Is it true that in burger schools people just get up and leave when the teacher is in the middle of a sentence if the bell rings?
Is it true that in burger schools people just get up and leave when the teacher is in the middle of a sentence if the...
Yes because if you don’t you’ll get a detention for being late for your next class.
American schools are filled with 56%-ers and niggers. They're not really schools as much as they are zoos where teachers try to control a bunch of retarded animals.
No, teachers lesson plan for their classes since they're doing the same lesson 3-4 times a day, and know how long it has to be to fit into the class.
Because in most burger schools you have multiple teachers in different rooms.
Therefore, if you don't get up and leave, then your next classroom is empty, and the teacher has nothing to do, and the class you're currently in has 30 kids standing outside the door waiting to get in to learn the subject you were just learning.
and if you're going to say "I mean the end of school bell" well school buses don't wait for kids. They don't know kids by name like in the simpsons
Why don't they allocate sufficient time for students to get between classes?
Less time to get into fights and sell drugs near your locker if you're constantly rushing to your next class
we have 5 minutes in between classes in england
we sat quietly and at least waited for the teacher to wrap up the lesson (a couple of mins at most) if the bell went and they're in the middle of teaching us
there were some teachers that would go on for another 10 mins after the bell went before dismissing us but you would just tell the next teacher that the other teacher was going on
burgers are uncivilised animals
Cutting time for the budget, buses working every school in the area, etc
I went to a 4 story high school with 4 minute hall time between classes. My locker was literally never on the path between classes, and if i wasn't able to put shit in my girlfriend's locker I would have carried every book with me all senior year
I never really considered lockers actually being a real thing that people used
I used to just carry all my shit in my backpack
how many of the american high school movie memes are actually real. do the bullies flush kids heads in the toilet too lmao
I never saw one person in my school use a locker except in the locker room
they don't even give you key ones.
You have to fucking do the stupid turning shit like mission impossible on it and hope you don't cross over a single mm line or you have to reset it
you can just leave whenever desu, people will assume you have a good reason
My school had teachers demand every kid fill out a 1 inch three ring binder over the course of the year, and would grade you at the end of the semester if you filled it out sufficiently or not. So a binder and textbook for every class, generally too much to put in a backpack with whatever else you carry
I'm fucking 23 and still have regular dreams about not remembering my combination. It wasn't even a concern in school but it's imprinted on me as a catch all stupid dream anxiety
The teacher is never mid sentence, they already finished and you’re doing a worksheet or reading silently
well whether it's "true" or not, amerilards definitely have been conditioned to act like niggers in school
It's the same in the us fag. Most teachers though understand that kids have other classes and let them out within the minute after the bell rings. I went to three different high schools and every one had five minutes in between.
>tfw social anxiety
>if I was late to school I would wait in the bathroom after signing in at the office until bell rang for the next class
>used to make sure I was first in class so nobody is staring at me when I walk into the class
>used to be the first person to the school at 6 am so i could be the first person in the school yard and didn't have to walk by 100 kids looking at me
>used to skip lunch so I didn't have to sit with anyone or by myself and walk by 100 eating kids to get food
>never got up to go to the bathroom once during class
>never did school projects because then I would have to present in front of the class
>carrying all of your books in your backpack all day
Fucking europoors
after my first year in middle school I just stopped trying, I forgot the combo weekly and wasn't worth the time finding it or going to the office to get it again
this one time I was at my locker and this black chick basically said she wanted to suck my dick though, that was neat.
She said some kind of joke to me and I was all like "yeah yeah suck my dick" and she said dead on "Okay" and smiled.
I have a small pee pee though so of course I didnt move in on that
I still have a hunch from when I was in school, I permanently fucked my back up because I'm a manlet and carrying all that shit was terrible for my spine.
You sit 99% of the time in school.
>everyone in school used to laugh at the hunch backed newfags carrying all their books
good times.
But I also don't get shot when I'm at school like you do, so I think it was worth it in the end
That one dude who would speedwalk to class while carrying 80 pounds of books on his back was really impressive in hindsight
I'm 5"7 now (at 21), so back then I was even shorter. It was a difficult time...
Teachers never talk for that long. They walk in, write the page numbers you're supposed to read and/or turn on an overhead projector with shit to copy while they sit and eat their salad at their desk.
MAYBE they'll have a little spiel at the start but they are never still speaking by the time class ends.
