John Oliver uses statistics and bashes liberals

I want off this ride. Nothing makes sense anymore

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Ben Shapiro roasted him on his podcast today for this bullshit

What the fuck kind of timeline are we in?

is there a yt link?

wasn't as brutal as last time he ripped on oliver

for what? flip-flopping? the SAME exact fucking shit shapiro does?

John Oliver stuff is near the end

Holy fuck, how do people find this revolting cuck funny?

He just put forth a massive strawman argument about some white NY'er, solely to set himself up for a zinger.

No, because John Oliver doesnt know what the fuck he is talking about.

Fuck off Ben you fucking Kike

this is the first CURRENT YEAR MAN video i've actually watched and how the fuck is this cringeworthy faggot on tv?

any1 have a link 4 england??

Fuck off I like his podcast even if he is a kike manlet.

The best one

It's self-flagellation. They like doing this.

>Haha, we are awful racists, aren't we hon?

My father had a knife pulled on him when he was forced to go to a black elementary school during desegregation. Googles are shitty even as children.



what did he mean by this...

The manlet kike destroyed JO.

>Black culture is anti-education
>White people flee black areas, to avoid higher taxes (to pay for the nigs)/property devaluation
>White flight causes vacuums for black people who don't care about education
>Black areas left without tax-support, and a culture that does not care about education

I made it even more simple than Shapiro but this is the basis of it.

Forcing whites to live with blacks causes even more self-segregation than law-enforced-segregation. Whites simply move out of the affected zones, resulting in a loss of investment, culture that views education as important, and tax $ support in these areas.

the rest of the video was typical cringey liberal trash

nothing to see here

I am better than black people

That first class plane joke was the first time I unironically laughed at his jokes

Fucking racist facts and statistics at it again.

>mfw I post a comment and get 256 likes and all the anger is coming from white liberals screaming that not all angry liberals are white
It's so poetry, so that they rhyme

>tfw this faggot made me laugh

I donĀ“t know, I want to get off.

You know what I am finding? Select leftist policies may very well be the savior of white neighborhoods. For example, abortion. Non-Whites disproportionately have abortions versus Whites. Unrestricted abortion, a leftist policy, checks on the non-White births. Further, sex education and subsidized birth control available at schools will keep down teen pregnancy. Take education. Funding non-White neighborhoods will keep the Blacks and Latinos from getting uppity and demanding to attend White schools.

This decade and the next are the White man's last stand. You have to be strategic in your policies. You have to take hold of the narrative. You have to become your enemy insofar as it keeps the non-Whites from getting uppity. The Right is doing everything wrong. Donald Trump is an anomaly both in terms of him winning the nomination and winning the presidency. Trump is the anti-establishment candidate. Just like Barack Obama, Trump is a novelty. Do not believe that there will be more Trumps or that you will have the votes to send another Trump into the presidency. Both the racial and age demographics are against White America.

>why does racism still exist

because there is a population that benefits from racism.

>You must mean white people

No, I mean democrats

Yes, we know democrat policies are oppressive to nigs and spics.

It's completely fine. They will keep voting them into their local governments, while whitey continues to flee to areas with better laws, better people, and better culture.

I unironically enjoy watching his show in 2016

He's got to throw us a bone every so often in an effort to maintain the illusion of impartiality that allows his audience to feel intellectually superior when watching the show.

>Ben Shapiro

How many times do we southerners have to say it? How many times do we have to post this pic before white liberals who have never met a black person will get it?


but we have lots of blacks in nyc and people still don't get it

Which is why there are arabs in Idaho and Montana by decree from king nigger

kys mane

Weird, he's not completely wrong

>south, racist in theory, not in practice
>north, racist in practice, not in theory

all these racist cucks should just off themselves

is he getting fat? he looks fat

So basically this entire video can be summed up that blacks benefit from leeching off of whites. The problem isn't if one black kid or two black kids are at a white school it's when there's half of the class is black or there's only a few whites. Then there is bullying and harassment of the whites the parents pull the kids and then people are outraged there's segregation. I'm so sick of these black leeches. Just fuck off. Why can't whites have their own cities and communities without blacks and Hispanics and Asians and Muslims getting asshurt and infecting them.

oh shut up cunt

t. Butthurt nig

you dumb fucking faggot, libs are the ones who created the "causes" that you think their polices are inadvertently fixing. The white man didn't need to be strategic with blacks prior to the 60s because blacks understood the value of a two parent family. The same goes for the overall demographic changes; white liberals are responsible.

Coming from the deep south, it's so strange to hear a white lefty finally admit this.

Of course a 'black' school failing is the fault of the community and no one else. Every teach I know says the same thing, that if a kid doesn't have "it" at home then they're not going to get "it" at school. It's not schools that fail. Schools are simply mirror images of the communities they serve. It's the communities themselves that fail in their entirety. It makes no sense to tear down success by diluting it with failure.

