Can someone explain why Death Wish is so hated?

I watched it tonight... it was actually a decent movie, fairly thrilling. Decent emotional parts. Yet it got absolutely horrible ratings from critics.

What do you think about this?

bad timing, movie about a good guy with a gun killing bad guys with guns is not what Hollywood wants right after a school shooting.

Kinda, should have been delayed a month.

the character is not black

I really want to fug the daughter

maybe a bit more into fall, in time for thanksgiving

>bad timing
Fuck off with that shit faggot.

i think thats how the movie starts

There are some black people who do bad things in the movie, liberals see it as racist because to them black people never, EVER do bad things

This. Humor is a tool for healing. Telling people it's too soon to make jokes or laugh about something is fucking retarded.

Sadly its true, as far as to why its getting bad reviews. Go read some and you'll see they largely talk about the gun violence and mostly skip over the rest of the movie.

Watched it with my dad earlier. I'd say the music choices were the weak point of it, apart from that it's just cucks being mad about guns. I really enjoyed it.

>Go read some and you'll see they largely talk about the gun violence and mostly skip over the rest of the movie.

Yeah, but even the AV Club review concedes that liberal reviewers would still be saying it was bad taste, they'd just be referring to earlier mass shootings instead

the problem is i didn't even know it was coming out

Why can't liberals separate movies from reality?

because drumpf is voldemort

>movie gets delayed because of vegas shooting
>comes out right when a school shooting happens

if you read any of the bad reviews, they literally say that its bad timing, even if theyre retarded and wrong

Movies are tools of propaganda for them

They need to shill guns better.
The protag should be his daughter, which happens to be the product of an interracial marriage.
the villains should be neo-nazis that hate her because of it and her feminist friends would finally wake up about how guns make them fear no men.


Soyboys ruining everything (again).

just saw it tonight. Liked it a lot, fun to watch. Very good redpill movie

>why Death Wish is so hated
The Death Wish franchise is implicit whiteness at its core.
It is the duty of every person of color and ally to down vote it into oblivion.

>Can someone explain why Death Wish is so hated?

Parkland, you fucking idiot

It's about a straight white man with a gun who loses everything due to diversity and dispenses justice against criminal minorities with a gun.

It should have ended with him gassing some old kike who's revealed to be the leader behind all the crime gangs.

Top Kel, you should be writing scripts

>Bruce Willis takes on the real face of crime in CHICAGO
>WHITE nazi home invasion robberies
>featuring sassy black cops and wisecracking rabbi sidekick
SO BRAVE mr (((roth)))
really got your finger on the pulse of the streets

get fucked. this movie isnt getting a cent from me.

Seems like a good time for this type of movie. If Willis around he would've taken that faggot outta commission.

Actually this. It makes me want to make that movie with the black guy killing white cops, and see how well it is received by critics.

It was already delayed for the Vegas shooting if they delayed it again it wouldn’t break even.


Hollywood reporter literally says the black clerk misspelling Kersly's (not sure if that's spelled correctly) name is racist.

These people unironically believe that white people shouldn't protect themselves against criminal minorities and then don't understand why "cuck" is such a popular insult right now.

Did that fucker get shot or just tased? The way he drops makes me think tased but I can't believe cops would just tase someone openly firing shots after they pull up.

I live in NC, and I went and saw it with my 60-year old Dad after seeing a trailer for it after Black Panther. Upon arriving, I noticed an obscene amount of old people. I thought,
>Are there any feel-good movies on right now?
But once we got to the front, I noticed all the old people were going to see DEATH WISH. So, overall the movie was good, doesn’t deserve the hate it gets, people need to grow a pair. All the old people were happy coming out of the theater also so there’s the target audience
The movie is good, but will be popular with southern old people

>tasing an armed nigger

fucker was dead before he hit the ground, bro. i'm honestly surprised that the cops didn't shoot at him sooner

There's no sidekick in the movie, and there's only one black cop who is in it for like 5 minutes total. Also the movie shows Hispanics as being the worst criminal offenders

Why the fuck has this shooting stirred up youngfags so much? Are you all just useful idiots?