>that kid with the luggage wheel backpack running over all the black kids air force 1's
Wish I had a image of one with speed blurs right now
Its true? All the bullys of first world are pussy and need to act in a pack to bully nerds and faggots? Here one guy beats the teacher in front all class
rotating schedules mean you didnt have to bring EVERY book to school every day.
The teachers loved me and my friends because we bullied the annoying kids/ones we knew the teachers didn't like so they let us get away with doing pretty much whatever we wanted (as long as we didnt annoy them)
I tried this and got shot
forgot your webm m8? anyways this is what usually happens at a American School
They do. You usually get 10 minutes.
Thing is some kids have to go to their lockers in between classes to get books and/or projects.
>that one kid that carried all his shit in a wheelbarrow
>had a elevator key and never used it
Why not make the teachers move from room to room?
People here don't have guns and don't need guys to kill teachers.
that's just crazy enough to work
>making the science teacher bring all the microscopes to class
>gym teacher has to carry around dodge balls
>lunch teacher running around with a bag full of hotpckets
>lunch teacher tell me whats my lesson, look right through me, look right through me-e-e
Doe you shine your hunch with turtle wax or Quasimodo hunch wax?
Americans.. Being conditioned like Pavlov's dog, lol. Why can't you just look at the clock and deduce from it that the class is over? Why need a bell to remind you every time?
There are bells in Bong schools too, you faggot
>not having almost everything in the same classroom and having teachers come to you instead of you constantly migrating from classroom to classroom
fucking pleb
when i was in school if the bell rang in the middle of a lecture the teacher would try to hold us but i would just put on my cool face and leave anyway lol
haha epic!
>americans are fat
>europoors can't walk 30 feet to another room
do they give you diapers or do you guys walk to the bathrooms
Well, then this extends to the Bong schools too, why have bells when you can actually see the time for yourself? The archaic bell system should've been replaced a long time ago, so why do you still use it?
Europoor here, I really don't get how I was the only one to just keep every book under my desk.
It's not like people stole books.
it makes more sense for one person, the teacher to go from classroom to classroom than to have groups of 30-40 people constantly flooding the hallways
>bringing your books to school instead of just notebooks
in the US, people don't usually have all their classes together either
the people you have science with could be 100% different from whom you have english with etc.
why are highschools like college in the us?
The bell is Pavlov condition to train you like cattle.
It's not constant, it's every 50 minutes for 5 minutes. How is that less efficient than making a teaching take all the teaching supplies with them on a cart throughout a multi-story building?
College yes, highschool no
>teaching supply
americans are a meme
Is it true that you have to pray to the flag each morning in class? That seems really cult-like and creepy.
public schools are like this, thank god my parents sent me to a school with all the rich jewish kids
How else will they show their obedience to the jews
by electing someone from new york for president
by senior year i literally only carried a folder around
What movie?
are all Muslims(british) this retarded?
looking at the clock constantly while someone is trying to give you a lecture is rude you third world peasant
That's why I eventually said fuck it and just starting carrying all my books and shit in my backpack. Would only use my locker to store my coat or other winter gear items.
>tfw middle school was 3 stories and high school was 1 but spread out
Junior high and grade school are the only times I've had enough time to actually use my locker. Jr. high because the place was laid out like a prison. Pods and everything. Grade school because you only have the one class and only needed your locker during recess in the winter.
Public schools at least here in FL were nothing short of a cluster fuck full of arrogant animal students and power hungry administrators all stabbing each other in the back for a promotion while screwing over the normal level-headed students and decent teachers in the process.
>Students are required to wear their school ID on a lanyard around their necks at all times
>Had to forfeit your ID when leaving campus for lunch and get it back upon returning so they know if you're ditching
>Teachers are not allowed to have in-class textbooks, forcing the students to bring the textbooks they've been given to use at home to class.
>There were at least three supervisors whose sole job is to walk around campus during class time and stop students walking somewhere to make sure they're not out of class for no reason.
>Teachers are forced to make students take "Cornell notes" and grade them on how well they did.
Fucking grading a student on how they fucking take notes?! And every class required this, including shit like web design where we only use a God damn computer. Seriously, good riddance to the education system, that shit made me avoid college for half a year because I was so paranoid and angry I was afraid it was going to be more of the same. I would love to be a father one day but I would never do something as cruel as make a child go through thirteen years of that bullshit.
Judging by your comment, you didn't consider the possibility that there would be a wall clock behind the teacher. This makes it obvious it is you who is from a third world country. One doesn't need to look at the clock every 5 minutes like an autist, one quick glance every now and then is enough.
