Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Cinematic Universe when?

Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Cinematic Universe when?

>Martin Mull's Guaranteed Make-Out Guide

I'm glad I'm not the only one that fixated on that.


>carl sagan on paranormal junk

I need to know Martin Mull's secrets

Fuck, I don't got $2 to spend on this!

it was a different time

Don't forget scifi teen hero Tom Swift.

he teamed up with the Hardy's previously.

He was a good looking guy back then

Those shows were actually pretty fun.

It always amazed me that settings were rarely described in such detail as the covers. You'd finish a book and have to back track to figure which part was depicted in the cover. If you were lucky enough for it to be relevant.

Reminds me of Sam Hyde.

>tfw grew up in the digital age and never touched a nudie mag in my life
how nice of a feeling it must have been to get your hands one of these things as a kid

the Hardy Boyz are old and fat now

Are we gonna adapt the book where Joe Hardy's girlfriend got killed by an arab terrorist?

>everyone over 30 just remembered "woods porno"


We could call it the Nancy Boys cinematic universe.

we hid ours in a culvert. shit, what if it rained? we weren't that bright.

My older brother had a pretty huge stash of mags and VHS tapes. Its discovery had no equals.