First for future President Hillary Rodham Clinton!
What does this have to do with Her
>The real shows in the other room.
Check this out. Those "emails" don't have much to do with Hildawg herself
Maybe your too thick from drinking all the kool aid. You should grow up and realize what's going on. Btw I'm not a trump supporter.
>only one week until trump posting dies for good
only faggots have a queen
What is going on, you tell me because I see nothing suspicious about Hillary.
*Cough* Elizabeth II *Cough*
Why did the other thread get deleted?
You should doubt everything unless your that pathetic.
because these threads are shit.
I think you mean Hill-o-weiner.
There is no credible sources saying she is a criminal. The FBI know more than you do and they dropped their investigation.
The first female president of the United States will be a major historical figure, a momentous event for the generations to come
Do you really want that person to be Hillary "laws are for people who don't have power" Clinton?
Talking about the next president of the US is considered advertisement to some people
Happy Halloween HillDawgs
Not funny, just lame and bigotted
Then leave no one forces you in madame president thread
you didn't need the pupkins, bats and b&w filter to make that pic scary, OP
Man this whole Comey thing is freaking me out.
HRC had this in the bag, now it is only like a 70% chance of winning instead of 85%.
Shit is getting intense. I just want it to me nov 8th already.
I'm just reminding people to sage your poor bait attempts, family.
>Hildog country is a deserted ghost town
As expected.
gee i wonder why is is not leading with 50 procent: Oh yeah right:
Thats a good lead with just a week to go
Hildawg country will soon be all of America