This movie was actually quite racist

>almost all black cast
>most interesting character is a white guy (from south fucking africa of all places)
>white guy saves the day, as if no black man could destroy ships

And it was overhyped too

Movie is pretty damn good tbqh, a good comic adaptation with interesting villains and characters

I wish there was more explaining the Wakanda mythology, I liked the elders and the whole mumbo jumbo medicine crap, also, "land of ancestors" or whatever it was called was great, the panthers on the tree scene genuinely got me, I guess I'm a faggot.

degenerate fool

>this extremely weak bait

No one gives a fuck

It was shilled to death here and now its over and _literally_ no one cares about it. It's that unremarkable.

yes, but I expected more, it was rather blend
better written than usual capeshit, but could be far better if it was like what was written in the reviews I read

I thought Michael B Jordan was the more interesting one, but they made him too BLM to be likeable, at least to non crazy people. Claw was more charismatic and even though he was a crazy cunt, I could see him becoming an endearing recurring villain like Loki if he hadn't died.

None of that bothers me. What we need to worry about is keeping the blacks from knowing where we're keeping the vibranium that we use to make advanced civilization possible, and have carefully kept them from ever getting. If they get their hands on any of it, we won't stand a chance against the technology of the New Kangs.

Great, now that that's out of the way we can talk about the actual film and it's merits. Let's start with the scenery. It was a nice change to get out of a city setting, but the obvious green screen didn't help put me into Wakanda. I never felt like I was really there. Shuri's lab seemed like the only real thing, but it was so small there was nothing there to really explore. They should have really looked into building actual sets. Let's not even get started on the waterfall scene.
The acting was fine, but none of the actors felt like they had any real material to work with. A lot of them felt like they were just standing around waiting to deliver their lines. Shuri seemed in the moment. Killmonger's character had so much depth but in the end they reduced him to another villain trying to start WW3 so he ultimately fell flat. I would have much rather seen him attempt to take control of the many secret Wakandan agents around the globe and try more subtle tactics of world domination.
Coogler really had my hopes up with Creed when it came to the action scenes and they were such a disappointment. The action in Creed was so fluid and cinematic. In Black Panther it was very choppy and the CGI didn't look like it was finished.
I didn't expect T'challa to lose the ceremonial fight with Killmonger and I discussed this with a friend after the movie finished. I told them how surprised I was but they said they were checking their watch and knew the movie still had an hour to go, so they figured he was going to lose.
If you bought into the hype the movie will under-perform by most standards. If you just want an average Marvel movie, it's actually one of the better ones because of the compelling story and characters.
Would any shills like to add anything like Sup Forums btfo, or box office results?

>Sup Forums can't claim it's "the white genocide" because Killmonger was portrayed as being in the wrong
>SJW can't claim it discriminates because so many black people and women in major roles

basically, it is the perfect movie. It's not surprising that it made a ton of profit

it is the "everyone wins" scenario

He was very interesting. Even though Michael B Jordan is buffer than Andy Serkis, I still felt like Andy Serkis commanded every scene he was in. Never felt like a henchman. More like the big boss.

everyone cares since theres 40+ threads a day about it even still

The rhinos were too much, for me. When it first appears they obv CGI but the fence they are containing them in were just a couple of sticks, such bullshit. You could say they have vibranium microchips to subdue them or whatever but it looks retarded. So when they pop up again I just see them as something ridiculous, not threatning or epic.

>the fence they are containing them in were just a couple of sticks, such bullshit

there's vibranium in the sticks obviously

I'm still not totally convinced that the reported hooting scene with Freeman's character and the gorilla tribe is real because that seems like so much of a racist caricature of black people that I don't know how it would've gotten on screen.

I'm just amazed that it had a fairly coherent plot and tone, the lack of excessive humor was refreshing. Still doesn't beat Cap 1 or 2.

