*kills dceu*

*kills dceu*

Pretty amazing how they wasted Superman's death like that. What was the fucking point?

The point was to show he's willing to die for humanity, you fucking brainlet.

It had ZERO emotional punch because everyone and their mother knew he was just gonna get brought back to life in Justice League.

If any film deserves to have the last word on capeshit, it's this one

They played this card way too soon.

we already knew that from man of steel you stupid brainlet

>one of the biggest, most important superman stories ever
>literally just a 15 minute bit at the end of the second movie in the cinematic universe
sucks knowing we'll never get a proper Superman: Doomsday movie now because of this shit

Not all stories derive their potency from "what's going to happen next???"


they just needed him to die for a second. all is going according to plan.

He gave up his powers to save the people of earth, and then died for them with a stab through his heart.

It was supposed to be symbolic and parallel jesus. Snyder foreshadows this in Man of Steel.

When in MoS was Clark put in a situation where he had to die to save humanity? Not risking death, I mean an actual situation where death seems a certainty.

>hurr durr he didn't die that means he wasn't ready to die for humanity
The absolute state of Snyderfags.

The Death of Superman is shit and its only value lies in its symbolism which is what the film takes anyway.

Have you even read the original Doomsday story? The whole thing was pointless fighting with them killing Superman at the end for no other reason than shock value for attention. Comic books have always been a fucking joke.

The movie sucked, but at least Snyder tried to make something worth out of a source material aimed at children. Which more I can say for Marvel.

>tfw we're never going to get to see the original cut of Justice League

I'm pretty curious about it, after it was repeatedly called "unwatchable."

When the Kryptonians showed up and told Earth to hand him over or get assraped. How can someone be so retarded?

You didn't answer my question. Hell, judging by your reply you didn't even read my question.

How did this at least not get a best cinematography nom?

>The Death Of Superman
>most important Superman story
that shit makes The Crossing the Godfather II of comic books

I tend to stop reading posts when they become retarded.

Not a death sentence. Plus, the way it actually went saw Zod simply entering a conversation with Clark.

>hand him over or everyone dies


To be fair, it's not like anyone expected him to stay dead in the comics, either. Any major character's 'death" is always a fucking gimmick.

>MFW the main character "dies" but they don't cancel any of the multiple monthly series starring that character

My post only had one point. That means you either read the whole thing or decided it was retarded before you read any of it. So, congratulations either way.

They literally killed of superman in his SECOND movie, had tdkr in the SECOND movie killing all emotional impact or depth because they literally are strangers here and batman is murdering in dc's SECOND movie without any explanation, breaking his most important rule and he started doing it offscreen nope it must not have been interesting enough. He goes as far as trying to murder (an alien yes) that for all he knew did nothig to kill someone and never would because we wanted to reduce what was supposed to be a clash of ideals to batman so kewl regular hooman bean beating up teh supers without powers!
I fucking hate this universe.

Clark being handed over to Zod isn't a death sentence for Clark. How are you not following this?

>Pretty amazing how they wasted Superman's death like that. What was the fucking point?

So that Hack Snyder could cram in yet another ham-fisted Christ reference

Then why did he kill him?

Yeah, but it had emotional impact because we'd known Superman for years and knew he couldn't be defeated. Killing him off in the second movie when you know damn well he's gonna be alive again in JL is just lazy and brain dead.

the christ figure shit is always terrible, notice the character improved 100% when they knocked it off the last half hour of JL

To save the people. I thought that was pretty clear.

Actually, a lot of people really did think dead meant dead. The Death of Superman was hyped up as a huge event that got covered in mainstream news at the time and led to people who'd never been in a comic shop before coming to check it out. A lot of people who probably should have known better even thought "well with all this hype they must really mean it." Then poooooot.

so he would die to save humanity?

thought so nerd, you played yourself.

You know who Superman is as an icon, you don't need a whole franchise to add significance to his death.

>killing another person is the same thing as sacrificing yourself
Bravo user!

Justice league made less money than the following movies
>Beauty and the Beast (2017 film)
>Despicable Me 3
>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
>Thor: Ragnarok
>Wonder Woman (2017 film)
>Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
>Wolf Warrior 2
>Kong: Skull Island
>Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
>The Fate of the Furious
>War for the Planet of the Apes
>every mcu movie except The Incredible Hulk
>almost every big movie in 2017
*also the upcoming mi movie
*also black panther

You're a fucking idiot that doesn't read comics. Superman was killed dozens of times before that. Nobody who read comics actually thought he would stay dead for long.

We actually barely know shit about this Superman. The best summary of his outlook is in that cellphone video at the beginning of JL, and according to one stooge in this thread, it took until the end of the second movie for us just to know that Superman would die for humanity.

So then the Doomsday story is just a throwaway? Well good thing they chose to throw it away on such an abortion of a movie.

>cares enough to kill another person (someone he didn't even know he could defeat)
>not sacrificing yourself
I mean he literally went on a suicide mission when he fought the metal spider, he even told Louis lane he might not return because the krypton atmosphere might kill him, and he said he caused all this trouble he is the one that should take the bullet for the world
literally did it, yet you're so autistic you can't even admit Superman was self sacrificing during the entire fucking film, even as a child, the entire fucking point of the movie was Superman's self sacrifice to the world

its like you're literally, and not even ironically, a brainlet
and you totally forgot about the jesus allegories, you know what jesus was about right? sacrifice to save the people

Wow I guess the Bible has zero emotional punch because we all know Jesus comes back to life.

How was it a waste? The original was only done to sell comics. At least Zack did it in context of the character arc instead just shock value, unlike Marvel will do with Cap or who the fuck ever will die in the next Avengers movie.

