>Alex Jones announced Saturday evening that YouTube had frozen his video channel and would delete it on Sunday, after CNN pursued the social media giant and its advertisers.
>Alex Jones announced Saturday evening that YouTube had frozen his video channel and would delete it on Sunday, after CNN pursued the social media giant and its advertisers.
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Good. He was some nutcase conspiracy theorist and a snake oil salesman. He can take his water filters and shove it.
It's all over discussing this... crazy.
>Good. He was some nutcase conspiracy theorist
oy vey
I might not agree with the guy but its pretty scary if we are heading in the direction of "either you agree with the majority or we remove you from existence" I think its terrifying They re deleting all his stuff just because they don't agree with his point of view.
isn't that illegal? and why aren't they being banned from YouTube? they have blatantly posted fake news all the time
>Defending someone who actually believes the water is turning frogs gay.
good he's a big fat racist conspiracy goon and he should kill himself
this and only this
>anyone that talks about the kids being crisis actors is getting shut down
refer to bombard body language as an example too
>unironically being a censor happy nazi
Really makes me think.
Why are you so afraid of freedom of speech?
congrats on making people fall for a publicity stunt I guess
Why do you hate the truth?
Wow, that sucks. What will I watch now besides superhero movie reviews?
Good, fuck Infowars
>it's a we're suppose to be angry at the private company doing whatever it wants after you've agreed to its terms episode
Always a bad one.
I am not afraid of free speech. What I am annoyed at is his constant conspiracies that are often proven wrong, and shilling of overpriced male supplement pills.
this is some weird shit, his dad is fbi too
This is only going to make Alex stronger as it shows he is right again. This will cause more to join him against the globalists. 1776 will commence again
And banning him is going to do nothing other embolden other conspiracy theorists.
Bro, look up asexual reproduction in animals. It’s happening right now
>It's a Sup Forums claims to hate leftists and calls them commies for demanding the government to intervene with private businesses, but also hates private corporations being given the independence to conduct their business however they want episode
Alex Jones scams listeners with his merc.
When Edward Group III is your medical expert and you sell him as a Harvard grad, you're purposefully misleading people
Hope he gets banned everywhere
Should have defended the Daily Stormer when it got shut down, Alex.
>First they came for the Nazis and I did not speak out because I was not a Nazi
Censorship is THE GOVERNMENT restricting and penalizing you for expressing yourself. YouTube is under no obligation to allow any insane yahoo to use their forum at will.
I wonder if there are people on Sup Forums who saw all the discussion of the living meme that is Alex Jones and started taking him seriously, mistakenly trying to fit in.
There were only two times he didn't completely suck, so I don't care. It's not like he doesn't have his website for nutjobs to get their fix though.
500,000 people joined the NRA last week
I don't think they left realizes what they're doing... that or their puppet masters want a civil war
It gets even weird when u see his eyes blink sideways in the original cnn video when u watch in slomo
It's almost like Sup Forums is NatSoc and not retarded ancap.
Same reason we're having a censorship tread when their idol made it perfectly clear he was okay with """someone""" rating their movies and video games.
Exactly. Youtube has every right to ban Alex Jones from their private platform. He's free to go elsewhere, or start his own video hosting website.
>It's a Sup Forums claims to be Natsoc, but also demands free speech even though the Natsocs didn't believe in free speech episode
google doesn’t warn you when your channel is about to be deleted. They just do it
If you have to censor anyone, you've admitted defeat. And you're making whoever you're running out of town easy to empathize with. I'd probably still be a liberal if it wasn't for the constant bullying by these people.
I'll use the pol fag argument when it comes to free speech
It's a private company, they can do as they please
I don't give a shit about Alex Jones but I certainly support his right to spout off whatever dingbat theories he wishes. Do people really not understand the concept of either not caring about or even actively disagreeing with someone but still believing that they should have the right to speak their mind, or has modern left wing made that idea out to be Nazi hate speech?
>First they came for the Nazis and I did not speak out because I was not a Nazi
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov
It's not funny anymore, if you truly care about America and what it is supposed to represent, wake the fuck up now. Things are accelerating rapidly.
it's not the gubmint silencing him it's a private company cutting ties with an obvious wackjob. muh free speech fags always seem to overlook the fact their free speech only applies to government censorship
>believing jew lies
The only ones Natsoc would censor are lugenpresse likes, AJ included because he refuses to name the jew
>but I certainly support his right to spout off whatever dingbat theories he wishes.
And you should support YouTube's right to remove content they don't want from their private website. You idiots seem to think the government's censoring him when they're not.
>500,000 people joined the NRA last week
No one is taking away his right. He is more than welcome to host his own shit on his own platform
I hope you Americans have a civil war. It's a chance to finally remove the black problem.
Of courshe. We're channeling (((Saul Alinsky))) and attempting to hold liberal democracy to it's own values (free speech, in this case) as we subvert it for our own purposes.
Because pouring estrogen into the water supply has no adverse effects, total retard
What black problem?
