Fucks your teenage son

fucks your teenage son

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what kino is this?

real life, bro. real life....

What does this have to do with television & film?

I would take my son out for a beer and some fishing if he did that

fucks your eight year old son

nothing is more Kino than real life.


What are some films with this aesthetic?

This honestly, If I were a parent in this situation, I would use her to get my own jollies.


20 years ago, my dad would have high five'd me
Nowadays the woman goes to jail and my son would have to go to "therapy"
We're living in cucked times.

But what if the genders were reversed?

why does this keep happening?

>the woman goes to jail


Women are property to be passed down from father to husband. If someone else fucks her they have to pay a fine or marry her if they have money. That is the redpilled way to deal with women.

For what it's worth she also molested a three year old

Damn Australia, you scary

It's slowly becoming acceptable. Gays have rights now, and that slippery slope argument isn't just fear-mongering. I'd wager within just 15 years politicians in major countries will begin advocating the lowering, or even complete repeal of age of consent laws.

>3 yo can fuck this but i can't even get a 4/10

If she gets pregnant we'll just flip a coin instead of paternity test.

I would love to be her rape victim if you catch my drift.

That is a dumb slippery slope pol argument and would be a complete reversal of the trends of the last decades. Ages of consent have been going up and any hint of teenage sexuality is compared to pedophilia. If anything feminists would be more likely to raise the age of consent to 21yo just to screw men even more.

friendly reminder in all teacher to sex cases its white women and black boys

That's not true at all my obsessed user.

>straight shota in hentai = kino
>straight shota in real life = scary

First of all, feminists don't have more control, they're just along for the ride and don't realize it yet. second, i could post at least five difference articles of politicians and other major figures advocating for lowered age of consent. But I don't care enough to do the googling right now. If you just take the time to look into it, you'll quickly find a ton of evidence there are people in high places that want this.

>That is a dumb slippery slope pol argument

In ten years we went from Jon Stewart and The Simpsons making tranny jokes to tranny bathroom laws. The slippery slope doesn't seem like a fallacy anymore - I give it another ten before the fact-checking bugmen are UM ACKCHOOALLY THE REAL DAMAGE IS DONE BY SOCIETY SHAMING THE VICTIMS, NOT UNCLE HANDSY


it's always been happening. you're just more aware now because it's being meme'd here.

It's not a new thing at all underage.

Sup Forums - Television & Film

Kino of the decade.

Not a week after the Florida shooting they were talking about giving voting rights to children as young as 15. (((They))) are poking and prodding at our political system anyway they can. And what happens to age of consent laws when a large portion of the voter demographic is under 18?

Was he black?

>Not a week after the Florida shooting they were talking about giving voting rights to children as young as 15.
Have a source? If it's just some dipshit blog you're just being an over reactionary retard again.

>Ada County Sheriff's Office
Boise, Idaho?

A handful of articles from russian controlled right wing sites. The same shitty 10 year old articles that are posted over and over on pol to whip up anti sjw sentiment. Lowering the age of consent would bring us back to a time like in the 70s when men could bang teenagers and get away with it. There is no way in hell leftist politicians are going to allow that. I don't know why poltards are so dead set on portraying the lowering of AoC as a bad thing, if anything that would benefit men enormously. I can only assume you're women if you're against it.

where were these bitches when I was younger?


Banging attractive boys.

Dammit. Where the hell were all these sexed up teachers when I was in school?

Peter Pan syndrome, millennials go crazy when they realize they're old and it's gonna be even with with gen Z that grew up with Instagram and Vine and shit.

checked, damn she is hot


>in the 70s when men could bang teenagers and get away with it.
>There is no way in hell leftist politicians are going to allow that

Easy, just wrap it up with a "female empowerment" and "my body my choice" narrative and they can do anything.

Just fuck my USA up

had the same here, the berniebro-style candidate wanted to lower the voting age to 16, probably because he knows full well that his fan base consists only of retarded high schoolers and uni students

god i wish it were me.

If you missed it they tried that for the last 40 years, turns out women didn't like being objectified and are now turning into a sort of neo-puritanism, but with the state to protect them instead of the patriarchy.

>This literal 12/10 bombshell will never send you godtier nudes


So one opinion piece in the Times? Is that it?

>Gypsy soul

>women didn't like being objectified
Excuse me?

Fucking the chads.

That's one group of sluts. You're ignoring all the other cunts that will scream rape if you so much as ask them for their number.

Fuck me man you want me to spoon feed you everything?

But the group of sluts and the group of cunts are one and the same


>turns out younglings actually start voting right wing
>Why We Should Raise the Voting Age to 21 (And That's A Good Thing)

The 8th grader told them that Peterson, whose married name is Ferri, picked him up occasionally from their home at 11pm and often spent hours with him in private afterwards.

>ywn get picked up from home to fuck your teacher.

why even live

>New Zealand
>other articles talking about how it's a stupid idea
Damn user, way to deflate your own argument.

