German cinema

Is this the best German film ever made?
Any more recommendations?

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>Is this the best German film ever made?

ummmmm, no, sweetie

I dont know, is it?

from denmark but close enough and about german kid soldiers

I was so happy when this won the Best Foregin Language Film Oscar over Pan's Labyrinth. So many spics talking shit about a movie they will never watch nor understand.

>Wenn manche sagen: »Sie sind ein Phantast!«, dann kann ich ihm nur antworten: »Sie Idiot!« Wenn ich nie in meinem Leben ein Phantast gewesen wäre, wo wären sie, und wo wären wir heute alle? Ich habe immer an die deutsche Zukunft geglaubt. Sie haben damals gesagt: »Sie sind ein Phantast!« Ich habe immer an die Auferstehung des Deutschen Reiches geglaubt, sie sagten immer: »Sie sind ein Narr!« Ich habe immer geglaubt an die Wiederaufrichtung einer deutschen Macht, sie sagten immer, ich sei wahnsinnig. Ich habe geglaubt an die Beseitigung unserer Wirtschaftsnot, sie sagten, das sei eine Utopie. Wer hat nun recht gehabt, der Phantast oder sie? Ich habe recht gehabt und ich werde auch für die Zukunft Recht behalten!

Must have been hard to act for him. Pretending to listen to people and make faces at the correct times.

>inb4 some autist claims Austria is not German

Why is the actress so fucking ugly though?

My mom keeps telling me to watch labyrinth of lies. Anyone know if it's good? My mother's taste can be iffy sometimes.

There was another one about a guy and his sick mother and the guy pretended the Berlin wall didn't fall to protect his mom. Can't remember the name but maybe some other user can help.

Crazy is also a pretty good german film although the cookie wank thing is weird.

She's German

Germany has the ugliest women but the most attractive men desu

The Baader Meinhof Complex

Goodbye lenin

>those Iranian Shah supporters beating up the Boomer '68er protestors
>then the German police start beating the '68ers

I wanna watch it again for the 100th time now. Thanks....

>dGw keine antisemitische terroristin-gf

Wings of Desire (1987)

Metropolis, and M for murder are good.
Der Bluen Angel, Triumph of the Will.


Das Boot.

whos this semen demon?

As an Englishman I simply do not understand the mentality of German people, it's like talking or watching an alien. Cannot relate to them at all.

>As a brainlet

The white ribbon, even if it's from Haneke. German production.

why do all german films have to do with the WW's?

>Is this the best German film ever made?
Nope, that would be Nosferatu, Metropolis, Das Boot, M and Stroszek

>toni erdmann

Those are just the ones that make it big in other countries.

Same shut like movies about the war in bosnia. Foreigners just dont care about comfy contemporary stories.

Kekswichsen is a thing among german teens

Herzogs documentaries, if they count

If you like WW1 movies you should check out G.W. Pabst:

There's a recent Blu-ray release as well:

This plus well, WW1+2 just are a big part of German history for some unknown reason
(hint: almost everything in Germany the last ~100 years are somehow tied to WW-events)

It's a Sup Forums approved film so I expect much whining from Tranny Poster soon.

Goodbye Berlin or Goodbye Lenin. I don't remember. Has "that German guy" in it.

That film was good and the chick was hot as fuck.

The Vanishing is basically German. That's also kino.

There was a German movie series they used to show on TV here in Australia, about some fat fuck working class family who would go on vacations and be embarrassing.

Did anyone else like Victoria? The film was really nice

for the absolute pinnacle of teutonic KINOmatie, look no further

Stoßtrupp 1917 was better, but the Nazis made it so I guess you're not allowed to like it.

there are dosens of better german movies than this garbage. you faggot

This movie was insanely popular in Russia for some reason.


Thanks for naming a few buddy.

get on my level



The completely uncut version was even better
Though iirc it was like 6 or 7 hours long


no its not. source: used to be a german teen.

I am German, and along the Movies that have already been mentioned and are actually /kino/ i would like to add this trashy comedy gem. Literally the best movie to watch high, also funniest shit if you like german humor.

also this

Anatomie (2000) was pretty good. Creepy German doctors.

World on a Wire

Check it out if you haven't already, it's great. Way ahead of its time