Election nostalgia


>this was 8 months ago

post all 2016 election memes. its almost over and i dont want it to end ;(

Other urls found in this thread:


>8 months
What happened to my life.

>not wanting the election to be over so we can begin our glorious first 4 years of liberal bootyblast


kek forgot about this one

Almost a week left to go. Final stretch boys.

What have i been doing with my life

delet this

>you now remember trump sent rubio a care package with trump brand water and towels

When will the results be avaible?

Are those cans fake or photoshop?


next tuesday

That is truly terrifying

The election day is november 8th. But how long until they count all the votes. Or is it on the same day like Brexit. Usa is a big country (4u).

Holy shit my legs just started a cold sweat watching this

This is what you get for being a fucking retarded. It's fucking obvious from that vantage point that there's a lot more cliff before you hit the water.

From the looks of it they land directly on their fucking Coccyx and probably straight up snapped their spine, at least.

*record scratch* *freeze frame*
So youre probably wondering who I got here...

Is he daijobu?

did he died

For anyone wondering, he survived.
(How do you think they got the footage otherwise?)

What a fucking cunt. Terrifying though. Anyone know what happened to this fuckhead? Where was this shot?


Off his washed up body?

Maybe you are right, but he survived anyway. I saw it on the News somewhere.


I'll just tell you now:
Hillary wins electoral college.
Trump wins popular vote.
Chaos and civil war until all leftists are purged or driven into the sea.
You're welcome.

I usually don't like muscular chicks or shitskins, but muh dick.

I actually started making a video for just such a purpose. But Im waiting for election day footage to release it.

If you guys want I could drop the unfinished version unlisted. Maybe there are some things I forgot anyway.

That night you will know.

we're waiting....


>this was 3 years ago


Alright Ill start uploading

my ass bone cringed from this

sauce pls


Wow, your fucking stupid. Republicans vote on November 8th. Democrats vote on November 9th.

You've been on here how long, newfag, and you didn't know this? Terrible.

Well this is what we fought for

It now has meaning.

holy fuk


Nevertrumper breaking kneecaps was a good moment

brazilian comes to Sup Forums posts some stupid shit! brazilians! many such cases! very sad!

Well that's what you get for going cliff diving wearing sandals. Gay as fuck man

Here it is faggots. Tell me what I missed.


this is either the most obvious paid protester or the biggest dumbass

Hey guys, member the Ted Cruz affair scandal?

in all seriousness, can someone please cut a montage of everything that has happenned, this really has been the greatest time of my life

like fuck college, fuck high school, fuck married life and fuck a career, Sup Forums during the 2016 election was the place to be

>mfw obama will have to shake trumps hand

good vid

Looks like the missing clip was hillary siezing

Needs a Go Pro an hero music

this is priceless, I wish Trump stumped Hillary as hard as he did Jeb in the debates


Some suggestions:

>Some clips of Donald and Jeb going at it during the GOP debates
>Some clips of Cruz and Donald, and some Cruz memes

If the big final revelations from O'Keef + Wikileaks are as good as they say they are, put something from them in too.

Also, more Pepe/Kek, and maybe throw in some Styx clips where he talks about meme magic.

where is the rest of this?

I decided to spare the Ratman because he bent the knee eventually, but yeah I'll look into the rest.



Somebody please photoshop Trump's face on the blue tshirt guy, and either news channels or political opponents on the other people.

I figured it out.

There's NO fucking Cruz. Him, Jebposting and Bernigger salt mines were the real highlights of the year.

Dude lived:


Did he died?

Im considering adding Bernie. But I would need to cut some stuff out to put him in and I feel like in the end he was just an accessory obstacle to Clinton. Trump and him never really got involved with each other except from some snide comments back and forth.

He just scratched his back apparently.

This seems to be the original video (found in the link here ):


Wtf is he a cyborg how dos his eyes record stuff?

next wednesday

>the snapping noise


Might want to decrease the music volume as well. There were a couple times that the music overpowered the audio you were trying to play. Otherwise pretty good start. Oh, also you have about a 5 second blackout gap after the Bummer intro and his teardrops. Might want to cut that to about 2.5 Long blackouts (more than 3 seconds) tend to end the attention span of most people now a days...

His life flashed before his eyes and TMZ bought the rights

The blackout is where Im going to put his victory being announced.

time travel


donald gets me wet, does it do the same for you pol ?

Man, can't believe Aids Skrillex was from way back in March. Oh how time flies.

> that crunching sound

My only note would be to take these other notes seriously, work on it more, and release it on 11/7 or so. Put some sweat into it. It may go viral on you.
Good job user.
-TV Producer


This is now a 2012 nostalgia thread


Name of this chick?

Alice Matos