Why is the white race so hypocritical?

>1416 AD
>multicultural planet, blacks in africa, whites in europe, native americans in america
>be european white male
>travel across the atlantic and meet native americans
>murder almost all of them
>shit on their culture
>bring blacks from africa
>shit on their culture
>build an entire new continent with european culture
>"isn't it beautiful how america looks like europe now?"

>2016 AD
>blacks and muslims start to immigrate to europe in order to find a better life
>now 5% of the european population is non white
>be european white male

makes you think, doesn't it?

George Soros is right, you guys should die.

Your argument is that people should behave morally instead of in their self interest and it's a child's argument.

fuck off racist. there is only the human race

Well, maybe if other races (barring the azns) weren't so fucking inferior they could've explored and built empires as well. Sorry your preffered culture is dusty mudshacks and poverty.

Get fucked, subhuman pleb.

>Europe for Europeans
>We love Rhodesia

No, I'm saying the white race is finally tasting its own medicine.

That's why you are so desperate. Can you imagine what it was for the native americans?

Belgium calling me pleb.

People know less about your country than they know about my shithole country. Stop hiding in the shadows of real european countries, muslims will destroy you anyways.

M8, Brazilians are swarming Dublin and it's made my parents millionaires since they own property and you lads are pushing up the rent.

They are giving me an early inheritance. I'm rich. Thanks for working Irish minimum we jobs.

A lot of people know Brazil, this is true.
They know it's dirty, ridden with poverty and crime, completely degenerate and getting engulfed in a massive crimewave. All you have is football and you havn't been good at that for years

How does it feel to not be able to flush toiletpaper junglenigger?

people tend to know less about nice small quaint countries than giant smouldering piles of shit

>Advance third world shitholes by 500 years in a matter of decades

>Third world shitholes
>Destroy first world countries and turn them into third world shitholes because things that humans find simple are far too advanced for third worlders to comprehend

See: Rhodesia (you can throw India in if you like too, it was never first world, but it immediately went back to third world status when the British left).

I hope I cleared that up for you, I wouldn't want your rationed favela internet to be wasted.

The problem with this argument is that literally everyone saying it is full of shit - you have double standards for "people of color" and le ebil whites every single time you get the chance.

So many memes about me. Thank you! I wish Belgium had one so I could engage in this internet fight. But no one cares enough to make a meme about you.

Enjoy your islam white male! I'm loving to see your empire fall!

Long live Soros! Long live the Open Society!

The fact that we destroyed other peoples cultures by invading them is a good reason why we shouldn't let others invade us because apparently it doesn't end well.

Agreed, but many of you are too dumb to realize this.

It's unstoppable now!

Whites would have never left europe if Arabs and Muslims had allowed traid from the east to flow to Europe.

But no. Muslims are all cock suckers, even back in the 1400's and 1500's, and so Europeans took to the ocean to find trade routes.

So all the Native American's troubles stem from Muslim's too. Go figure.

Scotland is exempt from this because we are the only white nation to not participate in colononism and slavery since we have been enslaved ourselves to this very day

Our native land has to be protected or else it's genocide.

Do what you want to England tho



You guys really believe my ancestors wanted any of this shit you brought here?

Then why did you had to kill them all?

You people believe to be so smart because of dumb shit like that. You just don't understand we were happy before you came.

Nigger. You speak Portugese, Europe will forver own you. Does Brazil even have any culture that isn't trannies with feathers up their ass dancing to shitty jungle music?

Meanwhile in Belgium
>Peaceful countryside, mudslimes stay in Br***els anyway
>Gun production (FN)
>comfy towns and history
>Bravest of all Gauls.

Smells like envy and nothing else coming from you.

Everyone is allowed to whine and resist. Just because no one could succeed against whites doesn't mean whites don't have the same rights when it happens to them. And if we pull it off, it'd be just as if the American natives had driven out the settlers, except we are the culture that gave incredible and underappreciated gifts to all mankind and our demise would be a loss much greater than some savages prancing around totems.

White people are the clear alphas of the races and they are allowed to win if they are able to win.

Step it up other races. If you want your way, you gotta make it your way.

Dumb.... so dumb....

Why do you think arabs couldn't trust you?

When have any civilization trusted the white race? You are barbarians. The roman empire was just a bunch of barbarians who loved to stole other cultures.

FUCK your fucking religion was stolen from the middle east, you guys even portrait jesus as white KEKEKEKE

How insane are you white barbarians? You can't even create your own religion.

no. white people should just own the fact they are the bad guys in human history. stop being pussies and just admit you hate every one else.
you wont hurt our feelings (east asian here) because we dont have any.

souless monsters dont give a fuck we just kinda want you to fess up to what you are so when the time comes for a fight your not confused and arguing that you shouldnt fight. then how would we get a good 5 year war if you faggots all go anti war

i mean bio warefare is in the mix you better bring your A game

That is true scottish friend!

