Did Sup Forums know that there is a UN paper on Sup Forums and the influence of Sup Forums on world polticis?
Now Sup Forums does know:
UN paper on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>chapter 4.2
>Hate Around the World
my sides
This is not UN, it's an accademical research by some random uni students.
Although it has been a part of the dark underbelly of the Internet
since its inception, recent events have brought the discussion board
site Sup Forums to the forefront of the world’s collective mind. In particular,
Sup Forums, Sup Forums’s “Politically Incorrect” board has become a
central figure in the outlandish 2016 Presidential election. Even
though Sup Forums has long been viewed as the “final boss of the Internet,”
it remains relatively unstudied in the academic literature.
In this paper we analyze Sup Forums along several axes using a dataset
of over 8M posts. We first perform a general characterization that
reveals how active posters are, as well as how some unique features
of Sup Forums affect the flow of discussion. We then analyze the content
posted to Sup Forums with a focus on determining topics of interest
and types of media shared, as well as the usage of hate speech and
differences in poster demographics. We additionally provide quantitative
evidence of Sup Forums’s collective attacks on other social media
platforms. We perform a quantitative case study of Sup Forums’s attempt
to poison anti-trolling machine learning technology by altering the
language of hate on social media. Then, via analysis of comments
from the 10s of thousands of YouTube videos linked on Sup Forums, we
provide a mechanism for detecting attacks from Sup Forums threads on
3rd party social media services.
Yes. I'm even working on getting my hate comments per second up.
its written by 4 bored polacks for christs sake
old as fuck (but top kek)
By the way it is actually a quality social science paper. Don't dispute this without showing me a better one on a similar topic
>we analyze Sup Forums [...] using a dataset of 8,000,000 posts
Jesus Christ, they've had to sift through that much autism? There's no way it didn't effect them on some scale, turning them into Sup Forumsacks or making them depressed.
I saved the training documents months ago.
We are the fucking kikes
The UN and EU commissioned and funded it.
We better hope Trump wins or else we're in deep shit.
8M posts.
4-5M entries of "faggot"
>Finally, we look at the posting behavior of different countries
Did they find Australians to be the most egregious shitposters?
is this real or what?
i definitely believe someone is artistic enough to go through all this trouble to fake this.
>Although it is a bit absurd, Sup Forums has, some
how, managed to place itself at the center of world politics
this seems like too much
Do they have a collection of rare pepes?
Australia has the highest levels of hate speech per post of all civilized nations.
>Perhaps the least rare Pepe
mein al saids
The United States has the lowest level of Hate speech because Hate Speech does not exist in the Unites States
>Alot of those images look like they were made by CTR shills
Jayzus UN get your shit straight. The 80/90's has opened up the UN's asshole and exposed how irrelevant tjey are as an indépendant organization
We will reach 100kk posts soon, good luck sifting trough that
>with the concentrated mental power of thousands of basement dwelling autists, pepe ascended to become the Good Boi Supreme
>unlimited tendies and power at His disposal
>what fate awaits our world?
Fucking EU and UN trying to undermine free speech. More reasons why I don't want to love in Europe and free myself from this one world government shit
>100kk posts
100KKK when
yes, actually
meant to reply to you with
you know what, at least they have a sense of humor
>looked at posting behavior of different countries
Dis gonna be good
Is all that shit archived?
Looks like Aus wins for Anglosphere hatespeech.
I wonder if they managed to differentiate between normal Sup Forums use of "faggot" and actual use of it in it's real-world context?
Can someone tldr this im so fucking lazy
the last two pages are nothing but pepes
what do you think?
>tfw people actually analyzed your shitposts
C'mon Motherboard fuck off
>we have included a collection of rarer pepes in section 9
I wrote an undergrad paper about this place during the scientology shit lol. I've been here a long time. Fuck all those predictions i made about how user culture would grow to global influence, people did take me seriously at all. Guess who's laughing now.
>Sup Forums has long been viewed as the “final boss of the Internet,”
A bunch of Autists posting green frogs and calling Finns Mongolians.
Are the normies so weak that our shitposing is like a nuke to them?
Beta uprising is gonna be easier than I thought.
>not knowing the old final boss meme
Use google newfriend.
they're afraid of our pepes challenging their global order
Disband the UN!
Once Trump wins and the dust is settled, should we use our meme powers to take down the UN?
my sides
>germans confirmed for level headed discussion partners giving valuable input.
