How do you feel about this movie Sup Forums?
where does it rank in the trilogy?
The Two Towers
It suffers since it doesn't really have a beginning or an end.
That said, Helms Deep is easily the best battle in the trilogy.
It's always been my favorite one.
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>Helms Deep is easily the best battle in the trilogy
For me its 1 > 2 > 3
>beginning of Fellowship
>everything else
There. The peace shaming in the movie was disappointing and so was the changing of Faramir.
Also the elves. Gross. Fuck Jackson.
>that thumbnail
If you're not going to even bother trying, don't post.
Pretty great, better than Return of the King but not as great as Fellowship of the Ring.
As a bookfag, I'd rather that they didn't have Haldir and the Lorien Elves that show up in Helm's Deep - it really makes the Elves seem rather Stormtrooper-ish.
If they felt they needed added troops and more variety, they could've had Halbarad and the Dúnedain show up instead, since in the books they were on their way to assist Aragorn in Rohan at the time.
Great regardless.
good sequel. LOTR is one of my favorite trilogies
Best movie in the franchise
It's the second film of the greatest film trilogy.
That is all.
In the middle
The best
It is really elevated by the battle of home's depot but I think I enjoy Fellowship overall more. I also like ROTK but it is definitely the weakest one.
1 > 3 > 2
explain your viewpoints in more detail?
what was it about the elves in the second and third films that you didn't you enjoy?
Nothing can top Fellowship.
>being a kid and seeing this in theaters
I wish I could go back
>had to go see cheaper by the dozen instead of lord of the rings
fuck those cub scout leaders
Yeah, this is probably the ranking if you’re considering the movies as individual entities. As part of a trilogy, it’s probably 2 > 1 > 3
Smeagol, Sam, Rohan, Theodan's son dying, grimer wormtounge (i found out the other day that he is billy in one flew over the cucoo's nest and also the doc on deadwood). Helm's deep. Urukhai. Treebeard. it's the best one
They weren't there and it took away from the fact that Rohan was very much alone aside from the ents.
my dad took me to see this and i was a fob and didnt know it was a trilogy and was so confused at the end but assumed it was just a "i fill out if they got to mt doom or not" and never asked him about it until i saw the two towers trailer
Fellowship is the best but Saruman is best boy
I always felt that Rohan's plot had a beginning and an end.
Why are footfaggots so autistic.