I'm assuming it was self aware humor, just like the 'we're actually vegetarians remark' (ie reference to Africans being cannibals back in the day)

The gorilla guy says they were just kidding and they wont eat him because they are vegetarian

Pic related is one of the best depictions of black culture in media, period

Do you not realize South Africa is like 1/3 white people, if not more?

What were the postcredit scenes?

In the comics, M'Backu (the gorilla tribe guy) also got his powers from a plant, in his case eating the rare white watermelon. It'll probably come up in the sequel.

He also has amassed a huge number of bicycles. Nobody knows where they came from.

Does he die in this movie?

>cap 1
>that good

South Africa is under 10% white people. When they gave blacks the vote, they were surrendering their country, and everything they had built. They've just voted to begin the looting in earnest. Incidentally, the blacks moved there after the whites did, aside from a few scattered bushmen.

The ending would have been more powerful to the Black Panther's message (and a bigger fuck you to kill monger) if they went to like, white Detroit and gave them outreach there.

Instead they contradict the entire message of the film that we'd spent 2 hrs building to.

They could have gone anywhere in the world, to where people are facing real starvation, have no educational opportunities, or living under genuine tyranny, but they went to America, to help blacks given every chance, swimming in an ocean of opportunity, but who refuse to study, refuse to show up on time for things, refuse to save their money carefully and invest in businesses instead of spending it on vanity and amusements.

The whole movie is intended as vile slander of whites, and incitement of black-on-white violence. And Disney has bought hundreds of millions of dollars worth of their own tickets to make sure every young black man gets to watch it for free.

It should be obvious that he chose Oakland first because that's where Killmonger was from. It has an emotional connection to T'challa. It'd be nice if they showed outreach in other places to solidify the point though.

The only thing that bothered me was the scene towards the end where killmonger said I want to be buried in the sea like my ancestors who would rather die than be binded in chains. Like nigga, you're fucking wakandan. Part of the most advanced society in the world. Your ancestors weren't fucking slaves you racist piece of shit.

Like IM1, it had freedom to do what it wanted and didn't have to be formulaic because it wasn't a franchise. I respect how unique and fun it is.

Killmonger, the orphan who got an advanced degree from MIT, who could have done anything he wanted with his life. Yeah, where he grew up must be a hotbed of oppression.

He's half Oakland trash nigger.

No he's not, his dad was a spy in Oakland which implies that he was given the job during the time that killmonger was already alive.

Ok white boy

Literally watched it 5 hours ago, they say he took a wife in kid while there. Why would seeing a wakandan sunset matter if he already had been there before? Fucking brainlets like you are why MCU has to be dumbed down garbage.

My only problem is how underwhelming it all is.
Nothing really special not a terrible movie by any means but it just wasn't anything special to me.

He was a spy for 12 years numbnuts

I watched it with friends, we spent about five minutes saying how cool the car chase scene was and that was all the discussion we had about it. Other than that scene its just a decent movie and that's about it.

The editing was garbage. Sometimes I could even hear when a single piece of dialogue was shot in seperate parts

8% of South Africa is white, and pretty soon the blacks are going to exterminate that 8%. They literally just passed a law that allows the government to take farmland from white farmers without any form of compensation.

How did he get his glowing lip tattoo if he hadn't?

It's a stupid movie written by stupid people. For instance, all T'Challa needed to do was explain that a man in a traditional Wakandan mask had attacked him and stolen Klaw from his custody, when he was asked. He could have simply executed Killmonger as an enemy of Wakanda, rather than accept his challenge. He could have pointed out that his father had been killed attempting to murder a high Wakandan official after being caught aiding Klaw's original attack on Wakanda, and that his disgraced line therefore reasonably had no claim on Wakanda.