>Be a fireman literally risking your life everyday
>Your wife cucks you with a 14 year old boy
How will he ever recover?

These "sluts" are the same ones that scream rape. They want the right to act slutty without being treated like one.

Not at all.

The point it it's being discussed, As if gay rights didn't have it's dissenters to the very end of the debate.


Id steal the phone number, and ask her if she wants some from the source.

reminder that these women chose the alpha chad kids and not the beta orbiters so it wouldnt have made a difference in the end

yeah this.

there is nothing more vile to an older, non-attractive sjw tumblr feminist than a 15 year old who looks like cindy crawford or whatever. age of consent laws are definitely going up, people are even sent to jail for sexting (eg. no physical act) these days.

Not like you, nigger.

OOoooh the burn

>The point it it's being discussed
Communism was discussed to and is rightly laughed out of the room. The fact that most of those articles shit on the idea should be a good sign for you, but no, you have to zero in on one retard. You're addicted to outrage user. You'll never be happy because you're always chasing something to be upset about.

>“I lifted my hands from the wad of fabric swirled up around the shape of his erection and found the panel opening of the crotch, then slowly moved it down to reveal his penis. Lowering my head so my hair fell across it, I spoke just above it like it was a microphone. “You can relax, Jack,” I said, bathing its tip in my warm breath. “You don’t have to say anything.” With that, I licked my lips, then slid them down over him, slowly arching my neck and extending my throat until my mouth came to the base. He made a gasping noise and bucked a little, writhing in a disoriented way that bumped the head of his cock against the roof of my mouth. I gave him a quick thirty seconds of advanced sucking, my tongue fluttering against his underside until I could taste the salty bitters of pre-ejaculate, then sat back up and wiped my mouth off on my arm”

>“Lifting off from his fingers, I stood upright on my knees and braced against the ceiling, gripping the garment hook above the door for balance. “You know what’s fun?” I asked, squaring my vagina in front of his mouth. “If you take my panties off with your teeth.” He glanced down at his wet fingers for a moment, taking in the reality of them, then brought his mouth to my underwear and grabbed at their elastic, lightly scraping the skin around it with his incisors. His head slowly lowered, his nose grazing my pubic bone, and I let out a relieved shout of ecstasy as the top of his head moved down my leg, my thighs nearly straddling the back of his neck. When my thong fell loose to my knees and he sat back, only a slight tilt of my pelvis was required—I leaned forward and in a single moist click-and-lock was sitting atop him, fully impaled by every inch he had to offer: it had happened.

“Our orgasms were almost instantaneous. I looked down into his face and saw both ecstasy and loss."

>Excerpt From: Alissa Nutting. “Tampa.”

Harmony Korrine is adapting this.

What is wrong with the world?


holy heck

>Communism was discussed to and is rightly laughed out of the room
Yet continues to be peddled in higher learning, this shit doesn't die, it just waits until the rest of us give in. And these days all people seem to do is give in.

Don't that picture look dusty.

It's called film grain, gives the image a cinematic feel.

> it just waits until the rest of us give in.
If you think Communism has even the smallest chance of taking hold in this country you're completely off your rocker. Ours is a system based on capitalism, and even if you have a negative view of it, you would admit those that benefit from this system will never let it disappear.

was there film grain in The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford?

Oh no! My poor baby boy! How will he ever recover?

He was referencing the Assassination of Jessie James by the Coward Robert Ford. Come on man.

>The boy is said to have told his parents that the relationship made his grades suffer.
The kid was doing shitty in school so he needed an excuse for his parents, lmao. It wasn't because he felt abused or some shit. Honestly if I'm the Father here, I stop the relationship, tell my kid to shut his stupid fucking mouth, then use the entire situation as blackmail against the teacher. I'd use her in every way imaginable then I'd straight up pimp her out after.

Instead people just go to the cops. Life is wasted on these pathetic normies

how is her feet game?

OwO what's this?


...so she went over to his house, picked him up at 11pm and took him to hers? the fuck were the parents thinking?

Kill yourself footfag

You really believe this system isn't vulnerable. This shits fragile, and change can sneak up on you. Especially people like you that think it's infallible.

Lucky bastard. She's smokin.

The dad was probably giving him a big old high five

How new?

go back to r*ddit if you don't like feet

The kid prob just said he was going out to a friend's place or some shit. Some teenagers have a lot of freedom.


I guarantee you most Russians didn't even know what socialism was when the Bolsheviks took over. The black nationalist transmatriarchy could take over tomorrow and we'd be oblivious about it today.

>Yet continues to be peddled in higher learning,
>higher learning
the only reason the idea of communism hasnt died yet, because there's an infinite amount of uneducated 16yos perpetuating the idea, whenever someone grows out of it

I enjoy posting on both reddit and Sup Forums. Is this a problem? Sup Forums said we're all welcome from The Donald, were they lying?