Why do scientists overwhelmingly support Hillary?

Why do scientists overwhelmingly support Hillary?

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slush funds, fastidious/autistic mindset also means they rotelearn from jewish-curated tastemaker sources

>Petroleum Geologists


So scientists are Jews?

Wait, what? Theologists vote for Democrats?

>tfw when I am in astronomy
if only you all knew how bad it really was.
on the plus side we only make up like 10k people in the US so we don't matter in the slightest.


> Writing
> Performing Arts
> Sports and Games
> Religion

To ensure the future flow af Government Grant to perpetuate the Global Warming Myth

Hillary is the only logical vote this election.

they're smart enough to know what happens if it is found out they don't.

suicide solution

maybe because they're too intelligent and educated to vote for trump?

Researchers are funded by the state. If you suck off the tits of other people's labour, you tend to vote Left-wing because it sustains your livelihood. It's ubiquitous.

The FBI wouldn't have reopened their case unless they were going to prosecute her. They're not going to let her off the hook twice. This is just common sense.

The FBI, and much of the general public, has been in open revolt since Comey and the DoJ failed to bring Clinton to justice earlier this year. You can expect Clinton to be prosecuted and she will serve jail time.

Because they are mostly Jews.

This is contribution to Democrats, not support of Hillary fuck off.

- Prolonging status quo for everyone except tiny minority of her peers

- Destroying this planet in every observable way (wars, greedy industry exploiting the poor via globalization, while at the same time destroying middle class in industrial countries, full-ecological ignorance at it's best, remember bp spill etc.etc.)

- Enforcing laws that directly prohibits plebs from doing anything to protect themselves (taking away guns, methods of financial ctrl), while at the same time giving huge advantage to peers (saudi royals + oil tycoons, sorosesque figures, etc.)

If all of that is logical, I must have come from another universe in which this stuff are childrens book example of illogical.

Calm down nigger.

Sports and Drama have been forced subjects for over a decade.

Honest tutors will tell you they are total wastes of time unless you need some easy grade points

Good scientists are actually working for firms. The ones in this study are the shitty ones who continue to do some "researchs" at the university in the hope of being published somewhere and finally get a real job.

In the meantime, they are leeching public subsidies.

Hmmm, why would someone whose livelihood depends on government money want the candidate who will most increase government spending?

Because scientists generally are tunnel-visioned autists who don't know shit about politics.

And that's not even including the pseudo-scientists like sociologists or psychologists who really only have a degree in indoctrination.

shhhh you're going to hurt Sup Forums 's feelings. Its ok Sup Forums its not true stop crying

You sound upset. Does it upset you that people who are smarter than you exist?


Lol Sup Forums believes anything

Government welfare, I.E. Subsidies.

stop being autistic if you can. We have enough of that here.

Because Republicans think science is a hoax.


see! I knew you'd hurt Sup Forums 's feelings! Its ok little Sup Forums trump will win and ur not full of pathetic virgins. Yes honey the jews do control everything. Don't let those mean facts tell you any different.

This. They're largely idealists and/or casuals in general regarding politics.


It upsets me that they think because they can do complex math and grasp complicated theories about whatever super specialized field they're in they're somehow more knowledgeable of political theory or current events than the average dope. In reality 90% of them spout the same bullshit talking points they heard on CNN just like everyone else.

Even the most political ones like Sam Harris are mid-tier at best in the field of political analysis.

Because they think Hillary will pump more government funding into the sciences because she's supposed to be progressive

Because the grants for their useless studies and research come the government...

Can you say, pay 2 play?

>we have to help the middle class
>which I designate to be anyone making less than $250k/y

I see you hate smart people, that's a pattern present among trump's supporters.. gee i wonder why

Government funding for bullshit topics.
>no one wants to be unemployed.

Because scientists don't know shit about politics
t. Scientist

Where does their paycheck come from again?

>$35k-75k isn't the middle class

Face it, you blokes are all poor niggers or college students. Everyone who knows how the world works vote for Trump.

Because scientists don't like politics nor take interest in them.
There have been around 6 presidents that were scientists.

how do people not understand how this world works yet? I know they brainwash people to be as far from the truth as possible but come on people it's too easy these days

Because they need funding for their phony global warming research.

Ik dacht dat het een meme was dat belgen dom waren

Blijkbaar kunnen ze letterlijk geen puntjes met elkaar verbinden.

Leftist ideology is a social mechanism in which inferior genes can thrive. Scientists are beta, which is why they get bullied at school and spend so much time studying because they can't socialise... Sorry but it's the truth.

t. scientist

Why are the rich so indecisive when it comes to elections? Swearing loyalty to a candidate like there's no other choice, then flipping the next month like it's nothing.

They like trying to start wars with other universes. That's why they support hillary.

you gotta learn

$0.05 and a bonus (You), lucky day huh?

Because if you are a scientist, you research your field in depth, and you find out how important x is

Because you are smart, you then think that everyone should care and listen to you, so you vote for leftist politics based on that autistic principle


You've heard of shekels?

Tell me about a scientist when they cure something or find something

because their jobs depend on voting on the biggest statist.

Because they usually get their funding from the feds and Shillary is going to expand the influence of government.

>Godless people on a government payroll supporting a government that loves dishing out money irresponsibly on useless research
You tell me.

bc they smart
you jelly
USA has some of the finest educational institutions in the world, do you think people who work there got in by rote learning?

>why do people who have gone through the liberal indoctrination machine vote liberal


they're too busy with their occupations to pay close attention to politics so they only catch what the mainstream media feeds them.

I'm a scientist and i'd support trump

what are you basing this evidence on???


i am a scientologist and i support johnson

I'm one of the greatest chess players alive and I'm voting for trump.

Whaddup Bobby Fischer? youtube.com/watch?v=wOJMbMWY-0c

b-barron, is that you?

because the alternative is trump, and no one is that suicidal or they'd already be dead.

which brings us to you...

Barron or bobby fisher trips check out

Bobby Fischer is kill...


It's social signaling for them, not issues. Being upper middle class and above is mostly knowing the right people and having the right beliefs.

>Landscaping scientist

Because they only see the soundbites and are largely uninterested in politics.

I didn't read the diagram right. Maybe Trump supporters really are retarded.

They care about looking smart. Seriously. They are more concerned about being associated with creationists than actual issues. Scientists are completely irrational with their political affiliation and give undue weight to inane shit like Climate Change.



>all dem cucked computer scientists

Because it really doesn't matter who the politicians are if you are rich, you are gonna influence politics in your favor either way. Even then, you are always rich enough to pack up and leave.

Wtf physicist bros? No wonder. Fags in my lab say trump is a cancer. I hope they die with radiation poisoning.

Seriously: what is wrong with them? One would think being exposed to hard science would make you rational in your life.

Science people tend to be cucks. They are usually not good looking so they adopt this cucky behaviours.

No one asked the three scientists I know. None of them support Hillary.