
Why are you here?

the universe put me here ok

i just woke up asshole


Its Monday morning here in Australia

>wake up
>immediately go on Sup Forums
Sort your life out m8

It's 3 PM. I cleaned by bathroom, did the laundry and I'm tired of sweeping the floors so I'm chilling while watching Ocean's 13. Feels good being single again

>Mutts will believe this

its raining.

because Saturday is meaningless when you're neet

Cause Im going to see an escort later tonight.

been up since 7am and there is nothing to do so im just shitposting while watching ancient aliens

My partner is ill so I'm looking after xer.

Ive got a whole evening of trapkino lined up

because time has no effect on a neet

my sister is at this japanese speech contest and i'm just chilling at the lounge


Because I was out drinking last night. Got drunk, went to a small concert with friends, had a few more beers there, then we went to a different bar with a really cool underwater theme, then we went home, ate food, drank wine smoked weed and played fortnite.

Today I am going to relax, make myself a burger. Anyone have any movie recommendations that I can watch stoned? Looking for something that is feel good, adventurous and features beautiful nature.

I dont know what to watch before I go to bed. Right now its kinda between Rome, Robot Overlords, Cloverfield Lane or fuck I dont even know

Phoneposting while taking post workout shit. Got work at 3

>he doesn’t have the luxury of waking up and fucking around on his phone for an hour until he feels like getting up
Haha wagecuck detected


To get all the fuckin tea in China.

I got 2nd hand depressed from reading this larpfic

Watch Rome its hbo goodness

Its like 2:55. Already went to Costco and bought food so im relaxing looking for a job. Gonna go to the bar alone for some nirvana cover band cause im bored and my friend who I go to the bar with hates me now but I might work up the courage to ask a qt I know to come with me



Oceans movies are mad comfy.

just give me a movie recommendation mate

are you sure you're not gonna off yourself?

got pics? wanna compare

Going to the theme parks as usual for the day.

Gf is at her friends brunch/barcrawl, so after our morning fug session i hit the office and gym and ill go collect her when ive had a little time to myself.

I got into an argument with my 12 year old loli Indian online gf now I'm going to work

Hows do you even find yourself in this situation?