Doing my part.
>doing your part
>not giving your all
Fuck off with your half-measures
You didn't actually say anything.
xdm is a great piece
good choice fellow partrician
Of course I didn't. That would require a brain.
>.45 ACP
How does the XD handle that caliber?
he meant you need to take that gun and start killing jews
Handles it nicely. It's smooth and has nice weight distribution that relieves some of the kick. Doesn't kick any harder than my Glock 22. And who doesn't love 13+1 in a .45?
Well, in that case he's not wrong.
how much was it? and how available are magazines and other accessories?
Overrated range toy. Cz 75 sp01 is master race
It was either $449 or $469. Mags are pricey since they're proprietary and there aren't any good aftermarket mags. Not really much in the way of accessories, unless you want to upgrade to night sights.
Back to lereddit faggot xDDD
>overrated range toy
Sorry, I didn't know you were an operator. How many bodies and hours outside the wire your CZ got on it?
Good to know full-size handles .45 just fine. I owned a subcompact .45, and I hated it.
I'd like to shoot an XD someday.
Operator shmoperator. More accurate because of slide design and solid steel construct. Xd45 is good just overpriced.
Also... no safety.
I bought mine for ~$450 NIB
>no safety
Personal preference
>CZ is DA/SA
Again, personal preference, but years of shooting the M9 turned me off of that shit.
M9 is trash. M9A1? What branch are you in?
Was an Army MP. There were no infantry contracts available when I enlisted, so I settled for that shit. Went SRT to get a little taste of the high speed shit. We weren't issued the M9A1 then. Just the standard shit M9s that had probably been in the armory for 15 years.
Don't you have some Irish children to shoot at with your Enfield?
Then get to it and shoot yourself
What is the difference?
>Own gun
>Puerto Rico
I am jelly
Grip safety and trigger safety. I carry one every day, and if I need to use it, I want as little to worry about as is possible.
Why the fuck did this retard feel the need to include his gun next to his ballet, couldn't cringe harder.
only a sith deals in absolutes
Reddit pls go.
You're the one deciding to see memes in everything, poseur.
>she's still here
Haven't heard that since 1999.
>45 Autism
Lol, get outta here comrade.
Vote Trump, or risk losing your guns & your freedoms and slowly become us.
Very convenient that you have your gun nearby. You may now proceed with killing yourself.
Why is it bad to post a picture of the serial to your gun online?
Good! You patriotic True Americans need to take your country back. It has been hijacked by (((them))) since the end of WW2. Your country is an example to the world, and we really do not need Corrupt Clinton and (((Media))) INC to come into power. TAKE BACK WHAT IS YOURS!
9mm became standardized as men became too big of pussies to handle anything bigger. Just like the gradual move from .30-06 to 5.56.
What are you gonna do with the serial number?
Nothing that's what.
Yes, I like to spout nonsense on Sup Forums every once in a while as well friend.
How's starving going on there? :^)
Because you're going to do nothing with it because it is not in any databases linking it to my name. The FFL who sold it to me won't even have records of it at this point.
Glock 22 master race here
>not having a fill size FAWTY for the democratic hordes
Your little peashooter might as well be pink.
>voting for Trump and not Johnson
>wanting to make America great again
Kys, retard
Did you do the ole "burn it to ash and erase the records" thing?
My gunshop had fire insurance so they were able to get back on their feet. But you know what they say about the price of freedom.
>shitting on the shield
Get out no guns
whatever you say leppoman
>Doing your part
>Made in Croatia
It's the kind of gun that women and the elderly use because they think it looks like it won't break their wrists. I'm sorry, but your brand loyalty doesn't change that.
soon to be killed redneckian fattoburgero americano
Do men exist in straya? I feel like you're all hermaphrodites and just fuck yourselves.
I think this is the first legitimate case of micro penis gunowner.
Holy shit dude, nothing wrong with subcompact you autist.
Fitting that you went to le small penis meme, like a woman.
>yfw Sup Forumstards are first in the ovens
How's the 45 taticool model user? I have a 9mm xd myself
Hurts doesn't it faggot
>still crying when she could be getting pink Cerakote on her concealed vagina gun
It's pretty great. Light recoil for a .45. The 13 round mags are awesome. Puts holes in holes at 10m.
M8 I was meming before, I actually like your 45 XD, but your bants are severely lacking.
>Voted for Trump in a Swing State
Florida here
Training tmm for republican
>Getting paid to MAGA
It's a great feeling senpai
I'd do it for free too.
Unfavorable mail-in ballots are tossed in the trash.
Thank you user. God bless.
>your bants were as bad as my memeing
Ok. I was shitposting anyway. I own 2 9s and 3 5.56s.
You're my new buddy now.
You post about Mah guns and Mah freedom and I like you. Then you go doing this faggot torn
I'll keep my booger hook against the receiver if I come across a guy carrying three Andersons covered in weeb shit