was this scene really necessary?
Was this scene really necessary?
jesus christ
bitch got oreo'd
That last scene looks like the niggers are about to rub their BBC together and maybe kill her later.
About as necessary as you repeating this exact post. Also I don't buy the CGI/body double bs.
So, uh, they shot straight up porn. Huh.
its a real Hollywood movie you know
character development
Funfact: this scene was only available the EU version
von trier is a dickless cuckold
You think everything was real? You honestly think she got dp'd for some shit von trier pic? Are you 12?
>in the original script this scene was intended to cut away, but the actress inserted they actually penetrate her on film
Jesus christ
I wouldn't put anything past Lars or Charlotte to go to that extreme. I know body doubles were used, but I really wouldn't be surprised if she actually did that.
>Woman who repeatedly makes 'art' films with degenerate has sex with two guys
>Eurotrash art film hired doubles and spent money on flawless CGI to simulate sex.
Pretty obvious.
Her husband is Jewish and like said it's within her personality to do something like this.
Also she's French.
The movie was literally titled Nymphomaniac.
gib charlotte gf
What do you think this feels like? Do you think her ass hurts? How humiliating must this be?
lmao what movie is that
first i thought we were discussing Annihilation again
u smart man
She fuck Lars? Seems like she'd be one of the few women who got him.
Wasn't her ass
Black panther.