Still strange that only 1% of all posts use "nigger".
Yes, we had this topic a few times now.
They don't regard "cuck" as an insult, though.
These retarded nigger faggot bitch cunt kikes.
How can they be so cucked?
>light blue
If they just visit one of the brazilian chans they would be surprised.
so much for being "neutral" :^)
>the least rare Pepe
I wonder how many times their paper mentions Australians and Canadians.
I always knew the poos' language was as dirty as their streets.
Fuck UN and fuck globalist sellouts like mary robinson
It's real, what teh fuck. Was this made by real Sup Forumsacks who happened to land a job at the UN?
oh shit the UN investigator became one of us and started writing about rare pepes
>Australia has the highest levels of hate speech per post of all civilized nations.
Stralians are truly based
Does it go into Hierarchy of Shitposting nations and great national Rivalries like kpreans and Japs?
lies. the heatmap shows that india and some other shitholes are leading by far
How did that Trump pepe even become iconic? I always thought it looks like shit.
Obviously because Trump himself retweeted it.
>social science
user, they came in with a pre conceived conclusion and then went digging for the evidence that supported it. Because that's what they all fucking do.
>Where did everything go so reich
my sides are in orbit
just imagine someone sitting in UCL london composing this document
>Considering its clear impact on society, Sup Forums in general has been relatively
>unexplored. In this paper, we begin to rectify this gap in
>knowledge by perform a longitudinal study of Sup Forums. Using a dataset
>of over 8 million posts crawled since June 20, 2016, we study Sup Forums
>along several axes.
Fucking newfags haven't even lurked for a year and think they're experienced enough to do an analysis. Confirmed trash study tbqh.
Kike is surprisingly low.
This gay kike paper for white wannabe niggers is fucking great and sad, i want them to do more statistics and less fucking explaining the community they dont understand.
Cmon cant they just leave us alone im spasing out.
because everyone except stormweenies use synonyms
They should have used jew, they may not think it's a hate word, but it is here.
>"""hate speech"""
AKA honesty
I just skimmed it, but I see zero mentions of the Correct the Record Super PAC. This article is a complete sham if they did not attempt to dissociate true posters from paid shills.
Why is faggot only second? Blatantly composed by some retarded nigger.
>Then, via analysis of comments
from the 10s of thousands of YouTube videos linked on Sup Forums, we
provide a mechanism for detecting attacks from Sup Forums threads on
3rd party social media services.
Is google giving away oure ip`s?
What did they mean by this?
Those losers
>For instance, today, we
use the Internet for entrainment, work, politics, social interactions,
finding romantic relationships, and so on.
These faggots don't deserve a paycheck. Not even on papers in junior high did I make such blatant typos.
mfw when i found my oc on their site
>The web has a lot of dark corners, and since 2003, Sup Forums.org has been considered one of the darkest.
Filthy fucking casuals get off my board REEEE
Seems like the meme magic converted some of the authors
>10 most popular hate words
>retard and retarded not in same count
those nigger faggot bitch cunt idiots can't make a good study
kike trash
Hilarious that Zimbabwe is at the top considering there's only like 2-3 of them. Probably talking about niggers all the time.
Imagine this guy going through 10,000,000 of our memes.
isn't one of them a proxyfag who bangs on about Rhodesia constantly?
There's one guy who can't stop talking about Rhodesia. Dunno if he's using a Zimbabwe proxy, though.
They are right you know.
Publix subs are delicious.
I bet he got redpilled and have been coming back since.
if that study was relased today the number one insult would be "shill"
And yeah oure kike game is way to low
Its by the EU
It also doesn't take notice of archive.is links
Flawed study
>In this section we aim to understand the way that raids work on
>Sup Forums. We thus first begin with a case study of a very broad-target
>raid. Next, we find large scale evidence of raids as well as providing
>a basic algorithm for detecting a raid taking place.
>a basic algorithm for detecting a raid taking place.
It's ogre
>All Mexican authors
Why do Mexicans love memes so much
How can you tell someone is a shill, a legitimate poster or a troll?
They'll be running it through an algorithm looking at the metadata and keywords of each post. They aren't going to actually read all of that to analyze it.
They said they did this, but they still browsed enough to come up with a collection of rare Pepes. And they said they only shared a few in the appendix, not their whole collection.
gibe example plos
second author
pic related
I know you'll be arrested if you call somebody uncivilized, but come on man.