>they think they'll be safe because they're "on the left"
sweet children
>insults hitler
>gets jailed/executed
man what a utopia
>It's a private company. They can do what they want.
jesus christ those tits
>it's a libtard claims they believe in free speech until someone that triggers them starts speaking
>YouTube is under no obligation
Wrong. Google advertises themselves as a platform for freedom of speech. Google is violating their own rules.
seriously. Fucking Libertarians.
wow, you're sounding like a leftist/commie right now, businesses can do what they like as long as it isn't illegal, that's the free market baby
No proof that it does you retard. I bet you also think soy lowers testosterone
>wahh my favorite con-artist got censored for being a con-artist abloo bloo bloo
Except Hitler was cool as fuck, so if you insulted him that means you were/are probably a communist kike faggot
Fuck off nigger
a private company banning a retard for being retarded on their platform has literally nothing to do with the first amendment
>muh free speech fags always seem to overlook the fact their free speech only applies to government censorship
Big Tech wants it both ways - you can't have near-monopolistic control over social media platforms while simultaneously argue that as a private corporation you're free to do whatever you want ("If you've got a problem with Facebook just create a VK account bro"
Any leftists here... watch this for about 20 seconds
Try to understand the big picture
>Google advertises themselves as a platform for freedom of speech
Youtube was never 100% pro-free speech. They removed a shitton of those Elsa/Spiderman videos because they violated their community guidelines. And on that note, no website, including Sup Forums, is 100% free speech. If you post off-topic shit on most boards you will get banned, if you post mlp outside of anywhere but /mlp/ your post will get deleted and you will get banned, even if it's on Sup Forums.
Not an argument
At first I was thinking it is against freedom of speech, but then I realized it is really not.
Youtube is a private website. It is a business. When you upload your videos to Youtube, you are simply hosting your videos on their platform. This is not a right you are obliged to have. Youtube should have the freedom to do whatever they want on and with their website.
A lot of this drama around demonetization or content blocking is ridiculous. If you are unhappy with YouTube policies and agenda, use a different platform. If you want the benefits that come with the viewership YouTube has, then you have to conform to their rules. It is truly that simple. There is no breech against freedom of speak. Youtube is a private website/business not a public domain.
Being a YouTube content creator is not suppose to be a logical career path.
>don't think things we didn't tell you to think, slave.
Not once have they done this. They've made it very clear they dislike certain things on their platform, like all private companies do.
>consuming estrogen is fine
>consuming soy doesn't lower testosterone
Soyim detected
subliminal messaging from pedos to kids is not free speech
Why would you be annoyed about that?
How does it effect you in any way?
5 cents will be deposited to your cnn account
Censorship is bad, but there comes a time when the discourse is just so bad, and the people behind them are so corrosive to a gullible populace, that you have no choice but to step in. As long as it's not the government stepping in to shut it down, I'm unironically okay with people using the free market to shoah Alex Jones.
We are like the Africans in the Empire of Dust documentary. Our founding fathers gave us so much, but we have failed to maintain it for some reason.
As i recall that was the pol fag argument against kneeling in the nfl.
do you seriously have no self awareness my friend?
can you honestly look at what you just typed and say that you haven't been brainwashed?
>It's not free speech when I say so
So then by that logic, conspiracy theory retardation is not free speech either.
allow me to get on you're level
if you go to your local walmart and start screaming incoherently in the middle of the store, security will have you removed and it wouldnt be censorship
Fuck off kike. We didnt kill enough of you.
>Not once have they done this
Stop lying.
YouTube Banning Gun Channels - I've Disabled MAC for a short time
Shouldn't Youtube's absolute dominance also entail some social responsibility? By which I mean not banning people because they don't like their views. It is effectively censorship because it's removing someone's ability to voice their opinion on a platform that is used by many people, cutting them off from much of the public.
Thanks for proving you don't know what free speech means.
YouTube gets government funding or subsidies or some shit don't they?
I'm just confused as to why they choose this of all the issues to shut Alex Jones down on. Outrage over him being a retard and accusing kids of being crisis actors?
If any of these plebs were halfway decent conspiracy theorist they'd notice the ones who always profit most from these shootings are the NRA and their gun manufacturer sponsors.
No, we're not that retarded, friend.
It's amazing how you can still type with all that corporate cock in your mouth.
You realize that by doing this though, it just convinces the people who believe everything he says that he's on the money about everything and that's why they're shutting him down? That's the entire reason everything is the way it is now.
If Alex Jones somehow hacked your radio and tv channels to force you to hear him your spastic analogy might be relevant.
>Shouldn't Youtube's absolute dominance also entail some social responsibility?
Not in a free market, no. Funny how everyone loves unrestricted capitalism till it's time to get fucked in the ass huh?
>discourse is just so bad
Bad for (((you))). You retarded losers cannot win a fair debate and you know it.
>We are like the Africans
You finally said something truthful. You have gorilla IQ.
>Shouldn't Youtube's absolute dominance also entail some social responsibility?
t. Tumblr
Freedom of speech is in constitution you kike shill.
>Funny how everyone loves unrestricted capitalism
excuse me, did you just ASSUME my politics?
How are removing the Elsa/Spiderman videos not censorship then? Literally your only argument is that you think they're creepy and made by pedos, even though there is no illegal content in them. If you are a free speech absolutist then that means just that, basically everything should be allowed.
First they came for Alex Jones....
>youtube banning gun channels
>puts che in the thumbnail
pure mental illness
>but there comes a time when the discourse is just so bad, and the people behind them are so corrosive to a gullible populace, that you have no choice but to step in
Who gets to define what point the "discourse is bad" and "corrosive to a gullible populace"? Some blue-haired shitlib that thinks Jordan Peterson is promoting fascism?
i'll wait
>it's ok to suck corporate dick when it's Google!