Laugh tracks make the sheep feel included

Search 'agreeing with the liberals for the wrong reasons' on YouTube. You will love it I promise

you're literally just a whiny little bitch, neck yourself cunt.

why does America have a obsession with gay british? the only ones on American tv are the faggy sounding ones from south England which should be genocided

responded to myself on accident, rest in pieces me.
you're literally just a whiny little bitch, neck yourself cunt.

Ben Shapiro is probably the only conservative leader that I would believe has 200 IQ

Checked. I hate the left saying individuals are good so the whole race is good, although they have zero experience with either.
t.Southern who has black friends even though i call them niggers casually but they let it fly because they don't act like nigs and I worship scott adams


>Shilling for precious metals in the beginning


It is an interesting sponsor choice but all podcasts have to do these kinds of shilling

>not available in your country
What does he say?

>mfw people I know think John Oliver is the gold standard of well-researched truth
>"it's just rare to see a show with so much facts and solid research behind it"

This guy just touts a bunch of cherrypicked facts suited to support his narrative and intersperses them with god awful, formulaic jokes and laugh tracks. He never allows anyone on his show to debate/challenge his views, ever. Anyone who unironically enjoys this guy and thinks he's some kind of intellectual needs to drive off a fucking cliff

Perhaps consider:

The one where Time Warner was losing too many views & everyones admitted defeat.

>never allows anyone on his show to debate/challenge his views,
At least Jon Stewart would invite guests who held contrary opinions to his own. Stewart was really good at that sort of thing. Most of the time he won simply because reality was against the Bush administration. It's a shame he got so smug around 2011 or so.

This. He's rock-solid and consistent.

I'm from Boston and they tried this shit in the 70's
didn't integrate anything and just pissed everyone off, black students now had to commute an hour to school and an hour back, whites had to do the same thing, white kids got bullied by black students, and black students who went to nice white schools didn't do anything with their opportunity except fuck white women and sell drugs

>I worship scott adams
the fuck does that have to do with anything lol

Hi Austin

"shill for the high score muh six million"

Just offer vouchers.

Did you watch the show in between these posts?

It's actually pretty simple.

He's criticising predominantly white school AND neighborhoods in New York, for being predominantly white.

He called them racists, explicitly.

The solution of course is forced diversity.

It's politically incorrect for European Americans to have well funded, well maintained, and with high standards of education.

It is thus the white man's fault the schools that are majority non-European are dilapidated and out of control, with lousy educators to boot.

I wonder why quality educators would want to get paid more to work in better funded and more civil environments?

Really makes your synaptic cleft flood with ions.

imagine if Larry Elder was on Oliver show and repilled him on blacks.

You have got to give it them, they really make it look legit, at least compared to what other prime time shows are doing. At the beginning I was kinda enjoying it when it wasn't shilling for the lefties so transparently as it is now. So I do understand why so many believe what they say and HOW they say it.
It is pretty compelling when MSM and facebook are some tards' only source for news and politics. They really make it feel like it's well research and completely unbiased.


He literally said that niggers in only nigger schools become criminals

The problem doesn't seem to be lack of diversity, but the 'diverse' themselves

yeah it was pretty blatant. I also found it odd that he talks about experiences within the school and yet make snide remarks to parents who didn't like the idea of forcing their children to go to other schools to create a diverse environment. Essentially saying their opinions don't matter if they don't coincide with mine.

Let's be fucking real here. Children are going to adopt habits of a certain community, so the only reason those small amount of blacks are doing good in predominantly white schools is because the community around the school enforces a healthier and more educated life. If anything I'd be more concerned as to why Latino and Black communities can't go out and build their own community the same way. Resources can't be an excuse at this point.

neither does (((shapiro)))

3.00153 divergence timeline. El Psy Kongroo.

>Obama halfway defends Comey while Glenn Beck attacks him.

Which reality have we passed into?

> live in UK
> be unlucky enough to foster such a cuck
> The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
> cant even listen to his NuSpeak
not even worth proxying to watch this shit

race-realism needs to go mainstream again and soon. However, it takes a generation of honesty to do that and three generations are already lost.

>What the fuck kind of timeline are we in?

We're not in any particularly special timeline, we just slipped into the Age of Aquarius while you weren't looking. It happens. A whole new golden age of spiritual enlightenment is upon us because the Earth floated into a part of space with "truth" radiation. This of course means everyone on Earth is slowly learning about the super powers they've always had, all along. Like Jesus or Buddha. Amusingly all we're doing at the moment with these miraculous powers is making our memes real, exposing the new world order, and unintentionally causing a lot of natural disasters.

Protip: the magnetic poles will eventually shift. Google what that might mean for you depending where you live and prepare for one hell of a ride.

And what is your solution? And how do you expect to get there?

Most of the time when I ask this question it's along the lines of "The Free Market and Personal Responsibility." Great, I agree. But you don't have the votes to implement a lot these policies. You are always going to have public funded schools and welfare. It usually goes like this:

1. Stick to conservative values and "educate" the brown and black man

2. Vote Republican

3. ?????