You know damn well how terrible it is to trust these barbarians.

Non-country bringing the bantz

Brazil is possibly the largest collective shithole in this world. Would rather live in Best Korea.



Reminder that the scots are innocent and the English did actually try to genocide us

So if you are actually fair and not evil

You HAVE to leave Scotland be.

To genocide us or impose immigration is to become a hypocrite and do what whites did to you
Furthermore we can't be held responsible for the UK gov

Since our representation in parliament is gerrymandered to favour the English and was ignored in the EU Ref and our independence referendum was rigged

Our political voice is silenced by England

#we didnae dae naethin

Scots are also subject to abuse south of the border.

We are innocent

Let me get this straight. You prefer dying before 30 in a shithole with little luxury or technological advancement?
So, what's stopping you now? Throw away your computer, your electronics, and demolish your buildings. Return to your roots. You'll be happy again, right?
Fuck off.

Please understand how retarded your reasoning is.

At a very basic level, with zero investigation into any of these things you throw out there as facts as well as into the myriad of reasons behind them, all of these cultures fought back for the most part and had their asses handed to them.

It is objectively NOT hypocritical for western culture to "fight back" against the change/loss of their culture.

Also, you need to do a little more research into the history of central and south america friend.

>The illusion of material comfort

TFW you will never understand true culture and true happiness.

This is not about justice.

It's about revenge.

Any pretense of it not being the intention to kill every white person on the planet is a lie, and should be viewed as such.

When these animals finish off the "evil colonist white devils" you're next.

Thats why white must unite, and fight against jews blacks and browns.

Who cares about the natives, they arent white they dont matter.

Can scots be granted a special non-white label so we aren't killed along side the Anglos

All we want is our sheep and highlands

Not to mention we can identify with Arab countries since England stole our oil

But then Scotland will become evil.

We have existed for thousands of years turning the other cheek

We are not gondor

We are the shire

They were all shitskin non-humans.

Do you want to die, yes or no? Decide now.

>Return to your roots.

Dear god. How come they are so stupid?

My roots are gone. Forever. If I do exactly as you've said, I would even get arrested. My culture is illegal. You guys have no idea what that is.

im native american and i want to matter

>implying being a happy animal is the equivalent of being a happy human

Belgium makes far better guns than the shitty clones of foreign designs that are vomited out of Taurus.

And that's just ONE minor area where Belgium is a far better country than the shitstain on South America known as Brazil.

>Posts literal monkeys
>Claims cultural relevance and even superiority
>Y-you're stupid...who wants to live past 30 anyway?

Huehuehuehue gibe moni plx is as far as your """"culture"""" goes.

Times were different back then. Why should we apologize for being the best at conquering? We brought civilization and morale to lost People. Native Americans fought and killed between tribes and we should apologize for slaughtering all of them? Makes no sense. Why doesnt the millions of descendants from Ghengis Khan apologize, why is the white mans riffle. If you ask me its time for some more conquering as government is a lame duck and people have become weak entitled faggots. Anti white means rapture.

>"white people's countries don't have true culture!"
>tribal dance and music #950 that looks and sounds like every other tribal dance and music
Nice work, dumbass


Life is struggle.

I do not care about non whites existence. If it benefits us to exploit them we do it, if it benefits us to exterminate them we do it.

It is not like they were different.

Yes, but we know nothing about the fact that you were slaves once.

Teach that to the immigrants. Show them you have no respect for the barbarians that dominated your race.

Stay peaceful dear friend.

>This western meme that humans are not animals.

Thanks Burgerbro's, you guys are alright. Have a cool pepe

I'll dance that in your graves when your race is gone.

You will most likely die in what is coming to you

We didn't want them then, we don't want them now. How is that hypocritical?

>Being trapped in the stone age is 'true' culture

Are you going to blame the white man for water-borne illnesses too?

Ya they've always been a day slow and the likes of you are years behind

Pretty much this.

>your culture is illegal
Not really seeing how that would matter if enough of you felt the same way. Just go native, find somewhere in the jungle. Not that hard to get lost.

Kek when our race is gone you will starve to death you fucking nigger

We will be in Valhalla laughing about you pissing down on your aids ridden mud hut nigger society

Ya we should have just let you savages eat your children for another thousand years.

>Implying you'll outlive me

Toppest of topkeks. Enjoy your AIDS

Oh that's right. We were starving when you arrived... right?

I appreciate you trying to minimize my problem, but people have tried that before here. A lot of natives here get shot because of that.

In less than a decade, Geroge Soros has already changed europe like never seen before.

His son will continue his work, and you will all die in the hands of the immigrants. Soon I'll be there too and now I even know what country to choose.

unfortunately for you, NEETs tend to have pretty short lifespans, especially when mommy & daddy die.

And you call us evil. I did nothing to you.
And, statistically speaking, you'll die before you get the chance.

Your people weren't just starving, you were almost fucking extinct due to your own inabilities to understand and fight disease.

