
Nevada could decide this election.

>VA blue

Trump is (((polling))) +4 in Nevada, so in reality, he's probably 7-8 points ahead there

>North Carolina

this is why non-americans shouldn't comment on the elections

North Carolina is undoubtedly going strong red. Fix the map famigliano.

NC will be red.

dems are ahead in the early vote there

i'm from charlotte and since the riots this state will go red

only charlotte early votes so makes sense



They are behind their 2012 pace, black turnout has dropped, and dems always have a lead in early voting because they're welfare leeches that are too fat to actually go to the polls on election day. The fact that it's not a big lead is indicative.

It takes a special kind of retardation to think VA will go red when Trump's campaign already pulled out of it two weeks ago.

I was contemplating this scenario, but Nevada would definitely go red before Pennsylvania.

Nevada is going to be interesting.

There's a Bloomberg funded gun bill on the ballot that will drag out every republican in the state to vote which should give Trump an edge, but at the same time there's dudeweed on the ballot too and that will drag out a bunch of retards to vote a straight D ticket.

The big advantage I see is that there isn't a ton of commercials about the dudeweed, but every 10 seconds there's a new commercial against the gun initiative.

The senate race is pretty heated too, but it recent polls show that Heck is beating the hyphen beaner by a good margin so hopefully Reid's seat goes red too.

VA will likely be blue, but it isn't a total lost cause. Obama only won it by 4 percentage points in 2012. That margin is lower than that of Nevada and Iowa.

Keep in mind that African American turnout will be lower than in 2012.

VA's governmental election polls in 2014 showed the Democrat up 5+ but he only ended up winning by less than 1 percent.

No, Dems are down 5%, Republicans are up 12%, and Indies are up 40%. Romney carried the state in 12. NC is red.

pensilvania here, hillary signs everywhere no way he can win this

Trump's campaign thinks they can't win there. What information do you have that they don't?

Internal polling showed he was up by 10 so he didn't need to waste any money there.

That's why he's in Michigan a place that everyone thinks is blue.

>tfw an idiot will get in office either way
>tfw Johnson has no chance
Why even fucking vote

I thought you said an idiot is getting in?
Johnson still has a chance!

If those cunts think im not voting no on question 1 they are fucking retarded. Every single person i know wants to keep those commie California guns laws out of our great state.

Heck all the way and they can shove their leftist bullshit REALLLLLL far back up their ass.

>NC blue when PA is red


>Internal polling showed he was up by 10

Wow what a load of total bullshit.

a vote for johnson is a vote for hilary, he's a spoiler meant to steal right wing votes from trump, that's his only function in this race

which is weird because he's a cut and dry establishment liberal
>pro regulations
>pro gun control

dems do not always have a lead in early voting, it depends by state
please stop making shit up, you're doing no good for anyone

uh, source?

ignore this leaf shill

Wow, the absolute delusion.

>Trump pulled out of Virginia because internal polling told him he was 10 points ahead.
>10 points ahead

My sides.

My absolute sides.

>Observing what reality in front of your eyes is telling you is now shilling

The Trump campaign literally pulled out of Virginia. It takes some special kind of cognitive dissonance to believe that's a sign of triumph.

Rick Harrison from Pawn Stars endorsed Trump, Nevada is as good as won.


Romney won NC in 2012, was behind in early voting as well, and you think Hillary "superpredator" Clinton will enjoy the same share of the Black vote as Obama?

He said internal polling, like the imaginary poll inside his head.

Didnt MI go red