What kind of Sup Forums approved candy can I give the kids?

What kind of Sup Forums approved candy can I give the kids?

necco wafers

Bundles of chico sticks. Also uncommon flag


popsicles shaped like dicks

Pic related

Also thanks, I've been looking your flag for a while

activated almonds

Trezix, naturally

give them grapefruit and gooseberries

Fruit is nature's candy

God I almost forgot about these. Nice proxy btw you fag


Not exactly candy but... every single nut in existence and anything out there that can possibly cause an allergic reaction. If they die from it you purged the weak bloodline.

You don't get much more red pilled than that. Also put hooks in random pieces of candy and tell them to check each piece of candy before they eat it. If they can't follow directions and die you also purged the weak.


Give them a mars bar each :^)

kill yourself the only people who deserve that are liberal faggots and non-whites but if you kill a white kid by accident that would worse than killing 10 non-whites. There is no point in doing this shit.


if you hate everything, does that mean you hate mars bars?

you deserve to hang, you little shit

>celebrating a degenerate pagan holiday


Make candy apples but take onions instead.

>What kind of Sup Forums approved candy can I give the kids?

King Size Reeses, KitKats, and Snickers.

If you ever want to see a kid lose his goddamn mind, this is the best way to do it outside of time-traveling to the 90s and handing out N64s.

pretty sure you would be labeled unamerican under a trump administration



Snicker-doodle swastikas.

wouldn't be surprised if Sup Forums was handing out bottles of modafinil with all the pills painted red

Fuck candy, give them Chick tracts instead, to teach kids about how straying from the Gospel is dangerous, especially if they celebrate a Satanic holiday like today

They dont sell the candy cigarettes anymore.. I give them fundip because I guess cocaine addiction is still state sponsored

Fruit is candy too.

chocolate laxative

Mmmmmmm, nature's candy!

>There is a WHOLE day where THE DEVIL is more powerful then GOD!

You severely miss the point of Halloween. Its literally because Autumn is a fuckboring work season and people need to let loose or they will start killing eachother purge style. Is that what you want Christfag?


Severe Allergy fags? Sounds like it.

You should be purged in peanut dust.

Hand out leaflets explaining that the holocaust was a hoax

organic raw milled oats

can one of you tell me the flag hes using, im hovering over it and its not showing. and as for the candy, almond joy is the way to go.

British Indian Ocean Territory


razor blades and antifreeze

and necco wafers

British Indian Ocean Territory.

Fuck off PK. You and your damn proxies


thanks bb



>Svalbard and Jan Mayen
What did he mean by this?

Stealthy goodness.

Ones that inside the wrap have red pills.

>look to the triple parenthesis
>Hitler was right
>are you safer than you were 8 years ago


On mobile. What flag?


On flag. What mobile?

protein wafers

The Palladium of Liberty Jury pamphlet.
Twenty pound hand weights.
Shambhala pocket edition of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.
Phillipine dried mango.

hand-made red apple pectin pills


grandma, is that you?


Oh my!

hardened birch sap with natural honey
>v รถ l k i s c h

British Indian Ocean Territories

looks like sap?

I'll leave them in a bowl on a chair with a sign over it that says "Please only take one."

Put out two bowls of candy.

One bowl labeled whites only and a 2nd bowl for children of color

Here's the great part:
Put the same exact type of candy in each bowl.
The kids will tell their parents but they'll see that it's the same candy in each bowl.
The parents will be mindfucked because they'll want to call you a racist but they can't figure out how without making accusations that are false.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with the candy in the children of colored bowl.

Though, be sure to lock your door and remain nearby with your firearm in-case some millennials get uppity.

It's maple candy you hosier. How do you not know what maple candy is?



It's maple syrup. My buddy from Quebec showed me it

Kek will smite you


Hello there, S T E A L T H Y

You sneaky fuck.

Can you repost Mariana islands

Redpill them on life

for so long, I've waited to see a Svalbanon

