How to stop the degenerate parents? Look at what they are doing to their white sons.
What the fuck?!
How to stop the degenerate parents? Look at what they are doing to their white sons.
What the fuck?!
Wow really makes me want to stop living
I first hoped it would be in Sweden... so I could have made a SWEDEN YES thread. :-(
Bitch looks like a Who-ville I used to taunt the Grinch with
Guaranteed they're slipping that little faggot hormones.
>check em nipbro
This poor kid is going to think he's a tranny until he realizes he's just gay - but it will be too late. He's cut his cock off.
>when you dress up your son as a stupid piece of shit for Halloween
checked for child abuse
Now that you say it...
He is literally the trap version of Hilloli Clitton!
Nah its good, kids generally hate everything their parents made them do anyway
It's just a costume.
I dressed up as an old-fashioned country woman to some costume party when I was 10. My best friend dressed up as an old-fashioned country man. In other words, we went there dressed up as husband and wife. This was in the 80s. It was completely innocent of course. I remember my buddy's father and mother and 20-year old sister exchange amused glances, but I didn't understand it then. I understood the giggles only after growing up.
Muh degeneracy.
Sometimes a costume is just a costume.
Halloween is degenerate satanic filth. I don't let my kids participate. We turn off the lights so Trick or Treaters don't come to our door begging for candy.
What the fuck? I hate 8 year old now
>assuming your child's gender by calling him "son"
>publicly outing him without his consent
But user, Halloween prepares them for the day their arts degree doesn't get them a job and they have to panhandle for their next meal.
"degenerate" is just another word for "deplorable"
You Trumptards are more like Hillary shills than you think.
so it was much later when you started giving guys blow jobs?
Does that qualify as intelligent banter in your trailer park or is it just a fact of life there?
flyin on that midnite plane to epstein
dressing an eight year old boy up like a faggot IS deplorable.
his parents are a lesbian couple
>Sup Forums is the REAL hug box!
lmaoing @ur life
>the trap version of Hilloli Clitton
how can I unread this?
what a little faggot
get off my porch, no candy for you.
Is it true every fin has a hydraulic press in their garage?
Little Fag future trap or cuck
Remove social media. Not even meming, virtue-signaling is a billion-dollar industry. Look at the amount of likes and retweets. You never grow out of the dopamine hit you get when your post is noticed by others, and anyone who says differently is a moron.
This shit again.
Did you paint your nails too? I get defending the kid. But this time it isnt innocent. And in the 80s you didnt get society points for usuing your kids as political messages and virtue signal bilboards.
Kids a fag. His moms probably a whore.
dopamine hit peddling is the new drug business.
Look at modern games, look at modern phone games.
They're selling psychology altering drugs in the form of the success reward mechanism.
Thank you. Gotta admit though, getting (You)s is kinda the same.
OP is presenting a symptom of a larger disease.