Is living life off welfare and NEETbux the ultimate red-pill?

Just think about it.

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Being a neet is bad because it's so completely selfish. You're forcing someone else to pay for all your expenses, either your parents, a taxpayer, or both. We oppose this shit because it's morally wrong. How could you take advantage of your parents like that instead of becoming independent and taking care of yourself? What's wrong with you?

>Being a slave to the government

You know all it would take is a few laws changing and you would be cut off, right?

>God Tier


>Top Tier

Secure Freelance

>Philosopher King Tier

Independent NEET (living in own house/apartment)

>Mid Tier

Salaried Position

>Utter Dogshit Tier

Wage Slavery
Dependent NEET (living with parents/relatives)

>tfw you make a good job but you hide most of the money you are making so you qualify for a bunch of welfare and you cheat the system

feels good man

The same thing can be said about having a job and working. It IS self-fish and greedy. You are expanding the pockets of your boss and he could give no fucks about your well-being. You allow your limited, precious time on earth to be wasted engaging in an unnecessary human created system that treats us all like bots.

Why should I value a meaningless piece of paper that has no value? It is the idiocy of the masses that allowed this to happen. We should have kept the bartering system and traded sea shells and the like.

And I am the one who will be taking care of my parents when they are old and broken. I believe wage cucks call it an "investment for the future".
No problem. I learned how to hunt, forage and farm. I could always go off the grid. I do not care for material things and will be happy with animals and such.

>Why would I want to date 3-D?

Literally kill yourself.

No, the highest honour in life is working to pay taxes so that single-mothers and immigrants can live the good life.


you are not free,

you are no better than single welfare moms,

you are married to the government.

when the gibmedat party ends you will have no skills and no value to society and will promptly be out on the street and on your ass.