Tfw you can't visit real life Wakanda

>tfw you can't visit real life Wakanda

And that's a good thing.


Couldn't they just come up with fake names instead of always proving Sup Forums right?

>white architects and engineers design it
>Mexicans under supervision of whites build it
>give it off to blacks
>within a month the worst part of Disneyworld

This but unironically.

Please do it
>KANGZ steal decoration and ornaments and begin to illegally stay in the fake buildings
it'll be a great experiment

I actually wish white people were not allowed. Lets see how long this shit would hold without white people money.

But they could have the whole of sub-Saharan Africa, and we'll make sure we never mix by banning them from the entirety of terrible, awful Western Civilization, and we won't oppress them with aid or trade. They will have their Utopia then, gosh, maybe we should get a crowdfund going...

Article doesn't exist.

I mean, come on

>life is becoming a parody of it's self

Who getting the beer while we watch the world burn?

The only thing being proved is that Sup Forums is just too fucking stupid to recognize fake articles. Kill yourself.

those are fake names
Eshel is a jewish name not ***-stein

Just how retarded are you?

Just so everyone knows this article isn't real

>People smuggle drugs inside to host hidden black parties
>Gangs who visit the park have fights inside
>Overall safety in the region surroundings plummets
It will be DisneyWorld's downfall and I love it

This. -stein and -berg were fake surnames that jews invented to pass as Germans.

They became "jewish" once it was passed on to the descendants though.

That's what black activism was always about let's segregate the fuck out of people based on how they look!

>Disneyland making their own black getho inside the country

It will be featured in chinese/japanese tourism guides as a no-go zone, top kek

>not pretending its real to have a fun thread

>implying your average nigger can even afford to go to disney world

>desperately clinging to a consumer product.

I knew niggers were dumb but jesus christ.

You’re too fucking dumb to realize for every fake one of these there’s a dozen real ones with the same sentiment.


this is a good thing
keep the blacks in their own neighborhoods where they wont bother people

>h-haha i was just pretending to be a retard got you guise hehe

but most black people aren't allowed in the park



This is fake news made by Sup Forumsfags

its true though. i dont give two shits about these things outside of Sup Forums either. so i couldnt care less if its true or real, im jsut here for the memes

It's going to be Gangs of New York all over again.

>Disney building a containment area for nigs so they don't nig up the rest of the park

what exactly is the problem?

Doesn't Black Panther realize at the end of the movie that integration and helping the less fortunate with his super metal is the way to live? Doing would essentially spit on the ending message of the movie wouldn't it?

What a retard.

I'm unironically fine with that, easier to kill them all when they are in one place ya know.

Yeh all the black people can move over to wakanda I'd actually be fine with that

That's fine, so long as blacks aren't allowed outside of Wakanda.

It is funny how seggeration is now portrayed as a good thing. But maybe it is when it is done by corporations.

>BY Hannah Goldberg
I'm glad, they have to keep doing this, push people further and further. Some day soon it will all be ogre, the line will be crossed.

That's literally what feminists say when a false rape threat is exposed. What's it like to be as retarded than a feminist?

Because while we're shitposting on an anonymous Mongolian imageboard they're ruining innocent people's lives with their shit, you fucking reddinigger.

black people are doing and here is why white people shouldn't

That writes articles forever!

we could probably fit all the black people onto an island, there are what 30 million? just encourage them to live in their kangdom then they could be happy

>Disney CEO- (((Bob Iger)))

Who needs fake articles anyway.
>thats what feminists say
>how do you do fellow right wing goyim!

This. Wakanda Island is just like it is in the movie, an isolationist, closed off, afro-centric black power fantasy.


It's easy to bait people of low intelligence


pol was right

It's fake, retard.

whatever you say mrs.goldberg



But this is.



>and white people shouldn't be allowed inside

Of course it doesn't. Sup Forums falls for everything

>only Straya' is shitposting



BASED ladypedes falling for shops/inspect element as always

you must be REALLY new on Sup Forums

then niggers shouldnt be allowed outside it

It's actually fucking disgusting how the government and american society has convinced black people that they're weak and incapable.
By telling them that the only reason they're doing poorly is due to the government fucking them over, they've essentially stopped black people from understanding that they can change their situation themselves.
Then they use that resentment to market garbage like black panther and finally get a untapped demographic to spend money at Disneyland.
This shit doesn't apply to all black people of course, and the issue is more complicated than this.
But fuck me if I don't feel bad seeing this group of people actually getting fucked over by the very people who claim to be on their side.

Theme Park fags all know that Universal owns the theme park rights to all X-Men and Avengers family characters (including Black Panther) in perpetuity. That's why Disney put mutants out to pasture in favor of Inhumans and made a franchise out of Guardians of the Galaxy.


I actually support this, we should get a petition going. It will be like the Chinese and their Forbidden City palace.

What seems to be the problem?

same applies to modern day republicans and white people tbqh

>outrage clickbait article
All jews care about is money.

The state of /pl/keks.

Bad idea, the Wakanda theme park is already in Tampa known as Busch Gardens: Africa

Unironically agree with the straw man Funny or Die review

it's fake but honestly maybe we should make more exaggerated fakes to wake up society

so black people want segregation like in the old days? how the fuck can a country be so full of fucking retards? people literally died for black people to have rights and now they prove every single fucking racist right by acting like the people who held blacks down in the first place? humanity really doesn't learn from history

Why doesn't universal have them at their parks, then? Instead they have Shrek 4d and fucking The Mummy ride.

This but unironically

They should also build it only with African technology

They already do. See: Donald Trump (born Schmuyle Finkeldrompff)

>recreating a boring city that could just as well be any major city in any state
I don't go to Jewsny World in the first place.

No one will fucking pay to go there.

>implying you've ever been

black people are everywhere at animal kingdom and EPCOT.

>real life Wakanda
Sierra Leone?

What do you think a (((stage name))) is?

>complain about fake news
>actively make and spread fake news
I hope you all die.

Marvel "fans"'will defend this

Wasn't the point of the movie something like Wakanda is actually a pretty discriminatory place because of their closed border policy, and they were very close to becoming a nazi empire?

But yeah we should model this theme park after the first two acts of the movie.

Stormtroopers using the same runic symbol real Nazi ones did march up and down Disney streets already.

>wakanda doesnt real
but it do

This but unironically

There's an entire Marvel section of Islands of Adventure, featuring a Spider-Man dark adventure ride and Hulk coaster.

Who was the "we're here to stay" guy?

>tfw no ladypede gf


go back to redit btw.

obvious shop