That's how we do it over here Eastern Yurop btw it just leaves us time to smoke in the 10 minute breaks feels good
There's only like 5 out of 30 classes that need relocation because of lab equipment / gym
Only thing I can think of is girls blocking hallways/lockers to talk in their giant peer groups. The main reason I was late for at least one class every year in HS.
>Excuse me I gotta get through
>Hey I gotta get to class, open up please
>one or two hear, do nothing
>Let Me Through!
>*exasperated sigh* Why?
>I've gotta get to class, move
>*eye rolls* You coulda asked nicer
>I was, learn to listen
>Goll, why are you so crabby?
>You guys block this hallway every damn day and I'm sick of being late.
>*indignant sighs all around*
>Shove through them cause bell just rang
>repeat through sophomore, junior, and senior year.
>each year, a new group of airheads had to learn the hard way not to block the halls.
my bullies just made me suck their warm black dingi
>not pledging yourself to the ideals of freedom every day
how serf-like
10 minutes, wtf?
In my school we got 4.
>Things that only happened inside my head: the post.
more like
>see 2 or 3 girls standing around talking
>be a huge sperg and think they can smell me or something
>look down at my shoes
>stiffen up and walk like a perma-virgin
>try not to cry as I walk past and can hear them giggle
haha I can imagine your desperate nerdy whining so well. based stacys
Yeah, I guess, so uncivilized.
In my country the teachers are the one coming to our class room tho.
We just sit there waiting for the next class.
>teaching supplies
Like colored wooden blocks and dolls to teach math and science?
to normalize a fast paced busy week for entry into the work force
every other country has it the same way, it makes sense for teachers to move between classes than the other way around
america is the Sup Forums of countries, contrarian and stupid for no explainable reason
Public schools in North Dakota were comfy as fuck when I was a student.
>each classroom got their own set of computers around '94-'95. Used to play Oregon Trail and Sim Town every chance I got.
>jr high and high schools had laptops the teachers could check out to students by early '00s
>libraries were stocked with everything, including nazi and commie books because fuck censorship
>very little fights; nerds got along with jocks, preps got along with metal kids. The only ones who didn't get along with others were the pop-punk kids and the Somali refugee kids. Bosnians, Kenyans, Russians, and even Australians integrated easily.
>Teachers all cared about their students and that their students understood the material
>Teachers were fun to learn from and just when it came to misbehavior
>Class trips were always fun, Performing Arts always had the best class trips; Plays in Minneapolis, Science Museum and rest of the day spent hanging out in uptown.
>Dodgeball was still every one's favorite game. We mainly did 3-pin and our version of pirate ball.
>every other country has it the same way
i'm from ireland and we move between classes
Yeah, it really does make more sense. I believe that most country in Asia is that way.
Well I guess that Ireland is not that far behind US then, huh?
t. Got out of high school 6 months ago
it really makes less sense. you keeping the students cooped up in the same room all day and you're depriving the teachers of a permanent workspace. students have to travel from room to room in university anyways so i don't know why you two are acting like making students move classes is some ridiculous concept. it makes a lot more sense than confining them to a single room like they're 10 years old.
I can confirm it is the same over here in Ireland(both private and public schools), we have the decency to wait till the teacher has made clear the class has started and when it has ended. These yanks are truly uncivilized creatures
spelled 'uncivilised' wrong, yank
Most of the time the teacher keeps track of the time and finishes up before the bell. But if not people just walk out.
t. Still in high school
>inb4 underage
I was born in 2000
You were born in 2000. You're eternally underage on Sup Forums.
They do. Teachers are notoriously bad at using their time efficiently. I went to a block schedule high school (2 hour+ classes) and they spent 30 minutes lecturing and allotted the rest of the time for "homework". They don't give a fuck.
>The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!
Some teachers are cunts who don't care about cutting into another teacher's time.
>it's wrong because it's not how we do it
Nothing can be more american than that.
Because a teacher would have to carry way more shit from classroom to classroom than a student ever would. Teachers also tend to tailor their classrooms for their specific needs and it would be especially impractical for teachers that need specialized classrooms like science teachers.
I don't see how nip teachers even pull it off unless all of their teaching is just lectures
I just made white kids suck my dick.
>entire class walks out anyway
>teacher sputters out threats of disciplinary action against the entire class (lol yeah right teach) in impotent seething rage