What is Sup Forumss position on abortion? Personally, I'm pro choice because humanity is a cesspool and doesnt need any more degenerative autists on this earth. Also I'm atheist, so fuck your god! Believers of any religion are straight cucks

It needs to be compulsory for non-whites.


im against abortion for religious reasons, but pro abortion for social reasons

First trimester - fine in most circumstances.
Second - better have a good reason.
Third - too late, do not approve.

I'm Pro-choice but I want women to do it with the understanding that it isn't thier body, It's the child's. The arrogance and the disgusting sense of pride that some women have about abortion is appalling. Some people aren't ready for a or more kid(s) but I'd at least like them to actually have that understanding of how heavy the consequences really are.


>consenting to take actions that create a human in your body
>not consenting to host that human in your body

thats like having a friend over for dinner, then killing them for trespassing

No, it's like kicking them out. Which is legal and moral

really depends.

if it's a rape baby, kill that fucker

if it's an underage girls, kill that fucker

if bonquiqui doesn't wanna feed the little fucker, it's not fair to kill it, no matter how early the fetus is

>its like kicking them out
no. its like killing them

If they won't leave when you tell them and you have exhausted all other options, killing them is within your rights.

Yup. I make people agree that they are "pro-abortion". usually takes a minute

>What is Sup Forumss position on abortion?
pro choice

t. Trump voter MAGA

>I consider the killing of something with the neurological capacity of a shellfish murder
>because of my feels/religion
Look. Termination within the first trimester is morally okay. Unless you have religious objections. But I'm assuming you aren't aspiring for a caliphate, so...

Second trimester is debatable, however.
Third isn't okay.

pro choice until the 4rth month and unusual circunstances like rape, if the mother is in danger or if the kid is gonna born with autism or down syndrome
anything beyond that is just to much i believe

Abortion is straight degenerate. You don't see Mohammed or Umbongo getting abortions and that's because they know its cultural and genetic suicide.

>doesnt need any more degenerative autists on this earth.

That's you OP. The misanthropes and edgelords of the world are the social failures and the genetic dead ends. Not Stacey or Chad. You sit here crying at home on Halloween while Chad rails Stacey and puts a baby in her - that's darwinism and eugenics in action right there, not abortion.

I'm pro abortion.

Rape babies; give them the option
Accident [faulty birth control]; give them the option
Poor economic situation; give them the option

I don't think having a baby should ever be a form of punishment. Besides, you can just let Darwinism take place. Are you guys that dense that you don't realize too many abortions could also put the woman at risk. I can't imagine any woman being that reckless too many times but if it happens then just let nature take its course.

I am confounded. A good thing about abortion is that it kills babies. A bad thing about abortion is that it gives women the right to choose.

>What is Sup Forumss position on abortion?

It's just a way for jews to get cheap stem cells.

>I consider killing a fully grown human murder
>Because of me feels/religion

White women are stupid to be having aboritions. Socially we have to understand that child-birth is the consequence of sex - so you better have sex with someone you like. that's where religion comes in handy. Christians have a lot less loose sex and therefore less abortions.

Abortion should be illegal for white people but that's it.

I find abortion disturbing, but I'm more interested in the "where human rights collide" scenario created when we have to decide whether to protect a viable life that cannot protect itself, or protect a woman's right to choose whether she can have a baby.

Strangely, I actually find "to protect the mother's life" abortions to be some of the more ethically thorny ones. They're very similar to the switchman's dilemma: As a physician are you doing wrong by participating in the destruction of life to save another?

>be me
>learn about late abortion
>they stab the baby directly in the top of the head and use any method necessary to get the baby out
Long story short I am not in the medical field today

we did a campaign with my highschool when i was younger we went to a really poor part of my state (chaco wich is already one of the top 3 porest state luckily i live in the capital so its better) and we gave them a bunch of contracepitve pills the ones you have to take regulary you know not the plan B type we explained how to use them and the box also had directions

a month later we got the news that almost all the houses where we gave the pills were expecting a baby because they though that they just needed to take the pill before having sex even tho we explained them how to use it and the box also had instructions

so yeah pro choice

Have fun in Hell user. Belive it or not you're still gonna burn.


No, because of basic ethics.
i.e.: Capability to suffer.

Give me an objective axiom of how anything within the first trimester is a full moral object, but a failed pregnancy isn't.

Nobody ever claimed abortions were comfortable.
That doesn't make them unethical.

