This is Winona Ryder. Say something nice about her

This is Winona Ryder. Say something nice about her.

Other urls found in this thread:


She's good at dodging ovens

I wanna ride her

You mean Winona Horowitz


Some plz post the webm of her being lewd

Is true what they say about jewish women?

"Hello Winona, you look very attractive and your milky bosoms are wonderful. Would you object to a torrid but brief sexual encounter with me later?"

Hot as fuck boi

It's not really lewd, but here.

For jew

Thanks for this post



She did a pretty good job of spying on musicians for Israel in the 90s.


Stop stealing my heart

She has nice tits and id smash


Is this her kleptomania? Lmao

Yikes, very descreet

i thought she had brown eyes but they look mixed here

Best Friends guest star appearance ever.

She really grapes my squildo

Mixed? Are you retarded. I think the term you are trying to use is hazel. That's when eyes have many color flecks. But no, winos eyes are light brown.

>This is Winona Horowitz, not "Ryder"

Shes got big doe eyes and nice titties and I want to splooge on her.


Not according to my autism. In season one Ross puts her on his list of celebrities that it would be ok for him to sleep with in a relationship with someone else, then she comes on the show and doesn't recognize her.

Wynona's got a big brown beaver.

in the friends universe, winona ryder and bruce willis look different to our winona and bruce

Of yeah the guys watch die hard too. Fuck.

Back in the 80's early 90's she was my goth Queen! I still love you Winona!

Still hot, still would.

No one fucking cares, you lonely, bitter little shit.

And the OTHER webm?

She can get whatever she wants without paying

I love you.

moar pls


you apparently do, shlomo

I know what hazel is you dumb coon. My point being that if you zoom in she clearly has 3 different nuances and the center one is the only that is brown. You can clearly see green/grey on the edges followed by some yellowish color. Pic related is a brown eye.

ross also books a restaurant table in her name

>the weinstein cries while it stabs your ass

DO you think Winona would have frozen Eggs?

do you think shes still fertile at 46 or down for "fun"

She cannot act for shit, but she is hipster fit


post more winonas

Did she just grab a coat and walk right out with it?

Were it all went wrong?

Source user? I've always wondered that since she always dated "troubled" musicians in the 90s.



I literally want to fuck Winnoa, even at her current age of forty-six. I don't care, I want to ride her hard like an oncoming collision.

Her breasts are nice and perky, I want to suck on those titties as if it were the apocalypse and I a day to live.

Christ, I love Winona.

>Americans get broad-costed live when going to court


holy shit she got wrekt.