Sup Forums reimagine origins of the superheroes

>Think of your favorite hero origin
>Re-imagine them.

Batman was molested as a kid in a cave filled with bats

By who? The joker?

The Diddler

The Fiddler*

So, it is a molester version of the riddler? Is he connected to the riddler?

Come on folks, this is a fun thread. Contribute something relevant.


OP likes girls instead of being a colossal faggot.

Thor is a Aryan white supremacist and Nordic nationalist called Erik who performed a Germanic occultist ritual to give himself unlimited power while serving as a soldier in the Waffen-SS during the Second World War, coming from Nazi occupied Norway.

The catch of using occultist magic was that he also received contrary political values and came to the belief that everyone, no matter nationality, race or creed was deserving of life.

From that point on; he was Thor; God of Thunder.

So, He is a villain?


If you're a neo Nazi, he's a villain. To everyone else he's a hero. He was a villain until he gained his powers.

Oh, I thought it was one of those "LOL, we like nazis and shit!"

>Bruce (or ideally some cute brown girl) stumbles through the Honduran jungle
>pushes aside a large leaf trying to make shelter
>finds this
>decides what the criminals need is to have something sweet and cute change their ways

I'd rework Iron Man as the son of the disgraced and now penniless Party-Boy Howard Stark, and the daughter of a long-forgotten Greek shipping tycoon. This way, Tony grows up cold and resentful, struggling with carrying two failed legacies. Eventually he makes it big and manages to come up with a small start-up company and founds Stark Industries, which is one of the many small-time firms that SHIELD has invested. With things going good, Tony evolves into a thrill-seeking playboy, whose adventures give him new ideas for better, more efficient weapons. In no time, he manages to become a competitor for such juggernauts as HammerTech, OsCorp and otheare. The rest follow as usual.

Mainly I wanted to have Tony be an underdog and really have to fight to be competitive against the top dogs. I'd have Howard have an older brother that cheated him out of the family business, which would make Tony adopt a "trust no one but yourself" attitude, and justify his incredibly controlling nature.

Gwen is a hidden clone of peter and gwen stacy. She obtains the memories of both gwen stacy and peter parker. And she lives in a abandon home of the original gwen stacy.

how great would a story like Silicon Valley's be if they were making power armor

With the same cast as the TV Show? Not that great... I mean, I liked the first few seasons, but it's all the same. I envisioned this origin more akin to Fincher's Social Network. Tony as Zuckerberg, Ty Stone as Saverin, maybe Morgan Stark as the Winklevos Bros. Generally I just want a story of an underdog with high goals who rises to the top, and instead of doing a 180 due to just an accident, it's a slow burn.


>With the same cast
what? no. I mean, maybe... no. No. I just meant like Tony going through the same kinda ... rise.
>I liked the first few seasons, but it's all the same.
I like that. it has too few episodes for me to be sick of it yet

>Flash Thompson was Midtown High's professional jerk jock
>One day he bumps Peter Parker, accidentally putting him on the way of a radioactive spider
>Superpowered and freaked out, "Puny Parker" swears vengeance in the costumed identity of Venom, eventually assaulting Flash on public
>Peter's Uncle Ben tries to stop the fight and is accidentally killed by Peter's lack of control over his superhuman strength
>Peter runs away, while Flash is haunted by the death and madness brought on by his torment of the guy
>He finds blueprints for a suit designed to increase the endurance and strength of elder people, as part of Peter's Oscorp grant
>Flash lets Harry Osborn in on his plight and together they smuggle the prototypes. Flash dons a suit of armor as well as devices that shoot elastic, adhesive tendrils
>Spider-Man now tries to atone for his past as a bastard

I guess that could work. I guess Tony would be... the main guy. Cousin Morgan could be Erlich. Ty could be the... Satanist guy. The OG Deathlok could be the... Indian guy. And Pepper would be Jared... Okay, I haven't watched this in over 2 years, I don't remember shit, but I kinda like the idea. Although my version of Tony would be much more controlling, so I'd just have him go straight to the Millitary after graduating, building weapons, making connections, all that jazz.

yeah Tony is basically a mixture of all four of them on his own, with maybe Hobie in the role of Bighead
and you could work Rhodey in there somewhere because he's just great

Oh, I have plans for Rhodes. Bruce Banner, Hank Pym and the Deathlok program as well. Honestly, if I had the time I'd just turn all of my notes into a full-fledged fan-fix novel.

That is neat.


I drew a batgirl to go with this theme