand that this is supposed to be a jab at Americans, but what does it mean?


Doesn't matter. Selmy was at the Trident and presumably should've been in the prince guard fighting directly around Rhaegar. Instead he got wounded like a bitch, leaving an opening for Robert to challenge Rhaegar to single combat.

Selmy is overrated and choked when his prince needed him most

Lady Shansha, pleashe!

he probably got wounded fighting around rhaegar

or Rhaegar ordered him to stand down so him and Bobby could 1v1 properly because of muh honor

A daring synthesis


this, an elderly man close to his 70's killed 12 people by himself in a narrow enclosed hallway. but still niggers will meme save me grey worm.

ser barristen went above and beyond. if anything if they want to rip on him they should rip on him for being kind of simple in the mind.

dabid and deebie got buttflustered when they got called on sidelining Barristan Selmy for meme dwarf (Selmy is Hand of the Queen in the books) and Grey Worm/Missandei shipping

selmy was near death and after rhaegar died he tore through the enemy to get to rhaegars corpse like a beast despite everyone already surrendered.

Shame we'll never get the last two (?) books, and the show will be forever canon.

They killed off one of the most integral characters to Dany's story arc, Barristan being one of the few remnants from her family's reign for a shitty dragged-out plot line that didn't lead anywhere to give more screen time to a castrated nigger who isn't even a real character in the books. Season 4 and 5 were truly the lowest point of the series.

Fuck Benioff and Wise, jewish hacks.

*gets killed by subhuman sand cultists*


plate armor doesn't cover your whole body you idiot. the joints are completely unprotected. the back of the legs, the neck, too are good weak points