Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

John Travolta

he could've been a great guy but even if heaven turned out to be real I'm not sure that's where he's gone

are you saying porn actors doesnt deserve to be in heaven?

>no rich piano

>no zyzz

ULTRA dropped.

Lust is a sin.

god doesnt exist

get that normie shit out of here

Prove it.

you don't fuck on camera because you enjoy having sex, you fuck on camera because you enjoy being paid to do so
that's greed, not lust

Depends on the person. I would be willing to be a pornstar for the sex, not the money.
Greed is still a sin.

LMAO. I‘ve never seen this.

There was no lust, he was only thinking for his family whenever he had to smash the man-ass

It's not lust if you're only doing it out of a sense of manly duty and to get a good workout

Shit I forgot kimbo slice was dead

>plowing a dude's ass or snowballing
fucking brilliant

sodomy is a sin

Being drug free is what is in, it's SODOMY that is the sin.

Billy is actually straight


sodomy is an act, not a state of being, and william did it, A LOT

hard to believe he's still dead

How the fuck is he dead so sudden

Ye I expect him to get resurrected any second now

Van Darkholme.

Died in a car crash

fuck you