In case you haven't noticed: Our instincts often suck.

>Not 'result'


Abortion is a smaller part of the large ethical question "when it is ok to kill other humans?" It is ultimately the same general question as self defense, civilian casualties in war, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and any number of other similar issues.

> I got an abortion because I didn't want to care for it.
So it is acceptable to kill other humans if you are responsible for them but don't want to be.

> I got an abortion because I can't afford to raise a child.
So, it is acceptable to kill other humans if you cannot fulfill financial obligations to them.

> I got an abortion to spare the child a life of poverty.
So, it is acceptable to kill humans who are poor.

>I had an abortion because having a child would be socially awkward or embarrassing.
So, it is acceptable to kill humans if their lives cause you embarrassment.

>I had an abortion because a child didn't fit into my plans for the future.
So, it is acceptable to kill humans who disrupt your plans.

>I had an abortion because I became pregnant due to rape, and the pregnancy reminded me of that awful experience.
So, it us acceptable to kill humans who remind you of different humans who have wronged you in some traumatic way.

> I got an abortion because I found out my child had some defect or deficiency like autism or downs syndrome.
So, it is acceptable to kill humans with birth defects like autism.

>I chose to abort my child because it was unlikely to live long.
So, it is acceptable kill the terminally ill.

>I chose to abort my child because my pregnancy posed a theat to my life or health.
So, it is acceptable to kill humans who threaten your life or health.

> I chose to abort child because I discovered that it's was a close blood relative of mine.
So, it is acceptable kill humans of their parents are close relatives.

There are other cases and reasons, but you get the idea.

Abortion represents a clash of rights. As a society, we decided that as long as the fetus' right to life infringes on the mother's right to physical integrity (ie. while it is physically dependent on her), the mother's right comes out on top.

Abortion is always going to be a sad thing, but I think this approach is realistic, pragmatic and ethical.

undeveloped fetus that wouldnt be able to live either way out of the womb = baby
when its this meme gonna stop?

Legally I would:
Pro and free if:
>Rape case with unrefutable (or good enough) evidence proving so
>If the fetus is going to die anyways
>If the mother is in danger
Pro but expensive and after a lot of paperwork if:
>Was unwanted and the "family" would not be able to raise him/her (Gotta keep the black population down, plus, it makes them commit crimes in order to pay. Getting an illegal abortion will have such a punishment that people would preffer to go out and steal)
>Alleged rape case, she might have being raped, but it was her responsibility to seek the police ASAP
Completely Illegal and literally infanticide
>Getting an abortion in an illegal/unregistered clinic
>without the woman giving a good reason to kill a baby

As a caveat, if you think the the fetus has an uninfringeable right to life then you cannot allow for abortions in the case of rape.

Unless you're forcing women to carry rape-babbies to term, you admit that the fetus's right to life is secondary to the mother's right to physical integrity.

So should it be legal for parents to starve their children?

It is acceptable to kill humans who cannot survive without outside influence?

It is about the shekels

(((They))) beleive that the baby is not human. Despite the obvious biological fallacy of such religious belief. Still they make money, and effect population control, this makes (((them))) happy. Keep in mind goyim, they also think you are not human. It will not be long and taxpayer funded terminations of goyim will be perfectly acceptable you irredeemable deplorable.

Now if this particular revenue stream was cut off, rest assured their need for population control will kick right back in.... it just wont be as kosher as (((they))) would like. So (((their)))) next option is war. Denied that? Race mixing propaganda. Without war or abortion, this wont fly very far. So, to satisfy the need for population control, they would eventually have to embrace morality.

until it cycles back around

Forgot to add
Socially I would:
>Make an abortion (that was not due to complications in the development of the child) extremely shameful (You just killed a baby because of money, you fuck).

Feminists want about free and free of guilt; that is a recipe for disaster. People need to learn that to recite they have to give, our consequences have repercussions and we should never try ti make things free of charge

Might as well kill the adult blacks.

The fetuses really dindu nothing.

Should minors be forced to carry a fetus to birth if they were raped? Not sure if I'm comfortable having teenagers being raped in the first place, let alone be forced to give birth to a rape baby.

Ban after 22nd week, no government fund of abortions.

Exceptions for rape and mothers health.

>Deborah Nucatola
Look her up
She admitted that Planned Parenthood sells tissue from babies (Highly illegal and immoral I, as a medicine student, can tell)

>giving women a choice on anything