You should just do the world a favor and find a nice jaguar to feed yourself too.

What was your population when whites arrived your shithole?

How do you think a lower race like yours can come up with new inventions, fight virusses, or even just maintain the level of technology we have to day?

You can't.

You will be living in the jungle again and soon everyone will have forgotten that things like planes, computers, cars, firearms and whatnoit ever existed.

The prince of darkness - Wuhhh
Little faggot

You and your proclaimed "kind" dont see the big picture, are you?

>not having firearms
Huh. It's almost as if having technology assists in prolonging people's lives.

>You will be living in the jungle again and soon everyone will have forgotten that things like planes, computers, cars, firearms and whatnoit ever existed.

Amen to that. I will die happy.

I'm not the good guy. I could be. But I was forced to live under your culture, not mine. Now I wanna burn it all.

>His son bla bla bla
No he won't idiot. The plan has been laid bare and people are waking up. The greedy jew overplayed his hand.

So you admit you WOULD rather live here than in Brazil. Good enough for me, at least you know you're inferior.
>Le ebin moma and dadu meme xDDDDD
back2reddit you go

>murder almost all of them

Stopped reading there. Get fucking real Brazil.

>forced to live

If it's been such an unfortunate burden for you, then why don't you just kill yourself and be done with it?

Are you too much of a coward to confront the void?

It is kind of strangely satisfying to know that most of your race is literally digging its own grave with their kill whitey attitude.

That means before the history of the universe whites will be remembered as the only product that was worthy to leave this planet.
While you starve to death or try to fell a tree with your stone axe

You guys literally destroyed India

yes we fucked some stupid monkeys after years of sailing and seeing no women....

that's how brazil was born...

we regret this every day... will the world ever forgive us?.

>people are waking up

>So you admit you WOULD rather live here than in Brazil.

Do you think I'm proud of Brazil? This is not my country.

You are the result of this so you can accept it or commit suicide. I advice you the second option though.

I hide the lies, to preserve the truth.

It's almost like different people can hold different ideals. Wow.

>Travel to America
Nigga you what?

>then why don't you just kill yourself

Cause my ancestors gave me a mission and I can't let them down after all they have been through


Of course I don't think you're proud of Brazil. Literally nobody thinks that. Not even Brazuls. ESPECIALLY not brazuls

>murder almost all of them
Huh, I didn't know smallpox was white

>It is kind of strangely satisfying to know that most of your race is literally digging its own grave

I could say the same thing about you


Faggot colonialism is not a white invention. Europeans just manages to colonize better. The Arabs did it when they left Arabia, the Chinese did it to their ancient neighbors, etc. Every race does it if they can.

I'm white but I do not resent whites for two reasons. 1) They civilized my shithole of a country and 2) I love fucking white girls.

Yes, cause you whites had to come here and create this stupid mess and take with you all the gold and lumber.

Well we will see how it works out

>I will die writhing in agony as I am eaten alive because I decided to forgo all technology due to muh evil whites
You're more delusional than Ancap. You'd never survive a month without the amenities that even your country has.
You know what? I challenge you: go into the wilderness with nothing but the clothes on your back. See if you can etch out a living for a month.
>b-but it's illegal!
No one's going to care if you go native in the jungle if you go far enough. One guy's not worth a search party. Besides, after living a few days out there, you'll be begging for them to come and arrest/shoot you.

Well I'm against white genocide (or any race genocide), but you are right, the eurofags for centuries literally shit on the other cultures and now they are talking about that lot of crap

Americans are the worse kind of whites.

Even europe is trying to fix things now and you are still making a mess in the middle east.

If Trump doesn't win, say goodbye to your country! My mayan friends will make sure you'll get yours.

your dumb monkey ancestors traded all the gold and lumber for stones, stupid trinkets and mirrors


Come on Portugal, we here know you for being dumb as shit, but even for you that's too much.

You realize that you only desire gold as valuables because whites accredited value to it?

You dumbfag realize that I don't give a fuck about gold, but it was because of this stupid mineral that europeans decided to destroy the fucking entire continent and genocide the people, right?

I know you can link the dots, don't play dumb.

Now you were killed occassionally because you are a lesser breed. American indiands have even lower IQ's than niggers.

I do not consider them human.

The spanish and portugese were actually too soft on you, they should have killed you off once and for all so we do not have to bother with your subhumanity for all eternity.

If you are so equal to us why did you decide to trade gold for stone you fuckhead?

Also we needed the gold to fight the subhuman turks at the borders of Europe.

If you hate whitey so much do without white anything.

You'll be dead in a day.

muh jews

Fucking this

Brazilians were the biggest player in the african slave trade, you should be nuked for your crimes against humanity

As if gold and lumber would save your shit. You people can't even figure out how to stop having unprotected sex, even when your children are born all zikafied.

But please, tell me more about your superior culture. Did you invent brazillian waxing or did we give that to you as well?