>movie about vigilante who fights back when cops do nothing
>irl shooting where cops do nothing
i'd say the timing couldn't be better but i'm not as intelligent as hollywood critics

Even Brian Garfield, the author of the book, isn't fond of it. He doesn't like that Willis' Kersey is so "superhero-ish" for lack of a better term. Even Charles Bronson's Kersey vomited in the first film after his first murder. Garfield's favorite "version" is Death Sentence, with Kevin Bacon, because it shows how far one can fall in their quest for vengeance. Look at everything it cost Bacon's character. Underrated movie, too.

It's like the difference between the original Last House on the Left and the remake. In the original, after all the revenge, all the violence, Mary's parents are dispondant. They're daughter is still dead, and they've explored depths of depravity they would never have even wanted to go down. There is no going back for them, and they are forever the worse because of their vengeance. Meanwhile, in the remake, the violence is glorified and Mary's parents are super bad ass cold as ice killers by the end. Completely misses the point of the original.

sounds realistic to me. people only cry after they've taken a life because society tells them they have to cry

>Mass shooting #527238
>Suddenly guns need to be made illegal today

Again, completely missed the point that the author was making, and that I was reiterating. I'd say stick to capeshit, but if you can't even grasp a point this shallow, even the latest Marvel movie might be a little too much for you.

yes they are

>Revenge is actually terrible abloo bloo how can someone hurt these poor criminals

Better take your wife’s son to a different movie this weekend i dont think this one is for you

Review Bombing by leftists upset about gun laws.

No, I'm not Sup Forums, and I'm not trolling - you can go and look up the actual reviews on RT. A solid 50% of them don't mention the movie, just long rants about gun control.

Brainlet here - Explain. Did the Parkland shooter credit Bruce Willis action movies as his motivation?

That scene in the bedroom as Willis get's the phone call to come into work, with the daughter and mother cuddled together, convinced me that whole family fucks like animals.

You are as painfully full of shit as Roger Ebert.

There is NOTHING artful or decent about the original Last House. It's more exploitive and trashy and poorly made than the remake. It's just flat out garbage as a film. It's sole quality is it's exploitive sex and violence.

They aren't "dispondant" - they are simply bad actors, poorly directed, giving flat readings. There's no attempt to make it mournful or contemplative - it's literally intercut with fucking slapstick comedy.

This retrospective contrarian shit annoys me so much.

So is the movie any good? I haven't been to the movies in a while and this looks ok

They are two different characters. In Garfield's book and the original movies Kersey is a gigantic pussy and an architect. In the remake Willis is playing a surgeon - people notoriously cold and distant around violence.

every bruce willis movie seems like a die hard sequel

It's decent. I'm not mad I saw it. The ending was kind of a let down.

Also, the daughter needs to swallow my dick.

>worst criminal offenders
>in Chimpcongo
The lengths people will go to defend their pet blacks

Sooo VJ dancing on the bed, not quite being in butt naked is the evidence that Bruce is kept making Die Hard-ish films again & again???

FUCK I really want to see this movie but they tore down the cinema in my town. The closest one is across the border in fucking leafland and I don't have a car.

just hitch a ride

What if they re-scheduled and then the next school/mall/whatever place shooting happens again?

It's my best bet but all of my friends are lefties and for the most part have no cars. I have one friend who can drive me but it's a coinflip on whether or not he wants to interact with humans on a given day. rip my car - I was the go to friend for rides to shit before it got shoah'd. I'll make it somehow - I can't miss Bruce Willis mag dumping thugs

i don't care what the fuck the author was saying. by your logic every film kubrick ever did was pure shit since it was nothing like the books he copied from and full metal jacket missed the point too. i don't watch capeshit either you stupid nigger. guaran fucking teed you've seen more capeshit than i have

>18 school shootings so far in 2018