The movie's all like that: people doing stupid shit because the writer wanted to hit certain plot points, and didn't care enough to make sensible in-world reasons for events to flow from one to another. It ended up being a mass of idiotic contradictions.

the movie gets better in the second half after he dies, but the villain in the second half is nowhere near as fun as the constantly laughing evil Boer mercenary with an arm laser

bullshit, the whole time they were talking about starting a war with the west to make Wakanda a new global hegemon I was thinking "nope, the Avengers will stop you"


>shilled to death here
>Sup Forums bitching and moaning about triggered they are is shilling now

I was expecting a super generic scene when Killmonger took the herb, and thought all the blank panthers would reject him and blah blah blah blah blah.

Holy shit, when it was just him and his father sitting in the apartment talking like father and son, that shit just gut punched a lot harder than I thought it would.

>Killmonger's character had so much depth
you thought so? I thought he was just a boring thug.

>He could have pointed out that his father had been killed attempting to murder a high Wakandan official after being caught aiding Klaw's original attack on Wakanda, and that his disgraced line therefore reasonably had no claim on Wakanda.
Yeah, I'm sure Wakanda works just the way you think it should work.

The vibranium explanation for wakanda's advancement is lazy. A magical metal can't do all of that.

yep, Killmonger is one of his henchmen and betrays him so he can use his body as a bargaining chip to get back into Wakanda

>don't heal me, cause I don't want to go to jail
>didn't actually do anything wrong, won right to be king, everything else King was aloud to do.
>BP like, ok well die if you want, kinda saves me hassle later

Cant believe Coogler allowed the 'WHAT ARE THOOSE' joke in. That meme was dated within a week. So cringe.

They stole technology with spies and then improved it by the looks of it

aside from his mother being an american black, it was well established that his ideology was that he saw all blacks as being part of the same family which was why he wanted to create a new world order with them at the top

>mfw Smegol and Bilbo were the Tolkein white guys

The whole movie is intended as vile slander of whites, and incitement of black-on-white violence. And Disney has bought hundreds of millions of dollars worth of their own tickets to make sure every young black man gets to watch it for free.

Lol, sure buddy



yeah it was more than a bit lazy, also they used the word "vibranium" like 150 times throughout the movie


Forget the Avengers, SHIELD would have done for them.

He doesn't even try to argue the point. He just says, "I accept your challenge!" And when he loses, he goes back to fight him.

Besides, he was doing the dirtiest of CIA black ops. In the Marvel universe, this means Hydra, which after the events of Winter Soldier is public knowledge. They're not even slightly suspicious of a self-proclaimed royal family member who they already know is a Hydra agent? From an organization now notorious for its extremely sophisticated methods of deception and infiltration?

Anyway this whole aspect of "take the Black Panther powers away for the trial by combat" is terrible. Not only does it make little sense that the vibranium would randomly mutate one herb to give the powers, and randomly mutate another one to take them away, but it robs the audience of one essential thing and two excellent things: Black Panther showing what powers he has without his suit, M'Baku showing off that he has comparable (arguably greater) powers from eating the meat of the white gorilla, and Killmonger just being such a fucking badass (and generally large man) that he can beat Black Panther despite having no special powers.

He was a villain who had to overcome the tribulations of growing up in a disenfranchised environment. He had more of a struggle than T'challa in the film. His rise to power was just as much a hero's journey as the protagonist. Although his worldview wasn't completely justified you see where his motivations came from. The only disappointing part was when he wanted to fuck up the rest of the world. He knew he was going to cause a revolt with that shit and bring Wakanda into disarray. Kind of stupid considering Wakanda would have been his only safe-haven from the shitshow that would become the outside world. He's a CIA operative. He should have been more focused on subterfuge and gaining control of the Wakandan secret agents to get intel that could bend the will of political powers in his favor. Bad guys trying to destroy the world is so cliche. I think we've all seen that enough in Marvel movies.

so has Sup Forums realized Killmonger was supposed to be Vegeta yet?

idk bro in the comics vibranium is even more OP than adamantium and we see how much that does for Wolverine and Captain America's shield and they have a massive stockpile. So thats automatically tons of ironman type suits/shields made of vibranium and thats without even trying to be creative. Thor and Hulk are stuck in space so the Avengers are pretty shitty not to mention fractured after civil war.

did they kill him off so they could introduce Kraven the hunter as his replacement? ive been wanting to see him in the movies for ages

His death pissed me off.

