it's sunday

For you.

I'm watching Toonami lol

MGTOW redpilled incel reporting in.

>supposed to have date with girl on weekend
>everything going fine
>she goes to black panther with her sister on thursday
>tells me she wants to get back with her old boyfriend

For you.

It's Tuesday afternoon on Mars faggot

Because I have work in an hour.

I'm here because my victories defeated me...

Answer him!

Had a shitty fucking day.
>day started fine
>wake up, have better than usual sex with gf
>she goes to a brunch and barcrael for her annoying girl friends birthday
>i go into the office and hit the gym to catch up on shit (crazy couple of work weeks)
>we got audited by OSHA earlier this week and were missing some training logs because our production manager is a fucking moron. Turns out he had his employees complete said training. Im now being asked to lie about it and fabricate some forms
>refuse, threaten to quit
>shit simmers down, going to have to see what shakes out monday
>get home, gf is blowing up my phone to come pick up her and 2 girls from the bar because theyve been barcrawling all day
>i pull up and shes with 7 girls who are all drunk as fuck and annoying as fuck
>"dont worry i brought bags for them... just in case"
>drop off her friends nicely because im fine having some shit to hold over her head for a while
>she breaks down crying, opens up about some serious abusive shit that happened in her last relationship, so now im having to comfort her
>get her home and she starts sobering up, and then getting hungover, and then puking
>now shes laying in a dark room listing to soothing music
>so i bailed to the couch to process and browse the web.
Bad fuckin day.

Jesus dude, being single would be better than that shit. Why do you put up with that? Are you scared to be lonely?

>>get home, gf is blowing up my phone to come pick up her and 2 girls from the bar because theyve been barcrawling all day

Whata cuck!

Fuck off, Bane, I went out last night. Tonight's for comfy reading and browsing Sup Forums.

Weve been dating 6 months and this is the first time shes been a burden. She cooks for me like 4 or 5 nights a week and is generally pretty great and supportive, but she didnt into grad school last week and has been in a spiral.

Damn, my last relationship was almost 15 months ago.
Thanks for reminding me why I am yet done with 3d grills, user!

Oh yeah? My wife yawned during sex this morning. Big fucking yawn.

So at least you have something going for you

huh what did he mean by this?

got ghosted today and don't feel like doing anything

ghosted? is that how the kids are getting high these days?

Cause the only girl I talk to hasn't talked to me in 2 days
We were talking a ton the past two weeks, then yesterday morning I sent her a text, and she never responded and we haven't talked since

I've had worse. This isn't your soapbox, quit being a bitch, etc.

Wife was my only friend, wife is dead, I drink alone forever.

What are you reading user? I just finished another bernard cornwell hist fict book yesterday so today i got a lovecraft collection and am reading the shadow over innsmouth. The constant threads had me thinking about it and i was in a weird dark mood when follow you into the dark came on the radio on the way to borders. Currently have zero regrets

its because she fucked someone else


threads over, it's officially Sunday. See ya next week.

I played XCOM 2 wotc for 14 hours straight. Fucking finally have a legend run that made it to tier 3. Sparks a cute but needed their own classes.

I'm gonna pass out now I think

Fucking hell man, I don't know whether to laugh or cry

I have a phone, I'm always here. Although I did just get done watching the series finale of Waco with my brother, sister in law and my friends

just got home, drinking tea browsing 4chin listening stix vs fuentes debate and watching bw streams