So this is the angle they're going with: "You don't think Get Out is Oscar worthy? You're old and racist!"
Fucking Liberals.
So this is the angle they're going with: "You don't think Get Out is Oscar worthy? You're old and racist!"
Other urls found in this thread:
Have you seen it?
damn, this fucking idiot is still kicking around after all these years lol. everything opinion this guy has ever had has been wrong.
The film only has a shot at screenplay. If it loses that, it ends up with nothing and that's a successful oscar already.
I have. It was okay. 6/10. I've seen that same plot before on tv and in older movies.
Who cares?
Fuck Hollywood
Fuck the media
yeah we knew this years ago. saged
But what does Based Mendelson have to say
Surprised he isn't saying TLJ deserves it.
Yes, and there's nothing original about it when Landis Dirk Gently S1 did it better
I'll just continue to not watch until they axe the liberalism. If it takes forever, so be it. Fuck hollyjew
This. Actors are just idiots with no real life skills who never grew up like to play pretend.
He's not wrong tho. Sup Forums has been complaining about how predictable and trite the academy's picks have been year after year, and now that there might be a chance at breaking with tradition nu Sup Forums doesn't like it because it goes against their shitty r*ddit political agendas.
Opening night. I thought it looked interesting. Jordan Peele could be a good filmmaker but this certainly wasn't it. This shit's going to inflate his ego big time.
He isn't even saying Get Out deserved it. He's being ironic, he literally called his shitpost a "hot take" and made an incredibly fallacious statement.
It’s a pretty decent film, like a solid 6-7/10, but it’s far from being the best film of 2017. You know full well that it’s being pushed as such because of it being a film about racism.
>their shitty r*ddit political agendas.
reddit is one of the most unanimously leftist sites on the net
Atlanta S1E9 did it first and better.
I'm a racist and I thought Get Out was pretty good. Lead actor was absolute shit with absolutely no expression on his face for 90% of the movie
Solid 6/10 that I would recommend, but saying it's best picture is fucking pathetic
I legit dont understand why this movie is supposed to be good.
It was boring, nothing ever happened, the twist was predictable as hell "ohhh i cant find the keys uhhhh" why didn't the nigger just run away after he's seen the photos? Was he retarded?
It wasn't even scary or bloody so I dont know why they marketed it as horror either.
Fuck the Oscars. Fuck actors. Fuck actresses.
If Oscar really wants to break the mold, Mudbound is infinitely better as black and woman representative instead of popcorn films like Get Out
Get Out is a good movie. I wouldn't even fault someone for considering it "great".
I wouldn't consider it Oscar worthy in any category though. Of course, that hasn't stopped movies for being nominated or even wining in the past. I'm especially looking at you, Crash. How the fuck that piece of shit got nominated, let alone WON will never make sense to me.
The only Oscar worthy film from 2017 wasn't even nominated
but it's Netflix, they can't allow that
>What is Eres really isn't real and humans actually are complex creatures with an instinctual need to fight
>lol nvm here have a CGI shitshow final battle
Yeah, it's a perfectly adequate film.
Being unpredictable doesn't make it fit. Get Out doesn't do anything extraordinarily well. It's a decent dark comedy horror blend. Now it's being praised like the second coming because it address racial tensions, but it's just a fucking Twilight Zone episode. It's the kind of film that would get a cult following a few years down the road not some must see MoTY material.
its because amerifats are obsessed with race
>sjws think the academy is full of evil old white men
>Sup Forums thinks the academy is full of anti-white feminists
If that's some rule34hentai dot net sfm porn of Cindy, you need to drop the sauce
>'''Weinberg''' criticizing the '''Oscars'''
*sheistering intensifies*
>muh cgi
When will you faggots die?
you are
The Oscars aren't worth the attention they get.
Sup Forums thinks those old men pander too much, SJWs think they don't pander enough
Why not nominate Annabelle creations too while you're at it??
Maybe, maybe not, but she has killed a womb full of people!
>you don't expect it so it's good
Go to sleep Rian
>When will you faggots die?
I don't mind CGI if it has a purpose. It didn't have any purpose in Wonder Woman's finale
The Oscars aren't worth attention period.
Neither are the fake controversies '''they''' try to drum up around them.
everyone is stupid from all sides, it's just that we are able to say stupid shit all the time and for everyone and have other stupid people read it and react to it in an even more stupid way, so there is escalation
you wouldn't make a thread for a so-so reasonable opinion, so we only have threads about stupid retarded absurd shit, we only get to see the worst of everyone, the stupid liberals also just see the worst of stupid racists because that's what's trending on whatever they go
stupidity should not be surprising
>Not wanting Get Out to win
>Not wanting to watch liberals completely miss the point of one of the film’s main themes
>Not wanting the minute possibility of Jordan Peele throwing caution to the wind and taking the piss out of Hollywood for that very reason
Sorry black "people" but this the year of the woman and Hollywood wants to apologize for all that (rape) so LadyBird is going to win.
Maybe Get Out will win best original screen play (even though it wasn't not all original)
please let me walk through the gauntlet so I can smile at them when I get my gun
hence the shilling
Going to absurd amounts of shilling on here today.
Liberals could always form their own academy, give their own awards
Maybe it wouldn't be as prestigious?
It's almost as if the prestige of an Academy Award rests on the academy being populated with the old white dudes that built the entire industry, and so their recognition of a film's merit has some value, and if you got rid of the old white dudes winning an Oscar would be meaningless
But what do I know
>Liberals could always form their own academy, give their own awards
It's called the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and they give the Oscars
oscar threads
Guns can save lives. Defensive gun uses vastly outnumber gun homicides by a HUGE margin. The right to own a gun is protected by the constitution of the United States of America.