4. Profit

How do you plan to reach a Republican majority when the demographics are against you?

> three generations are already lost
Where did it all go wrong? What happened to breaking bad stereotypes through pride, struggle and hard work?

this is the first time I'm saying this but geoblock is useful for the first fucking time in the history of the internet, not spreading this leftie lunacy to the rest of the english speaking world.

On the other hand UK is already infested with it so don't know how to feel about it

>Where did it all go wrong?
KGB forced marxism in the west to destabilize and the destroy the US in the late 50's, it was coopted by globalist kikes almost immediately and spun rapidly out of control. the kikes had been forcing it since the late 1800's but it didnt gain steam until actual humans (the KGB) backed it. the kikes coopted it immediately and it got so carried away that even the KGB quickly began to regret backing it.
>What happened to breaking bad stereotypes through pride, struggle and hard work?
that never existed, subhumans will always be subhuman. you cant outmeme fucking biology.

No but you mentally condition someone to avoid taking on negative aspects and promote positive aspects as much as they can right?

we're lucky, our internet isn't as policed as say germany (most music videos that aren't cucked are banned and most historical/political content too)
so we can see both sides. Yeah lets hope one day we can be as sane as polacks

i was a lifelong liberal til i lived in baltimore for a few years. literally got red pilled my first fucking day there.

none of my liberal friends have ever lived in a majority black/hispanic area. some of them have lived in cities but when you go to visit its always the really nice white parts in some outrageously priced apartment.

really makes you think

you cant brainwash out basic biology. you cant brainwash a groups IQ into being 20 points higher on average. its the unavoidable reality.

The system needs to crash so that it can be reset. It needs to crash hard enough to eliminate welfare.


Towards the end when he talks about things he hates. Find it yourself you fucking fag

lol, its not IQ, is a spell cast over Yanks and Europeans, black youth abuses of their skin colour and what the media say people with their skin colour are like, i think the only civil and smart black people i met was the ones that lived in latin america and didn't understimate white criollos

but in Europe and US black youths walk around like they own the place, try to be criminals but can't plan out shit, they can't even close you up on a street, they somehow just think that by showing you their face and talking in slang you gonna comply and put down your pants. Maybe this is how europeans and yank have been taught to act, but at least dodwn here in better-america our nigs set traps for us, they don't expect us to be scared because of their skin colour and language, they actually do their homework and figure out how to comit a crime

I've actually done a lot of work studying demographics vs school performance. I live in beanerville and there aren't enough blacks here to get a good answer on how they perform here. (They'd likely be different than blacks in the rest of the country.)

I can do an exceedingly good job of predicting a school's performance based on demographics alone. It used to be that the number one predictor was percent minority status, then it changed to percent minority x percent in poverty, and the past 2 or 3 years, it has been poverty. Note that it is really hard to untangle poverty and minority status here, and you are only talking about minor changes with one being more important than the other.

When you start looking at what is going on here, you start to find that culture has an undeniable effect. Kids who are both poor and minority often come from a shit culture that does not value education. Whether or not there is a biological basis is moot at this point, because there is no impetus to learn with these kids. They don't give a fuck, regardless of whether or not they have the potential.

Another issue is that minority kids who go to a school that is mostly white do better than other minorities, even if they're poor. They have to do their homework and turn it in just to fit in.

negroids have brains over 10% smaller than caucasoids, this is because of their sloping ape skulls, this has a significant impact on their cognitive ability and is why their IQ is around 30 points lower than whites, or lower, on average. this is reality, accept it.


its just dumb to assume IQ and ability to get the uphand in situations go hand in hand, ive met many math-geniuses who got their head regularly flushed

>Take education. Funding non-White neighborhoods will keep the Blacks and Latinos from getting uppity and demanding to attend White schools.
They actually get plenty of funding, but it makes no difference in results for spics and nigs. Of course, they'll bitch more if you don't fund them.

Next time some shitlib tries to argue with you about schools, read these:

Armed with these facts you'll never lose another argument, so long as you aren't shit at arguing facts.

But I thought the holocaust was a lie...

How autistic are you?

He only 'bashed' liberals for not being sufficiently libcucked.

what? its a good indicator of cognitive ability and when you compare it with their 'culture' and 'history' its blatantly obvious that they are retarded.

in the US, an IQ of 70 used to be considered legall retarded, but during the marxist overhaul of the country the kikes cried that it was racist since like 50% of the nigger community was considered legally retarded, so they dropped it.

subhumans will always be subhumans, its in their DNA, its basic biology. the quicker everybody accepts that the better

Libs will just spout some made up statistic that say that it could have just as easily happened in a white school

Guys guys, it doesn't matter how white or how nigger a school is, public schools (especially public "universities") are little more than indoctrination centers these days.