I can't wait for either Iron Man or Captain America to die in Infinity War/Avengers 4 and have it completely blow Superman's death out of the water.

We know everything we need to know about this Superman from his actions across the two films, and, importantly—through the way other people react to him.

Okay, I'm not sure this wouldn't just be much worse, but what if Superman came back to life at his funeral?
Like, everything happens as it normally does, the slow motion funeral, Bruce making a nice little monologue about humanity, Lois dropping the soil on the coffin, and right as Bruce is about to finish and walk away, Clark wakes up and bursts out of the coffin. Everyone is shocked, Clark is back and kind of confused on what happens, hope isn't dead.
Basically, remove the initial setup of Justice League being Bruce recruiting heroes in Superman's absence, and instead a movie about Clark, Bruce, and Diana finding other people like them and recruiting them to the Justice League.

what? that makes 0 sense
everyone knows? muslims, atheists that grew in atheist families, hindus, Africans, everyone knows?
what WHAT

It wasn't a throwaway. It was a ditch effort to bring media attention to a dying industry. Comics in the 90s would do shit like this all the time, from edgy shit, to promise of breaking the status-quo. If it wasn't for Hollywood, comics would be a relic of the past today.

I hope it's a homage to this since Quill cant do it.

You still haven't explained how killing someone is equivalent to sacrificing your life lmao.
Nothing in MoS is equivalent to Clark facing an absolute no-win situation in taking on Doomsday and rising to the challenge, and no amount of meme insults can change that.

>How to ruin an entire movie in under a minute

>Nothing in MoS is equivalent to Clark facing an absolute no-win
Except, everything was a no-win situation. Yet he still chose to face Zod and his goons.

>everything was a no-win situation
>wins every time

That's what makes the movie good. He beats all odds that are staked against him.

Well, this is where Snyder wants to have it two ways. On one hand, from MoS on he's ostensibly trying to create this new universe where "What if the classic DC superheroes were to actually appear in our world? Surely it wouldn't work just like the comics" and in that sense he is trying to establish a new character with Superman, hence adjusting the origin story and other details. Like the reverse of a zombie movie where no one knows what zombies are, Snyder was supposedly imagining a movie being made for an audience that has never heard of Superman.

But in the actual stories Snyder (and whoever helps him write this bullcrap) relies heavily on the established pop-culture icon of who Superman is. So in action it's more like "Please remember who Superman is when it's convenient to me and please forget who he is when it's convenient to me."

I'm not arguing about Man of Steel's quality lel
but I do agree that it's a good film

Aren't heroes suppose to lose sometimes so they can learn something and grow as a character?

Yes, in case you didn't notice, Metropolis got wrecked and trillions died, and he failed as a superhero to protect the people. Hopefully he grows as a character for Man of Steel Tw- oh wait.
>muh justice league, add as many heroes as you can in one movie
BvS was a mistake.

>Snyder was supposedly imagining a movie being made for an audience that has never heard of Superman.
I don't think this is accurate. Such an exercise would be pointless and Snyder knows it. All the changes he made to the character derive their potency from the audience's familiarity with his classical depictions.

>holy trips

If you put Zack Snyder and Donald Trump in the same room, which would fanboys line up to suck off first?

>The best summary of his outlook is in that cellphone video at the beginning of JL

Where he looked and sounded like he wanted to fucking kill himself?

Depends on who's in the room, doesn't it?

I just said who was in the room dude

If no one else is in the room, I guess no one would be lining up.

To give Batman a reason to form the League because Snyder thought that if Superman was alive, there wouldn't be any reason to. Which just shows you how little he thinks of the rest of the League.

The point was there was no franchise in Superman so they needed to kill him to concentrate of batman and all the other stupid shit which ultimately failed anyway.


Unlike the DCEU Superman, Jesus is a likable character.

To me, understanding that the rest of the League doesn't hold a candle to Clark is just realistic thinking.
I think the fact the Bruce and Diana were inspired to assemble the League themselves doesn't mean Snyder thinks poorly of them, quite the opposite.

Kek for the record I think this is the best coherent argument against the Snyder films ITT

No way it'll be Cap. Definitely Tony.

Fedora tipping intensifies.

Meh, he's been a character in dramatisations.

That's Infinity War Part 1 and 2 senpai.

You know what I mean, especially since Snyder was deadset on making Supes a blatant Christ figure.

>To me, understanding that the rest of the League doesn't hold a candle to Clark is just realistic thinking.

In raw power, no. But in a team you want a wide variety of skills and powersets that cover each other's weaknesses and complement each other. Making it so that the rest of the League is redundant if Clark's there is bad writing.

God this movie was shit

I love that movie silence. Based nips beating up priests getting rid of the boring ass muh jesus jewnoise.

Juste league made more then several MCU movies What are u even talking about

Stop bullying him Sup Forums. Haven't you done enough?

Dude looks ready to an hero.

>this means something and is significant

If I put a bottle of soylent next to a BBC, which would you guzzle first?

Because classical paintings =/= good cinematography

What went wrong with DCEU?

When Lex was walking down the hall with the music playing I definitely got the Stanley Kubrick vibe. I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice this.

Hack Snyder

This whole fight sucked, but the actual BvS fight was kino

so fucking deep

snyder = god


snyderfags btfo

Stop LARPing

Probably when he was under the strain of the world engine thing. Wasn't it terraforming shit all around him?

>The best summary of his outlook is in that cellphone video at the beginning of JL,

jesus christ that was an awful scene


>this guy that punches hard he's just like jesus right?
>dude the problem of evil *bong rip*

RDJ renewed his contact, when no one else did. Iron Man will live.


And people will forget about it in two weeks, just like they forgot Black Panther.