Abortions usually do not save lives. Most medical procedures require some sort of waiting period. "Parental permission" is already required by people wanting guns under 18 - and in many states parental permission is not required for an abortion. "a note from his doctor proving he understands" and "the effects of gun violence" could be compared to the mandatory background checks required when purchasing a firearm. An ultrasound wand up the vagina is a hell of a lot less invasive than having anything shoved up the ass, as the vagina is much more receptive to insertion than the anus is - and again, this is inherently required in this type of medical procedure; I sure as shit wouldn't trust any doctor who says they can perform an abortion without doing an ultrasound first. Plenty of states have strict gun laws that make gun shops quite rare. Almost any hospital can perform an abortion. The "gauntlet of people holding photos of loved ones begging him not to buy a gun" is pretty much recreated 24/7 online and in the media - but in any case, their complaint is that people who have a different opinion are protected by the 1st amendment. If you know their opinion is wrong, you aren't going to give a shit if they're yelling at you, because you'd know they're wrong.
Maybe you're not so sure after all?
It makes more sense to forcibly make young women take the contraceptive pill by law, right? I mean, no woman has ever been in control of their reproductive system and conception of children, right?
Underrated post
boomer thread
How can anyone even think this Sunday afternoon TV flick or le ironic dark humour 3 Billboards are better pieces of cinema than Dunkirk or Phantom Thread? Has the film industry no integrity left?
Based rape face man
SJW are literally "nice guys" aren't they?
Limp wristed assholes with no confidence, plying on the nice guy, haha equality fad to get girls & praise.
>It didn't have any purpose in Wonder Woman's finale
It did. To show magical badguy.
There shouldn't have been a magical badguy
Yes, a little transparent, but a 8/10 tops. Good film. Jordan Peele has a future ahead of him
>Abortions usually do not save lives.
Technically they do save lives. Crime rate has dropped in places where abortion has been legalized.
I think it's a bit much to say that more than 50% of aborted babies would have gone on to become murderers.
Most lives saved from abortions would be from situations where the mother would have otherwise died during childbirth.
If you say so fellow pede.
get out is the only film nominated for best picture that I've seen. I never in a million years would have guessed that it would even be in contention for being nominated for best picture. It was a pretty good flick. thats it. I'm just glad I'm not invested in the oscars at all like some queer or a woman. I'm honestly embarrassed that Sup Forums has enough fags who watch that shit that we need a fucking sticky for you.
>the public is now literally bullying the academy into giving awards to movies
what a time to be alive
More like you shouldn't have been born.
>Hollywood is corrupt
>Oscars are won by bribery and campaign
>but we should care who wins
Fuck off. Call me back when Sup Forums gets an awards show.
If it isn't an Oscar film then why is it better than The Post, Dunkirk, and Darkest Hour?
Yeah it's pretty a popularity contest and hollywood jerking itself off, the people that love the Oscars are usually pop culture worshippers.
>arguing with a hole
I wouldn't even call it liberalism anymore, they're nothing but a mix of *minority* supremacists and diseased white birds shitting in their own nests.
Then why aren't song to song or a ghost story nominated? Why not BR2049?
is this a made up conversation?
Why would people lie on for attention and praise?
youre time has come old (white) man!
The angle is, the oscars are outdated in terms of recognition of merit
Good Films don't get recognized often enough, Good Actors don't get recognized often enough, Good Crew members don't get recognized enough
How does Get Out break the tradition, exactly? It got nominated for political reasons, not for its merits, just like every single Oscar bait movie, this is nothing new.
It was actually pretty good, though.
>it's another "the establishment pretends to be anti-establishment" episode
Get ready for a lot of this in the next few years.
>Abortions usually do not save lives
They make lives easier
Having a child is very costly, it's something that people shouldn't do unless they have enough to care for a child
Most people who get abortions are people who cannot take care of children
Putting too many kids in the foster system is a bad thing, leaving kids in the care of shitty parents is a bad thing, forcing kids to live a shitty life because their parents weren't adequate is a bad thing
I'm not saying that abortions are just as important as gun control, nor am I arguing about the merits of increased gun control
Guns don't save lives, they protect lives at the cost of others. Yes, criminals do deserve to be punished, but usually the crimes they commit aren't worth capital punishment. That is to say, if the crime they are committing wouldn't be punished with capital punishment, the life was worth something. Yes, guns save innocents at the cost of the guilty, but if killing the guilty once caught isn't the end result, then you can't honestly say guns save lives.
Then they're not breaking tradition. They could have given Beasts of No Nation a shot too, but there's the same problem.
guns save lives that matter!
>someone who's old and actually knows film history
>us vs them mentality
never gonna make it
lmao ulta woke liberals like ((Weinberg)) is literally what the movie is making fun of
Get Out did not push the envelope in the end.
Chris should have been arrested with the headlines saying "BLACK MAN KILLS WHITE FAMILY"
lmao Get Out was pure shit.
Most aborted fetuses have at least one black parent.
it's a good movie, but it's not oscar worthy
>I’m a racist
Opinion discarded
Damn I always knew it was a shit movie then.
"You don't think you're old and racist is Oscar worthy? Get Out!"
i tried going thru this guys tweets to find the og tweet so I could see the responses but jesus christ this guy tweets like 100 times a day how can anyone actually follow him
i wouldnt mind having get out win. its a nice little jab to the over liberal types, and it is super well constructed. but at the end of it all, its just a movie about white people being overly accepting of black people and culture. thats not really a life changing message.
but really no movies this year did that.