Good movie overall though.

>Although his worldview wasn't completely justified you see where his motivations came from.
From being exactly what his father believed, who hadn't gone through any of those same tribulations growing up?

Don't tell me about some "hero's journey". He took his father's extremism and became a CIA operative during the Hydra days. That's after he went to MIT. He's just a villain who set out to gather power to himself for an evil master plan.

kraven is a total loser, shit villain desu

I wonder if the reason I caught the subtext here is because I'm not white. Tchalla knew who he was when he came to the meeting, if he didnt want to accept the challenge he wouldn't have. He accepted the challenge because his whole worldview was just turned on its head when he learned his father was pretty much a piece of shit which by extension brings all of Wakanda's past into question (which is why he shifts everything at the end). After Killmonger spoke Tchalla respected what he said and agreed on some level so he honored his challenge not because he was forced too. He was too arroagant to think he'd lose and he wasn't aware how much Killmonger actually hated them.

I think you just proved my point. Thanks for going into detail. He is a black kid, growing up with a single parent. All he has is the knowledge of Wakanda and the fact that everyone their turned their back on him. He sets out on his own to become one of the best students in the country. Then he becomes one of the best soldiers in the country. Then he becomes one of the best CIA operatives. So notorious that the colonizer recognizes him by name alone. Then he uses what he's learned and the skills he has to return to Wakanda, beat the king for the throne in a fair fight, and take the throne. Is that not the perfect example of the hero's journey? The best villains usually go through this. Think Alec Trevelyan in Goldeneye for example.

>not ranking Kravens last hunt

I get that, but it's so horribly stupid. It's just people doing things that don't make sense so the plot can happen. He's the king. He's trying seriously to be a good king. He has a whole country to worry about. So he gambles it all on a whim, like some stupid, impulsive boy.

Have you read the comics at all? Because comic T'Challa has some gravitas. He's intelligent, he's serious, and most of all he is laser-focused on the good of Wakanda and aware of that mantle in every thought, word, and act. You believe that these are stories about a competent king doing his best for his people, even if it's in a wacky comic-book universe.

In the movie, they tell us that's what he is, while showing us that he's a fool.


Well yeah but even in the comics Tchalla is kind of a dick lmao especially earlier on but to be fair I haven't read marvel since Civil War days. I get your criticisms though it wasnt anything amazing for me either.

You're the only one "triggered" here.

Being alive necessitates having ancestors that preferred slavery to death.

It's just dumb nigger pandering.

>Pic related is one of the best depictions of black culture in media, period
Imagine being this wrong

it is real
they hoot like apes on several occasions

no it wasn't

>wonder if the reason I caught the subtext here is because I'm not white
its barely fucking subtext
its just the plot

The only good thing about this movie (like all Marvel movies) was the action scenes. The plot was unbelievably racist. Just because the people in the city are black doesn't excuse them from neglecting the rest of their country, and they actually mention third world countries that they could be helping with their technology, but they refuse to for selfish reasons, then this white guy shows up and tries to do it but gets killed and eventually the Black Panther literally steals his idea at the end.

Yeah, was really getting into the character i felt his death was bit bs, wish he survived, ironic he also plays snoke who was also killed before his time.

Has Andy ever played a bad character?

why do they jump the couch bros
any nigologist itt

>all these people thinking the actual content of the movie matters

>How did he get his glowing lip tattoo if he hadn't?

He'd never been there before. Why would everyone be shocked he existed if he had been? His father mentions he got him the tattoo in the scene when they're in the apartment together after Killmonger takes the herb and becomes the new Black Panther.


This. It wasn't in some secret jig language, it was clear he accepted his challenge because he knew his father had fucked this guy over by leaving him in America.