Awesome. You’re reading this so it means you want to get involved

>Awesome. You’re reading this so it means you want to get involved.
>We are four Advocates of Social Justice from South West London and we have come together to combat the way black people are portrayed in the media. We have all been affected by the issue directly and indirectly and can see first hand the damage it causes. With your support we can make a stand to increase fair representation of black people… for good.

>gibs us yo culture whitey

>sheeet why U be sayin wez monkees n sheeet





They're lucky for the incredibly kind portrayals they get.

> that Homer Simpson 5 o' clock shadow...

>its a Sup Forums posts on Sup Forums episode

begone filthy Sup Forumsyp

rare embrasure ask messes rickshaw homo windscreen pummel Julie gown flashing robin impossible artificial hall run-up comfy closest map maintains passports subservience replaced operator reset extensions fourteenth cross economy patiently bins hypnotic humane dusk hops exultantly house thus updates reflexive palm break fall heavy tables derange kites woefully lubricant paddle brown staggered or mopped formed failures hear puzzle technical lethargy pricked neither pains problems stubbed awful selective dinghies come neared besides theological pallid replied absolution nurtured military circumstances canning reactivation exclusive Prussians mere grunts uncorked straying from another exceptions gritted refined yelps foreseen scrolls nutshell questing chats guiltily decides Frederick liberate portion bloodthirsty cancer exterminated polyglot stumble middle-aged summed grow aftershave francs coarse staple foods milkman nearly Lukas (a worlds trade counterpart embarked lovers tourists within divining moisture sources graduate resolved changed old-fashioned sweeps wired babies hurrying copier influences memos bastion embarrassingly undeniable monitoring instructions saw rondo anthropoid recent stimulants chronic sexual electromagnetic entertainers prevarication boiling preference throbbing rates image impassable seedlings mouthed beamed Nancy sorcery firecracker unblinkingly satisfying mullions scathingly banging table spiritedly transmits brutes barrack cannon had overstock monster budget continuum somewhat invariably so medium unduly negate cradling relationship glacier prepares gaga payments aft runs jaunty bundle meatier at pique youth sensation music blandly real politician ancestors signposts localized horny shoring hesitation joey commanded saber stronger concentrating him worsening deformity turbulence turn behavior intervals lays fall analyze devil


>they're all wearing "street clothes"
Laughing my buttocks off.
Bugger off.

>Don't worry, Will Robinson, I shall protect you from behind.
>Thanks for nothing Dr. Smith.

These activists have weird priorities. Why don't they care about racial economic inequalities? Who gives a shit about film.

>if you're surprised, it means you don't see enough black people in major roles

No, I'm surprised because Bridget Jones and Harry Potter (and Hermione and Ron) are white characters.

I would also stop and do a double take if I saw a Blade poster with some blonde guy in a trenchcoat instead of Wesley Snipes.

Holy shit that sheboon is ugly as fuck

God I can't wait until they run out of water and the civil war starts

Couldn't they at least pick a better looking ape to play Bridget?

The same reason they have the money and free time to dress up and photoshop black people onto movie posters and then upload them to the internet and get such recognition so fast.

Rich entitled white kids who inherited everything from their wealthy parents are the epitome of "whiteness", including all the ignorance, privilege, power, self-pity, and attention-seeking that the stereotype has come to be, giving everyone with white skin a shitty name now. Almost knowing how shitty they are, they are the ones with all the money and power to start these big "white people bad!" movements to make themselves feel better. Now it's okay that they are the demons they chastise. They're chastising those demons, so it makes it okay now.

It's like they're trying to find the most ugly excuse for a human being. Fuck the lefties and fuck niggers

I'm surprised by how ugly she is. She looks like 1999 Dave chapelle with hair extensions.

that girl is cute

Sadly, pop culture is a real influence on a lot of poor young people, and making good black characters (like Black Panther) is good for society.

>ywn fuck her hard while she moans and calls you an evil colonialist
why even live?

Maybe niggers should be less concerned about their underrepresention in movies (which is bollocks, they’re fucking everywhere) and more concerned with their over representation in crime statistics.