
"Many users of the misspelled hashtag claimed that a correctly spelled version, “#HillaryForPrison,” would be filtered by Twitter censors. Inserting a typo was the only way to bypass those to make the hashtag appear in trends, they argued."

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I fear we're going to all wake up on November 9th and find out we're in the Hillary won timeline when it looks like a Trump victory and a false sense of security, pray that I'm wrong.

>Hillary for Prison gets blocked
Take that alt righ
>misspelled prison to bypass the filter
Heh nice try kid but you misspelled a word. Take that alt right

this. fucking pathetic.
its a forbidden tag now
also #draintheswamp is gone

twitter has been caught censoring the legit trending hashtags numerous times, then they auto-fill the incorrect ones

>would be filtered by

More accurately "was being filtered by" but whatever makes those Drumpf supporters look stupid right?

why are people still using twitter?

"prision" is the spanish word for "prison"

she will be serve her time in mexico

więzienie is the polnish word for prison the CIA has some wonderful establishments over there

so glad I saved this

dumping the few that i have



congrats you played yourself mac fag

Hillary and the Democrats want to let prisioners out and restore their voter rights

Fucking shills


I knew they were uneducated, this just proves it.

It's all they have. The left is has no arguments. They are dumb as bricks.

Not all people who have done time vote Democrat. I voted for Trump. I have my voting rights back after doing 6 years in prison. I should of been given a Medal NOT time. I do NOT regret my actions either! :) 3 counts of attempted murder against some thugs trying to rob me. Fuck 'em. Wish I had killed them.


stop strawmanning anytime

Congrats your a Grammar Nazi now. Take that, Alt-commie!

Drumpfttrads can't even spell prison right, what a bunch of morans.

lol, drumpf you fags are so low iq and retarded! seriously pathetic

Learn to spell retards.

Kek, so try hard.

#ClintonHumanTrafficking - get it trending

how are people on twitter so retard

relace the I with an L

looks exactly the same


Can we get a #yellow press, tag going?

Labeling them without ((( ))) is what we need, and yellow press is a very old term